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WaterWorld版 - 这尼玛是典型的卖国了 (转载)
投资奇才温太子 (转载)又看到一傻哥们儿买了帕萨特 (转载)
商界天才温太子 (转载)"what's at stake" 怎么翻成英文??
纽时缠上温家宝了 猛料,温如春拿到180万美元从JP摩根 (转载)非你莫属女嘉宾疑学历造假 遭留法学生围攻
牧师承认偷窃 87000 美元请教怎么让youtube的一视频反复播放
[转]都有人就朱令案想向温总理提问题了发包子,求电影链接 :)
chase.com has been down for a day now!影帝又卖稀土了 :China's Wen says not to curb rare earth ex (转载)
为啥影帝到哪都喜欢整出个“几点”建议来?纽约时报:温家宏是温家宝的弟弟 (转载)
话题: jpmorgan话题: wen话题: chinese话题: ms话题: stake
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18251
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: canghai (沧海), 信区: Military
标 题: 这尼玛是典型的卖国了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 23:37:00 2013, 美东)
During her two-year consulting stint, JPMorgan executives struck a series of
deals with Chinese companies closely affiliated with Ms. Wen and her family
. Like other big banks, JPMorgan held a stake in New Horizon Capital, a
private equity firm co-founded by her brother, Wen Yunsong.
JPMorgan also invested its clients’ money in Ping An and served as an
adviser to the giant company. Today, on behalf of clients, JPMorgan owns
nearly $1 billion worth of the company’s shares. At the time of JPMorgan’s
initial investment for clients, members of the Wen family held a large,
hidden stake in Ping An through a complex network of Chinese investment
vehicles, a stake that in 2007 was worth more than $2 billion, according to
corporate filings reviewed by The Times.
JPMorgan also won an assignment in 2009 to help underwrite an initial public
offering of BBMG, a large Chinese building materials company. BBMG’s
largest shareholders included New Horizon Capital, the private equity firm
of Ms. Wen’s brother, and Beijing Taihong, an investment vehicle controlled
by a longtime business associate of the Wen family. After the shares rose
after the company’s I.P.O., Ms. Wen became the largest shareholder in
Beijing Taihong, according to a filing.
1 (共1页)
纽约时报:温家宏是温家宝的弟弟 (转载)这个AA上的亚洲女生超漂亮啊!!我被深深的迷住了
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米犹,银行太邪恶,GOP的竞选献金金主们,top5清一色的大银行 (转载)chase.com has been down for a day now!
投资奇才温太子 (转载)又看到一傻哥们儿买了帕萨特 (转载)
商界天才温太子 (转载)"what's at stake" 怎么翻成英文??
纽时缠上温家宝了 猛料,温如春拿到180万美元从JP摩根 (转载)非你莫属女嘉宾疑学历造假 遭留法学生围攻
牧师承认偷窃 87000 美元请教怎么让youtube的一视频反复播放
话题: jpmorgan话题: wen话题: chinese话题: ms话题: stake