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_DealGroup版 - 【$】$150 Directv Retention Credit for Existing Customer
【$】Existing AT&T DSL customer can get Elite DSL 6Mbps for $24.95【$】Unlimited Usenet Access for $10/month at NewRazor 600 day retention for life
Existing DIRECTV Customers with HD Package - $10 Monthly Credit for Two Years【$】T-Mobile G2 Android Smartphone $99.95 w/ 2 yr extension
【$】AT&T Free Texting for 6-months (YMMV)【$】T-Mobile G2 $99 for RENEWALS. Costco ($150 - $50 rebate)
【$】Sprint Customer Retention Promo - Offering up to a $100 Discount for Eligible Customers【$】Unlimited Usenet - $5.00 For Lifetime - Thundernews
【$】Free $20 Audible Credit for existing customers, might be YMMV【$】Supernews $9.99 Unlimited Usenet
【$】One month free Gamefly (existing customers)【$】Free usenet at xsusenet
【$】Potential verizon wireless data plan promo for existing customers (must call, can't tell in advance)【$】$250 or $500 (phone) credit available from T-Mobile Customer Retention for Value Plan 2 year contract/s. YMMV.
【$】Sprint Airave Access Point 3G YMMV【$】$250 or $500 (phone) credit available from T-Mobile Customer Retention for Value Plan 2 year contract/s. YMMV.
话题: directv话题: existing话题: customer话题: retention话题: credit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
I am an existing customer since 2009. I'm trying to save money these days (
like everyone else), so I called Directv today attempting to trim my bill.
When the automated system kicked in, I said "cancel service." As is common
with Directv, I was transferred to someone in retentions. I told the nice
lady that I wanted to inquire about cancelling my service. "Why sir?" she
I told her that Dishnetwork was offering a similar package for $30 less a
month. I told them that I liked Directv service, but I wanted to save money
given the economy, etc. etc.
She said one moment, looked through my account, and upon not finding any
current promotions attached to my account, offered a $150 credit. I took it!
1 (共1页)
【$】$250 or $500 (phone) credit available from T-Mobile Customer Retention for Value Plan 2 year contract/s. YMMV.【$】Free $20 Audible Credit for existing customers, might be YMMV
【$】$250 or $500 (phone) credit available from T-Mobile Customer Retention for Value Plan 2 year contract/s. YMMV.【$】One month free Gamefly (existing customers)
【$】TheCubeNet - $4.99 Unlimited Black Friday Specials【$】Potential verizon wireless data plan promo for existing customers (must call, can't tell in advance)
【$】DirecTV Current New Customer Offer, $31 off first year & $16 off second year (offer good through Feb 8) Make it $10 better for 20 months with your AAA membership【$】Sprint Airave Access Point 3G YMMV
【$】Existing AT&T DSL customer can get Elite DSL 6Mbps for $24.95【$】Unlimited Usenet Access for $10/month at NewRazor 600 day retention for life
Existing DIRECTV Customers with HD Package - $10 Monthly Credit for Two Years【$】T-Mobile G2 Android Smartphone $99.95 w/ 2 yr extension
【$】AT&T Free Texting for 6-months (YMMV)【$】T-Mobile G2 $99 for RENEWALS. Costco ($150 - $50 rebate)
【$】Sprint Customer Retention Promo - Offering up to a $100 Discount for Eligible Customers【$】Unlimited Usenet - $5.00 For Lifetime - Thundernews
话题: directv话题: existing话题: customer话题: retention话题: credit