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_K12版 - [合集] xixi,有没有人要看看我们的一年级干什么
xixi,有没有人要看看我们的一年级干什么[合集] 有没有跟我一样的郁闷
[合集] 一年级以后孩子玩什么?[合集] 这里有没有学chess的娃呀?
[合集] 我也跟风,一年级总结[合集] NEW ENGLAND 地区有适合3-5岁孩子滑雪的地方吗?
[合集] 一年级[合集] 你们有没有online link可以打印出来给小朋友做手工的?
[合集] 别把穿越不当工作[合集] 有没有快7岁了还不会游泳的?
[合集] 一个周末下来累死了[合集] 有没有不防水的防晒霜
[合集] 回国干什么申请版权
[合集] 还有人要给孩子买backpack和lunchbag么? (转载)苦水(1)小蹦豆的作业
话题: xixi话题: 一年级
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4908
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:11:14 2010, 美东) 提到:
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:14:10 2010, 美东) 提到:
Assuming there are no snow days (Let's hope!) on Tuesday, February
9, we will celebrate the 100th day of school! We will certainly be busy on
that day. We will participate in a variety of special
activities to celebrate the day at school.
Please help us celebrate the 100th day with a project that will be completed
at home and then sent to school. As a family, please choose a set of 100
objects that you build into a structure of some sort. For example, use 100
popsicle sticks to make a box or use 100 legos to build an igloo. The
projects should be brought to school by Tuesday, February 9th. As the
projects will be coming to school on the bus, I would suggest using smaller
objects so the project will be easier to transport. We will display the
creations in the classroom. Please refrain from using any food items in
your structure. HAVE FUN!
In addition to the objects that are built into a structure, please send your
child to school with a collection of 100 objects in the provided quart-
sized Ziploc bag that will be coming home with your child in his/her
backpack with the homework on Monday, February 1st. During the 100th day of
school, we will use these objects for a variety of measurement activities.
Sample ideas include buttons, paper clips, toothpicks, pennies, etc.
Please do not send any food items. With your child, please think of three
words that describe his/her item and write them on an index card. We will
try to match the adjectives with the collections.

EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:15:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
ask for brainstorming for it...
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:17:51 2010, 美东) 提到:
Math Update:
We are beginning some more formal work with place value. You will see some
practice with this on our weekly home math assignments. Students will be
asked to look for tens and ones in numbers (how many tens in 47, how many
ones?). For many students it is helpful to remind them that the tens are
the long rods we use in class, and the ones are the cubes. Students may
benefit from drawing a picture to help themselves (i.e. - 4 long lines and 7
small squares).
A fun game ­ Soon we will learn the game "Fishing for Tens". The only
materials you would need to play this game at home with your child would
include a regular deck of playing cards. Rules for the game are the same as
rules for "Go Fish". However, you are "fishing" for combinations of ten. For
example, if in my hand I had a 4, I would ask you for a 6. This is a great
way for you to reinforce addition facts to ten.
A few variation ideas:
Play fishing to a different number of your choice (challenge your child if
you feel he/she can handle it).
Allow your child to put down larger combinations of cards
to equal 10 (ex: 3, 3, 4)
Also, here is a website you may wish to try with your child to reinforce
addition facts. One of the nice things about the practice is it allows you
to help your child master facts in a logical order (+0 facts, +1 facts,
etc.) before moving on to mixed facts.
You can also find additional math and reading games on the first grade
website -
Here is the link:
In your child's backpack on Monday will be a math worksheet along
with the regular weekly homework. This sheet is a customized worksheet for
your child created by the FASTT math program. I am sure you have heard from
your child that we have been using FASTT math on a regular basis for the
past few weeks. FASTT math stands for Fluency and Automaticity through
Systematic Teaching with Technology. FASTT math creates work experiences
that are differentiated for each child based upon his/her current knowledge
of basic math facts. Right now, all children in our class are working on
addition facts. As children master addition facts, the program will move
them into working on subtraction facts. The benchmark goal for all first
graders is to master addition facts with sums to ten by the end of first
grade. As you would expect, there is a wide range of knowledge of facts in
our class. The program is able to determine your child's exact level and
works with your child on facts in a systematic manner in order to achieve
fluency with addition facts with sums up to 18 at a rate that is appropriate
for your child. Your child's worksheet may contain facts that are +0 or +1
facts - these are the types of problems that he/she is working on during
FASTT math and would be the appropriate facts for you to practice with your
child at home. Your child's worksheet may contain facts that have sums to
18 - these are the types of problems that your child is working on during
FASTT math and would be the appropriate facts for you to practice with your
child at home. I will send home these customized worksheets with the
Monday homework most weeks as another way for you to help support your
child's math skill development at home. These sheets will allow you to see
which facts are appropriate for you to practice with your child, and will
also allow you to see your child's progress over time. In order for a fact
to be considered a "fast fact" a student needs to be able to complete the
problem accurately in all opportunities on the program in less than 1.25
seconds. Therefore, although you may consider the types of problems on your
child's sheet a bit simpler than you'd expect and that he/she tends to have
the same type of problems for many weeks in a row - please keep in mind that
ideally your child should be completing the sheet in a minute or less.
