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WashingtonDC版 - MS store 来信了,$200 GC (转载)
My MS phone is coming ......这里有没有认识Herndon中文学校的“领导”的呀
WM phone 可以选择中文菜单么?转让Vamoose Roundtrip Bus Ride Between DC and NYC
微软威武霸气不差钱WINDOWS 8 的东东什么时候出来?
来美国3个月了,开始找工作!真诚求建议+推荐【出售】$367 Burberry store credit @0.8 (转载)
10 Free Microsoft eBooks on Microsoft SQL, Windows Phone Programming, moreGMU Study -- 大华府地区十年增加65万人
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Pro Pack + $30 Amazon Credit $70[活动组织] 周六 9/24 Billy goat trail Section A (转载)
Microsoft Store里面有好笔记本有熟悉INVENTORY MANAGEMENT系统的大虾吗?
Is the MS phone unlocked?公司招.net developer,地点在DC 市中心 (转载)
话题: phone话题: windows话题: store话题: microsoft话题: challenge
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34098
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: MX2 (MX2), 信区: PDA
标 题: MS store 来信了,$200 GC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 23 19:52:57 2012, 美东)
今天收到ms store 的来信。大意是我参加活动时候要的3* 手机没货,我现在可以选择
再等4-5 周,或者拿200GC. 这么大的店,怎么如此猥琐啊? 搞个活动作弊不说,没库
Windows Phone Challenge - Update on Windows Phone Inventory
Dear Microsoft Store Customer,
Thank you for participating in the Windows Phone Challenge! We're thrilled
to say that response to the challenge far exceeded our expectations. While
the response to the challenge was great, the incredible demand also depleted
our inventory of many popular Windows Phone models and, unfortunately, your
preferred choice of Windows Phone is no longer in-stock. We are actively
working to secure more inventory and anticipate receiving additional
inventory in the next 4-5 weeks. We genuinely appreciate your patience.
We understand that 4-5 weeks is a long time to wait for your new Windows
phone. If you would prefer not to wait for additional phone inventory, we
are pleased to offer an alternative. Instead of receiving a Windows Phone,
you may visit the Santa Clara, CA Microsoft Store where you participated in
the challenge to receive a $200 Microsoft Store gift card for use on any
products carried at the Microsoft Store. If you choose the $200 Microsoft
Store gift card option, you will not be required to recycle your existing
phone, but you will no longer be eligible for a free phone from the Windows
Phone Challenge.
Of course, if you elect the option of a new Windows Phone, we will let you
know when your new phone is available.
Thanks again, and we hope to see you at the Microsoft Store soon.
Microsoft Store
1 (共1页)
公司招.net developer,地点在DC 市中心 (转载)10 Free Microsoft eBooks on Microsoft SQL, Windows Phone Programming, more
DC Experiencing Lowest For-Sale Inventory Since 2005Microsoft Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Pro Pack + $30 Amazon Credit $70
奔新车!有钱的捧个钱场没钱的捧个人场!Microsoft Store里面有好笔记本
FYI: Maryland Unemployment InsuranceIs the MS phone unlocked?
My MS phone is coming ......这里有没有认识Herndon中文学校的“领导”的呀
WM phone 可以选择中文菜单么?转让Vamoose Roundtrip Bus Ride Between DC and NYC
微软威武霸气不差钱WINDOWS 8 的东东什么时候出来?
来美国3个月了,开始找工作!真诚求建议+推荐【出售】$367 Burberry store credit @0.8 (转载)
话题: phone话题: windows话题: store话题: microsoft话题: challenge