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_FilmArts版 - Bowling For Columbine
Bowling For Columbine(强烈推荐)Oscars Anyone?
bowling for columbine纪录片的标准
just watched bowling for columbinehoho. Michael Moore
Nowhere in Africa中文叫什么?57th Cannes awards
Stanley Kubriek: Partial filmographywho watched 911?
离题万里评Minority ReportMicheal Moore
天谴:《2001:太空奥德赛》(ZZ)Michael Moore
clipsmy 2nd movie 100%
话题: nra话题: columbine话题: bowling话题: just话题: gun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 878
这片子咋看的我心里这么别扭。总觉得Michael Moore是个投机分子,拿着个话筒带着摄
声,实在是没有一点intellengent的东西。比起Kevin Smith在Cornell诸校的演讲,真是
发帖数: 710
Michael Moore is not too intellectual, but he starts the thinking
process. 抛砖引玉的最好例子.

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: 这片子咋看的我心里这么别扭。总觉得Michael Moore是个投机分子,拿着个话筒带着摄
: 像人员到处跑给我的感觉就像cnn的记者满大街煽情找新闻。网上随便查了查发现又不少
: 嘲笑此片不配称documentary的文章,点出不少不实之处。DVD上的special
: featur有Michael
: Moore在Denver什么大学演讲,暴发户一般受宠若惊,除了时不时贬下bush赢得点稀疏掌
: 声,实在是没有一点intellengent的东西。比起Kevin Smith在Cornell诸校的演讲,真是
: 差的太远了,haha。

发帖数: 878
True. 此片的亮点大概就是带起对此问题的思考。但是抛砖引玉也应该条理清晰。我看完
会(里面有不少偷梁换柱的镜头),最后有说美国的gun violence和民众枪支拥有量无关
。Then what's the point of that?


【在 d***e 的大作中提到】
: Michael Moore is not too intellectual, but he starts the thinking
: process. 抛砖引玉的最好例子.

发帖数: 8493
en.u said many times le

发帖数: 157
hooh, ducati zg....

【在 m******s 的大作中提到】
: en.u said many times le
: 看完
: 支协
: 无关

发帖数: 878
BTW: who is 吴文光?

发帖数: 1383
I HATE THIS MOVIE!!! It's so biased and try to sound to be just
what a bunch of phony bastards. I'm a member of ARA and all
the people in my local chapters are great great people.
what does this fat ass know

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: 但是此片有明显的主观诱导倾向,并且有为达到目的不择手段之嫌。
: BTW: who is 吴文光?
: 我
: 枪
: 量

发帖数: 155
obviously, he knows just what you don't know ah

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: I HATE THIS MOVIE!!! It's so biased and try to sound to be just
: what a bunch of phony bastards. I'm a member of ARA and all
: the people in my local chapters are great great people.
: what does this fat ass know

发帖数: 1383

【在 f**********f 的大作中提到】
: obviously, he knows just what you don't know ah
: hehe

发帖数: 8493
ft..zhe hua shuo de.gan ma ah.
the ppl u met r nice doesnt count for others
I feel sorry for ur straight mind

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: 要说话就说清楚了,要不就闭嘴,妈的,在哪儿学的说话拐弯抹角的
离题万里评Minority ReportOscars Anyone?
clipshoho. Michael Moore
发帖数: 865
这个片子立场偏激, 几乎等同于宣传工具. 受采访的枪支支持者IQ偏低, 结论自然
一边倒. 我对Walmart和采访Heston两幕是有意见的, 过了.
不过好象谁也没有规定纪录片一定要中立, 就当创作好了. 片子出乎意料的节奏明快.
It's a wonderful wrold 那一段, 让我想起Dr. Strangelove 的结尾, 很黑色啊.

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: 这片子咋看的我心里这么别扭。总觉得Michael Moore是个投机分子,拿着个话筒带着摄
: 像人员到处跑给我的感觉就像cnn的记者满大街煽情找新闻。网上随便查了查发现又不少
: 嘲笑此片不配称documentary的文章,点出不少不实之处。DVD上的special
: featur有Michael
: Moore在Denver什么大学演讲,暴发户一般受宠若惊,除了时不时贬下bush赢得点稀疏掌
: 声,实在是没有一点intellengent的东西。比起Kevin Smith在Cornell诸校的演讲,真是
: 差的太远了,haha。

发帖数: 1383
if gun is the murderer then all the males are rapists
i've been in NRA for 6 years now and i don't see this hunting
club has anything to do w/ some crazy heads shooting in highschool
he made a "fancy" movie, fashionable by pointing fingers at NRA.
what does he know, or should i say, whatelse does he know other
than this over grilled topic from TV, newspaper, radio and every
kind of media. i'm sick and tired of it. i have 20+ guns and go
hunting every year, does this stupid fuck knows what kind o

