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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Students! Insure valuables from theft/accidents for $60 a year NO DEDUCTIBLE
【$】T-Mobile Free Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling for Even More / EM Plans【$】Aldo Shoes - Extra 30% off all reduced footwear & handbags free ship, today only Cyber Monday, 11/29/30.
【$】TODAY ONLY (7/30/11) - Playstation 3 $203 @ Sears/Kmart after PM to Fry's YMMV【$】Little Tikes Giddy Up n Go Ride-On Pony $104.99 free ship
【$】Carters Sale~ 20% off 25 or 25% off 50 or 30% off $75 FREE SHIPPING on orders $40 or More $10 off 50 or MORE!!【$】1600 MS points $12.98 @fingerhut.com
【$】Get a 5x7 Everyday Photo Book for $1.99 Shipped from Snapfish【$】REI Stoke 19 Backpack $20 / Stoke 9 $15
【$】IKEA Restaurant bill deducted from any home furnishing purchase over $100【$】$.37 Custom Postage Stamps @ Zazzle.com TONIGHT ONLY!
【$】Lucky Brand: men's shorts $7.50, cheap men's & women's shirts【$】Hanes.com Sweats 25% off...men's hoodies $6.75 after 10% code (when you buy two), FS over $50
【$】IKEA Restaurant bill deducted from any home furnishing purchase over $100【$】2 for 1 Fandango Tickets - ends 12/26/10
【$】Futurama: Volume 5 [Blu-ray] $19.49 Shipped【$】50% off Paper towels or bath tissue - Mygofer.com
话题: students话题: insure话题: deductible话题: valuables话题: link
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
i just ordered a policy from Link:
and i thought it was a good deal, so i thought i'd share.
i got $2000 coverage (should be plenty for my macbook pro, iphone, and
textbooks -- all that really matters i think)
for $60 a year with $5 processing fee and NO DEDUCTIBLES.
the site and policy (Link:
) all make it clear that accidental damage is covered, and i even called up
and confirmed that if i dropped my iphone, it wou
1 (共1页)
【$】50% off Paper towels or bath tissue - Mygofer.com【$】IKEA Restaurant bill deducted from any home furnishing purchase over $100
【$】50% off any 1 Gillette Item (fusion) - mygofer.com【$】Lucky Brand: men's shorts $7.50, cheap men's & women's shirts
【$】50% off all diapers at Mygofer.com【$】IKEA Restaurant bill deducted from any home furnishing purchase over $100
【$】$25 off $100 ToysRUs or BabiesRUs on line if paid with PayPal【$】Futurama: Volume 5 [Blu-ray] $19.49 Shipped
【$】T-Mobile Free Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling for Even More / EM Plans【$】Aldo Shoes - Extra 30% off all reduced footwear & handbags free ship, today only Cyber Monday, 11/29/30.
【$】TODAY ONLY (7/30/11) - Playstation 3 $203 @ Sears/Kmart after PM to Fry's YMMV【$】Little Tikes Giddy Up n Go Ride-On Pony $104.99 free ship
【$】Carters Sale~ 20% off 25 or 25% off 50 or 30% off $75 FREE SHIPPING on orders $40 or More $10 off 50 or MORE!!【$】1600 MS points $12.98 @fingerhut.com
【$】Get a 5x7 Everyday Photo Book for $1.99 Shipped from Snapfish【$】REI Stoke 19 Backpack $20 / Stoke 9 $15
话题: students话题: insure话题: deductible话题: valuables话题: link