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_DealGroup版 - 【$】GROUPON $25 for $50 Mrs. Field's is back tonight! Cookies!!
【$】*Starts 12/15* Groupon.com: $25 for $50 Worth of Cookies, Brownies, and More Treats at Mrs. Fields.com【$】Cheryl's Cookies - Boxed Single Cookie Greeting $5 Reward Card for $5 Shipped
【$】Lots of Flowers, gift baskets, cookies delivery, discount codes (valid thru DEC 31, 2012 !)【$】2 Free Kindle eBook: 50 HOMEMADE COOKIE RECIPES and HEALTHY RECIPES: Healthy Eating [Normally $9.99 Each]
【$】Mrs. Fields Snowman Tin with 24 Nibblers Size Cookies, $6 free shippingPowerBar Performance Bars - $5.42 12ct/box shipped
【$】Groupon Summary of National Deals (good anywhere because they're redeemable online)Compiled Amazon codes for June (Mainly Food)
【$】FREE Flip Flop Cookie (so cute!) from Cookies By Design in-store【$】Perfect Brownie Pan Set - $10.99 Amazon.com FSSS.
【$】$22 for a 24-Cookie Gift Box from Insomnia Cookies (Free Shipping)【$】Free Chips/Queso and Free Appetizer or Brownie Sundae (w/entree purchase) at Chili's
【$】Banana Republic 40% OFF!!!【$】Free $1 to children's cancer research in Sep and Free Chili's food to boot
【$】Banana Republic, Old Navy, Gap 40% OFF【$】Official GROUPON National Summary Deals 9/22/10
话题: cookies话题: groupon话题: mrs话题: field话题: valid
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发帖数: 60932
In the Kansas City Grouponicus deals. It's redeemable online, so it can be
purchased by anyone (in any city). It will become active at 12:01am CST.
$25 for $50 Worth of Cookies, Brownies, and More at MrsFields.com
# Expires Feb 15, 2011
# Limit 1 per order. Valid only for online redemption. Not valid at Mrs.
Fields retail locations. Not valid with other offers.
This sold out the last time around.
Other Groupon deals good nationally can be found in this thread:
http://slickdeals.net/forums/show...=244 7622
1 (共1页)
【$】Official GROUPON National Summary Deals 9/22/10【$】FREE Flip Flop Cookie (so cute!) from Cookies By Design in-store
【$】EAS Advantage Choc Chip Brownie Low Carb Protein Bars - $8.07/12 bars from Amazon with S&S【$】$22 for a 24-Cookie Gift Box from Insomnia Cookies (Free Shipping)
【$】Amazon: 18 ct. Clif Kid ZBar Choc Brownie or Choc Chip $9.77 or 24ct. Variety $10.19 w/S&S plus FS w/Prime【$】Banana Republic 40% OFF!!!
【$】Free Chips & Queso AND Browniie Sundae at Chili's with signup【$】Banana Republic, Old Navy, Gap 40% OFF
【$】*Starts 12/15* Groupon.com: $25 for $50 Worth of Cookies, Brownies, and More Treats at Mrs. Fields.com【$】Cheryl's Cookies - Boxed Single Cookie Greeting $5 Reward Card for $5 Shipped
【$】Lots of Flowers, gift baskets, cookies delivery, discount codes (valid thru DEC 31, 2012 !)【$】2 Free Kindle eBook: 50 HOMEMADE COOKIE RECIPES and HEALTHY RECIPES: Healthy Eating [Normally $9.99 Each]
【$】Mrs. Fields Snowman Tin with 24 Nibblers Size Cookies, $6 free shippingPowerBar Performance Bars - $5.42 12ct/box shipped
【$】Groupon Summary of National Deals (good anywhere because they're redeemable online)Compiled Amazon codes for June (Mainly Food)
话题: cookies话题: groupon话题: mrs话题: field话题: valid