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_Harvard_Medical_School版 - Room in Brookline for rent, woman only, available immediately
Fungal research in LMA or Boston areaRe: 房屋租赁, 转租,求租等请跟此贴, 请不要另外发贴 (转载)
八一八我的租房经历Harvard Medical School 附件housing消息
Boston area Chinese restaurants go through (转载)代发 Broolkine/coolidge corner 租房广告
房屋出租:furnished 1br -- $1150/m, Brighton on B line (转载)[供求]$750 Brookline单间拎包入住,步行到LMA个大医院
Loogwood附近的停车位 (转载)[供求]$750 Brookline单间拎包入住,步行到LMA个大医院
Furnished summer sublet-at Central Square (june-Aug)furnished bedroom in Brookline, MA (5min walk to LMA, 1min walk to D line and buses)
HMS博后$45000低吗?$620 furnished bedroom in Brookline, MA(5min walk to LMA, 1min walk to D line and buses)‏
$850 One large bedroom for rent (Professional/Graduate Student wanted) in Coolidge Corner, Brookline[波士顿 Boston]$620 furnished bedroom in Brookline, (5min walk to LMA, 1min walk to D line and buses)
话题: room话题: brookline话题: woman话题: furnished话题: rent
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
I am posting for my former landlord, please contact him directly by email or
$700 Furnished Room, in BROOKLINE Study House, 4 WOMAN/ 1.5miles from BU LAW
and LMA $700 Furnished Room in BROOKLINE Owner/Occupied Study House,
Available For a WOMAN NoW to August 1st or 31st.(then, an opportunity to
EXTEND for a year) RENT Includes:
Furniture, Heat, Electric, Hot Water, and
A strong (WiFi) Wireless Internet Signal is Broadcast.
2nd Floor Furnished Room - Share bath w/1 woman
Private non-co
1 (共1页)
[波士顿 Boston]$620 furnished bedroom in Brookline, (5min walk to LMA, 1min walk to D line and buses)Loogwood附近的停车位 (转载)
HMS博后都住哪儿?Furnished summer sublet-at Central Square (june-Aug)
[供求]$750 Brookline单间拎包入住,步行到LMA个大医院$850 One large bedroom for rent (Professional/Graduate Student wanted) in Coolidge Corner, Brookline
Fungal research in LMA or Boston areaRe: 房屋租赁, 转租,求租等请跟此贴, 请不要另外发贴 (转载)
八一八我的租房经历Harvard Medical School 附件housing消息
Boston area Chinese restaurants go through (转载)代发 Broolkine/coolidge corner 租房广告
房屋出租:furnished 1br -- $1150/m, Brighton on B line (转载)[供求]$750 Brookline单间拎包入住,步行到LMA个大医院
话题: room话题: brookline话题: woman话题: furnished话题: rent