【在 m******s 的大作中提到】
: ft..zhe hua shuo de.gan ma ah.
: the ppl u met r nice doesnt count for others
: I feel sorry for ur straight mind

发帖数: 155
I really doubt you catch the point from this movie.
you can show off how many guns you have and how nice you are,
but better not be tired of those warnings. Just make sure your guns
locked safely and not easy be touched by the other people
,who you think might not be a "nice" people like you are, and
who happens to get your gun somehow, and
likes to point the gun to someone else.
在 gogowanda (星海湾的一条鱼) 的大x髦刑岬*: 】
发帖数: 1383
well tell me how all these have ANYTHING to do w/ NRA.
my impression of the movie is, NRA is such an evil organization
that almost handed these weapons to the killer.
it's only in america that this is such a big deal. the
high school i went to have stabbing accident almost every month
but who gave a shit. the movie was just a eye catcher, since
blame on NRA is the easiest and fashionable way to get
attention and idiots' agreement.
and if you meant gun theft, then go somewhere else.

【在 f**********f 的大作中提到】
: I really doubt you catch the point from this movie.
: you can show off how many guns you have and how nice you are,
: but better not be tired of those warnings. Just make sure your guns
: locked safely and not easy be touched by the other people
: ,who you think might not be a "nice" people like you are, and
: who happens to get your gun somehow, and
: likes to point the gun to someone else.
: 在 gogowanda (星海湾的一条鱼) 的大x髦刑岬*: 】

发帖数: 464
so this columbine is that columbine? oh.

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: True. 此片的亮点大概就是带起对此问题的思考。但是抛砖引玉也应该条理清晰。我看完
: 这片子的感觉就是乱糟糟的不知到它想说明什么。比如片中花了大量篇幅贬低美国枪支协
: 会(里面有不少偷梁换柱的镜头),最后有说美国的gun violence和民众枪支拥有量无关
: 。Then what's the point of that?
: 着摄
: 不少
: 疏掌
: 真是

发帖数: 464
well, NRA is the biggest lobbyist on capitol hill on this issue. it's
certainly not just a civil organization whose members only go hunting for
deers! who knows, maybe without it, we could already have the necessary gun
control laws out there!

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: well tell me how all these have ANYTHING to do w/ NRA.
: my impression of the movie is, NRA is such an evil organization
: that almost handed these weapons to the killer.
: it's only in america that this is such a big deal. the
: high school i went to have stabbing accident almost every month
: but who gave a shit. the movie was just a eye catcher, since
: blame on NRA is the easiest and fashionable way to get
: attention and idiots' agreement.
: and if you meant gun theft, then go somewhere else.

发帖数: 464

but yourself is a huai hai zi ah:))))

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: I HATE THIS MOVIE!!! It's so biased and try to sound to be just
: what a bunch of phony bastards. I'm a member of ARA and all
: the people in my local chapters are great great people.
: what does this fat ass know

发帖数: 1383
well, on "this issue". you see how easily things get blurred by
going to general public? hehe...
tell me what issue is that, in specfic terms, that caused those
kids to kill their schoolmates.
NRA supports the right to bear fire arms, so we can have our rifles
to hunt deers. as we grew up in china we get so used to have one
authority giving out all orders and see how fucked up the country is
over this 50 years. same thing will happen if NRA is not in place,
best policy is made by power balance a

【在 q****a 的大作中提到】
: well, NRA is the biggest lobbyist on capitol hill on this issue. it's
: certainly not just a civil organization whose members only go hunting for
: deers! who knows, maybe without it, we could already have the necessary gun
: control laws out there!

发帖数: 1383
that's what made me popular, hie hie hie...

【在 q****a 的大作中提到】
: but yourself is a huai hai zi ah:))))

发帖数: 758

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: 但是此片有明显的主观诱导倾向,并且有为达到目的不择手段之嫌。
: BTW: who is 吴文光?
: 我
: 枪
: 量

57th Cannes awardsMichael Moore
who watched 911?my 2nd movie 100%
Micheal Moore热衷禁枪的7类人
发帖数: 758
en I agree with you, in that movie NRA is another marylin manson.
but what's wrong if he made a wrong point, or made a wrong way
on a potential point? NRA is not black, why can't be mocked and blamed?

