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WaterWorld版 - 21个表明你是基本婊(basic bitch)的特征 (转载)
张柏芝一事是普遍现象,很多女的都这样NASA裁减经费 大批科学家面临失业 好奇号或被弃 (转载)
在美国哪个国家的人对中国人最有敌意?3/28 自摸,互摸与乱摸 及今天100包子 (转载)
美国 film stars最幽默的是谁?【智 商 测 试】 请 问 这 是 日 出 还 是 日 落?
你们不要说那笛不好, 求你们照顾一下偶的情绪,3X!We saw double rainbows!(Pic)
Re: 曝光一个西雅图的玩弄感情的骗子!附照片 (转载)坚决支持关闭《同志啊同志》Rainbow 版面 (转载)
请问这个算不算性骚扰?kerwin hua is Son of Bitch
话题: love话题: bitch话题: basic话题: girls话题: aka
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 759
【 以下文字转载自 Fashion 讨论区 】
发信人: lastheaven (andvegas), 信区: Fashion
标 题: 21个表明你是基本婊(basic bitch)的特征
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 30 03:13:03 2015, 美东)
1. You own any Adam Sandler movie. Specifically 50 First Dates.
2. You drink pumpkin spice lattes.
3. You post inspirational quotes on your Facebook/Twitter.
4. You tweet: “It’s 11:11. Make a wish!”
5. You Instagram photos of pretty sunsets with the caption: “i believe in
rainbows, do you?”
6. You have a dog and gave it a regular person name like “Britney” or “
7. You watch King Of Queens.
8. You’re a Republican, even though you love gay guys!!!!
9, You honestly wonder whether or not you’re a Carrie or a Charlotte.
10. You order prosecco at bars. Anything you drink is basically a giant
11. You only sleep with bankers and financial analysts.
12. You think the characters on Girls are “weird’ and “depressing.”
13. You occasionally believe in Jesus Christ, but only when your love life
is in shambles and you need a higher power to make it through.
14. You’re the reason Nickelback has a career.
15. You have a tattoo that means something poetic in a foreign language.
16. You LOVE Las Vegas AKA “Basic Bitch Capital Of The World.”
17. OMG, goat cheese!
18. You are STILL quoting Mean Girls.
19. Eat, Pray, Love AKA The Basic Bitch Bible changed your life. One day,
when you find yourself trapped in a loveless marriage to a rich man in
Connecticut, you’re going to leave him to go find yourself through
extensive prayer and pizza.
20. You RT pleas for help from children with cancer.
21. You tell people that you don’t “do” drama.
1 (共1页)
kerwin hua is Son of Bitch我日布兰妮
我为什么爱上了一个BITCH?Re: 曝光一个西雅图的玩弄感情的骗子!附照片 (转载)
中国史上十大最强女色狼--TOP 10 bitches请问这个算不算性骚扰?
张柏芝一事是普遍现象,很多女的都这样NASA裁减经费 大批科学家面临失业 好奇号或被弃 (转载)
在美国哪个国家的人对中国人最有敌意?3/28 自摸,互摸与乱摸 及今天100包子 (转载)
美国 film stars最幽默的是谁?【智 商 测 试】 请 问 这 是 日 出 还 是 日 落?
你们不要说那笛不好, 求你们照顾一下偶的情绪,3X!We saw double rainbows!(Pic)
话题: love话题: bitch话题: basic话题: girls话题: aka