Please do not time your child or push them to complete the sheet in a hurry
at this point - but as the year progresses, please support your child in
completing the page in a more timely manner.
I am also attaching to the homework a Student Fact Fluency Report to your
child's homework. This will allow you to see how your child is currently
performing on FASTT math with his/her facts. It should also allow you to
see the relationship between your child's performance during FASTT math and
the customized worksheet that will be provided each week for homework. There
is a key down the bottom of the page that will allow you to determine what
the various shading on the fact grid means. I will share Student Fact
Fluency grids with you again throughout the year at various times. It is
important to note that students have only been using the program for 3
weeks, and are all showing tremendous growth and improvement during this
time. We expect that all students will continue to achieve greater fluency
and automaticity with these facts over the course of the next few months.
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:19:06 2010, 美东) 提到:
Language Arts Update:
We have started our weekly SIPPS lessons since returning from December
vacation. These lessons focus on a combination of phonics instruction and
sight words. This week, we will learn about doubling the final consonant
of short vowel words before adding _ing. We also learned about the
exceptions of "x" and if the short vowel word ends with more than one
consonant. We also will learn about the _dge ending in short vowel words.
We will begin to start working with children on independently applying these
skills to reading and writing.
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:19:39 2010, 美东) 提到:
KtownGirl (Smarty) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:20:56 2010, 美东) 提到:
太长了 indeed.. we have newsletter each week posted online.. report card
online too now.
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:21:45 2010, 美东) 提到:
据说我们这里是昨天老师做report card
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:22:15 2010, 美东) 提到:
cheerios (早饭要吃好) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:36:45 2010, 美东) 提到:
what is FASTT?
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:37:35 2010, 美东) 提到:
具体操作不知道,JK说是让他们FAST IN MATH,但说不清
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:39:06 2010, 美东) 提到:
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:39:45 2010, 美东) 提到:
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:41:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:42:03 2010, 美东) 提到:
cheerios (早饭要吃好) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:42:25 2010, 美东) 提到:
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:45:29 2010, 美东) 提到:
FridayFriday (不抛弃,不放弃) 于 (Tue Jan 26 13:46:44 2010, 美东) 提到:
sing (CD) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:07:48 2010, 美东) 提到:
from what I see last year from lanlan's class
100 cheerios
100 pennies
also, i'd 100 paper clip can build sth too
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:11:59 2010, 美东) 提到:
i c, let me google
sing (CD) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:13:45 2010, 美东) 提到:
say build a house or basket using milk carton
then glue 100 cheerios on it?
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:14:56 2010, 美东) 提到:
sing (CD) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:15:46 2010, 美东) 提到:
en, yes, that will work, but how do you connect them?
paper clip will work too
EnjoyMyLife (实心团子实心人) 于 (Tue Jan 26 16:17:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
那倒简单,拿STRING GLUE一下就好了
1 (共1页)
苦水(1)小蹦豆的作业[合集] 别把穿越不当工作
恐怖啊,PM JHQ好多文都开不了了[合集] 一个周末下来累死了
昨天发现[合集] 回国干什么
也打个招呼[合集] 还有人要给孩子买backpack和lunchbag么? (转载)
xixi,有没有人要看看我们的一年级干什么[合集] 有没有跟我一样的郁闷
[合集] 一年级以后孩子玩什么?[合集] 这里有没有学chess的娃呀?
[合集] 我也跟风,一年级总结[合集] NEW ENGLAND 地区有适合3-5岁孩子滑雪的地方吗?
[合集] 一年级[合集] 你们有没有online link可以打印出来给小朋友做手工的?
话题: xixi话题: 一年级