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: well, on "this issue". you see how easily things get blurred by
: going to general public? hehe...
: tell me what issue is that, in specfic terms, that caused those
: kids to kill their schoolmates.
: NRA supports the right to bear fire arms, so we can have our rifles
: to hunt deers. as we grew up in china we get so used to have one
: authority giving out all orders and see how fucked up the country is
: over this 50 years. same thing will happen if NRA is not in place,
: best policy is made by power balance a

发帖数: 710
because it's an insult to our intelligence a

【在 k*********r 的大作中提到】
: en I agree with you, in that movie NRA is another marylin manson.
: but what's wrong if he made a wrong point, or made a wrong way
: on a potential point? NRA is not black, why can't be mocked and blamed?

发帖数: 1383
hehe, NRA was being blamed, not "can't", it already happened
but it was wrong, just like blame ozzy or manson for killings.
so lame, so i think that fat ass director is a retard,
or even worse, a smartass.


【在 k*********r 的大作中提到】
: en I agree with you, in that movie NRA is another marylin manson.
: but what's wrong if he made a wrong point, or made a wrong way
: on a potential point? NRA is not black, why can't be mocked and blamed?

发帖数: 230

Why do you want to hurt deers just for the fun of it? They have very
advanced neural system and can feel INTENSE pain.

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: well, on "this issue". you see how easily things get blurred by
: going to general public? hehe...
: tell me what issue is that, in specfic terms, that caused those
: kids to kill their schoolmates.
: NRA supports the right to bear fire arms, so we can have our rifles
: to hunt deers. as we grew up in china we get so used to have one
: authority giving out all orders and see how fucked up the country is
: over this 50 years. same thing will happen if NRA is not in place,
: best policy is made by power balance a

发帖数: 1383


【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Why do you want to hurt deers just for the fun of it? They have very
: advanced neural system and can feel INTENSE pain.
: gun

发帖数: 230
Why do you have such urge to go out and shoot some living organisms? Just
because you can?
I'm not against gun ownership but I don't understand the point of recreational
hunting at all. How can killing (an animal, deer or human) be recreational?
Actually, I think the root of violence lies in hunting. If kids see their
parents go out and kill big fuzzy warmblooded mammals just for the fun of it,
they may not think kill small not-so-cute warmblooded classmates that much of
a big deal.
This is way

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: 可是如果出去拿枪打人那是犯法的啊...就像这几个杀人的孩子...
: for

发帖数: 710

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: Why do you have such urge to go out and shoot some living organisms? Just
: because you can?
: I'm not against gun ownership but I don't understand the point of recreational
: hunting at all. How can killing (an animal, deer or human) be recreational?
: Actually, I think the root of violence lies in hunting. If kids see their
: parents go out and kill big fuzzy warmblooded mammals just for the fun of it,
: they may not think kill small not-so-cute warmblooded classmates that much of
: a big deal.
: This is way

发帖数: 230
subsistence is different from recreation.
Anyway, this is off topic and probably we shouldn't talk about this any more.


【在 d***e 的大作中提到】
: 这个这个
: 说得我都不好吃猪肉了

发帖数: 1383
why not, this is what a movie is all about. it represents you something
and you give it a deeper thought.
hunting is, well IMO, inherited from our elders, when they had to do
this to make a living. i don't feel slightest sorry for the animals
i killed and i have many many proud pictures i show around all the time.
it's just like my other pictures when i dressed in soccer uniform
w/ a trophy. it's a sport to me. i can't communicate w/ the deers
i shot, so i can't tell if it's in pain or not and i

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: subsistence is different from recreation.
: Anyway, this is off topic and probably we shouldn't talk about this any more.
: recreational
: recreational?
: it,
: of

发帖数: 1700
One intelligent thing about human being is to do something for
pleasure instead of need.
It is also the cruel side of human nature.
But I am not against it, if we were born this way, let it be ;-)

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: why not, this is what a movie is all about. it represents you something
: and you give it a deeper thought.
: hunting is, well IMO, inherited from our elders, when they had to do
: this to make a living. i don't feel slightest sorry for the animals
: i killed and i have many many proud pictures i show around all the time.
: it's just like my other pictures when i dressed in soccer uniform
: w/ a trophy. it's a sport to me. i can't communicate w/ the deers
: i shot, so i can't tell if it's in pain or not and i

美國槍支支持者沉默后終于開腔bowling for columbine
好莱坞的主旋律就是反战just watched bowling for columbine
Bowling For Columbine(强烈推荐)Nowhere in Africa中文叫什么?
发帖数: 783
I heard it first time, and i think you are right. BTW, who is 吴文光?

1 (共1页)
my 2nd movie 100%Stanley Kubriek: Partial filmography
热衷禁枪的7类人离题万里评Minority Report
Bowling For Columbine(强烈推荐)Oscars Anyone?
bowling for columbine纪录片的标准
just watched bowling for columbinehoho. Michael Moore
Nowhere in Africa中文叫什么?57th Cannes awards
话题: nra话题: columbine话题: bowling话题: just话题: gun