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WmGame版 - WM MJ 七对攻略 1 -- starting hand
WM MJ 七对攻略 3 -- get the 6th pair麻将里面没有十三不靠阿
WM MJ 七对攻略 2 -- build your hand to 5 pairs走在八队文青的道路上
WM MJ 七对攻略 4 -- ting and hucome try Feng Yun 4
新板麻将攻略的一点体会Which mud is good?
bluestream and anewcop cheating灌水。。。
WM MJ 七对攻略 -- discussion welcome【奸商教你打牌之一】新人学牌,不要光学套路
xiangqi fans id【奸商教你打牌之基础篇】
话题: pair话题: pairs话题: feng话题: wm话题: mj
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1656
I will share some of my experience. I am going to use English first since it
is faster for me. Later I (or someone else) can translate this.
There are 4 phases when you play 7 pairs.
1. starting hand
2. build your hand to 5 pairs
3. get the 6th pair
4. hu pai
Your starting hand
how do you decide whether 7 pair is an option for a particular hand?
In the case of WM MJ, 2-3 pairs are good enough, especially,
if at least one pair is feng pair and you have other single feng
you have a pair that is 1 or 9 (1 wan/tiao/bing, 9 wan/tiao/bing)
feng and 1/9 are cards other people want less so it is easier to know how
many are left. In WM MJ, peng pai is not a good idea so feng pair and 1/9
are less valuable than those pairs in the middle (4/5/6 pairs) because 4/5/6
are easier to use to form other pais (3+4+5 for example)
if you do not peng feng pair or 1/9 pair, then you can use it in 7 pairs.
Make sense?
发帖数: 9860


【在 t*******t 的大作中提到】
: I will share some of my experience. I am going to use English first since it
: is faster for me. Later I (or someone else) can translate this.
: There are 4 phases when you play 7 pairs.
: 1. starting hand
: 2. build your hand to 5 pairs
: 3. get the 6th pair
: 4. hu pai
: Your starting hand
: how do you decide whether 7 pair is an option for a particular hand?
: In the case of WM MJ, 2-3 pairs are good enough, especially,

发帖数: 368
My 2 cents:
There are no real stages of playing 7, unless people such as tam set their
goals for nothing but 7.
Some observations:
1) every set could be used to play 7
2) P hu can turn into 7, but 7 cannot turn into P hu
3) when the set is bad at the beginning, 7 is a better approach
1 (共1页)
【奸商教你打牌之基础篇】bluestream and anewcop cheating
wlwsii re-open la觉得麻将越来越没意思了
和姚明打,其实很好打,我来教大家几招WM MJ 七对攻略 -- discussion welcome
洗版是一种传染病xiangqi fans id
WM MJ 七对攻略 3 -- get the 6th pair麻将里面没有十三不靠阿
WM MJ 七对攻略 2 -- build your hand to 5 pairs走在八队文青的道路上
WM MJ 七对攻略 4 -- ting and hucome try Feng Yun 4
新板麻将攻略的一点体会Which mud is good?
话题: pair话题: pairs话题: feng话题: wm话题: mj