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_K12版 - 关于bully
读书笔记- bringing up boys说说娃的第一次bully经历
mean girls大家对Rutgers 的事件怎么看?
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你孩子学校班级有bully么?Bully连续剧:“那个写信的ID”的肺腑之言 (转载)
haha, 我也进来了!PA的事儿。。。
挖个popularity的坑汇总篇,大家看准确吗 (update)
话题: bully话题: bullies话题: stop话题: don话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 535
Bully Information
Parents; we hope the following information is helpful. Here are a few tools
you can use at home with your child. If you have any questions please feel
free to talk with an Instructor.

All the motivation that a child has to succeed in school, sports, and any
endeavor in life, comes from a child's confidence and self-esteem. A bully
robs a child of those very important traits that can have a negative impact
on the rest of their life.
Bullies are often miss-represented as children with low self-esteem, or
children who suffer from abuse at home. In fact these categories make up a
very small percentage of the bullies who are out there. According to the
book, 'Bullies and Victims in Schools', 96% of children will be bullied at
least once in their life time. 46% of those children will suffer poor
grades or will abstain from extracurricular activities because of the
bullying. 2% of those children will commit suicide because of constant
harassment from classmates.

If The Bully Says Something to You
Ignore the bully. If you can, try your best to ignore the bully's threats.
Pretend you don't hear them and walk away quickly to a place of safety.
Bullies want a big reaction to their teasing and meanness. Acting as if you
don't notice and don't care is like giving no reaction at all, and this
just might stop a bully's behavior.

Don't Show Your Feelings
Plan ahead. How can you stop yourself from getting angry or showing you're
upset? Try distracting yourself (counting backwards from 100, spelling the
word 'turtle' backwards, etc.) to keep your mind occupied until you are out
of the situation and somewhere safe where you can show your feelings.
Tell an Adult
If you are being bullied, it's very important to tell an adult. Find
someone you trust and go and tell them what is happening to you. Teachers,
principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop
bullying. Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out because
they're afraid that they will be punished by parents. This is not tattling
on someone who has done something small - bullying is wrong and it helps if
everyone who gets bullied or sees someone being bullied speaks up.
Stand Up For Yourself
Pretend to feel really brave and confident. Tell the bully 'No! Stop it! I
don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to!' in a loud voice. Then
walk away. Children also can stand up for each other by telling a bully to
stop teasing or scaring someone else, and then walk away together. If a
bully wants you to do something that you don't want to do - say 'no!' and
walk away. If you do what a bully says to do, they will likely keep
bullying you. Bullies tend to bully
those who don't stick up for themselves.
If your initial warning does not stop the bully then you need to take a
stronger stance and demonstrate
greater confidence. Stand with you left foot slightly in front of your
right and point into the bullies eyes with your left hand and in a loud
confident voice say, 'Don't Touch me'. It's important to maintain eye
contact when you do this. Make sure your pointer finger is outside of the
bully's personal space.
(Give a comparison of a weak voice and body posture and explain the
importance of confidence.)
If the bully continues then you will increase the volume of your voice and
put on a more intense facial expression. Once again create space, and in a
louder more confident voice say, 'I said don't touch me'.
Stance and Movement
When I drive I try to keep space between me and the cars in front, in back
and to the sides of me. This gives me a safety cushion of space to respond
to trouble. You will need to create a safety cushion if someone bullies you
or makes you feel scared.
Stand with your feet apart and have your hands open in front of you. Now
imagine that there is a big hole in the ground in front of you. Move around
the hole to the left. Stop; okay now move to the right.
If the bully is trying to get closer to you, then move back quickly with a
short step drag. If he continues to walk toward you then move back and
around him to the right or to the left, like you did around the hole.
Rule number one. Use the minimum amount of force. It would disappointment
me to find out that you have used this skill for anything other than self-
protection. This technique that I am about to teach you can hurt someone.
You need to respect that. At the same time if you must defend yourself...
Rule number two. Take enough action. If the bully is bigger and stronger
than you, then you must use enough force to make him stop hitting you!

I hope you can appreciate the delicate nature of what we have just discussed
. We don't want them to be bullies themselves. At the same time we must
give them the proper tools so that they have the confidence needed to never
be bullied. By arming your child with the confidence to defend themselves
you make them less likely to ever be bullied. However, if we gave them
techniques that didn't work, they would know it, and the only thing that
would change is a decrease in their self-image.
This is the problem with the 'just ignore it' solution to bullying. It
doesn't always work. If we can instill in your children the belief that
they are valuable and worth protecting then we can stop bullying altogether.
You see if one believes in their own value, then they will naturally see
the value in others and will be less likely to ever become bullies or
victims themselves.
As Sensei says, "Let's Team Up & Never Give Up".
发帖数: 535


【在 d****y 的大作中提到】
: 儿子们上的空手道课专门讲了这个,以下是发给家长的邮件内容,当然我家俩小子还没
: 碰到过这种情况,但是我觉得应该很有用。
: Bully Information
: Parents; we hope the following information is helpful. Here are a few tools
: you can use at home with your child. If you have any questions please feel
: free to talk with an Instructor.
: All the motivation that a child has to succeed in school, sports, and any
: endeavor in life, comes from a child's confidence and self-esteem. A bully
: robs a child of those very important traits that can have a negative impact

发帖数: 3176


【在 d****y 的大作中提到】
: 儿子们上的空手道课专门讲了这个,以下是发给家长的邮件内容,当然我家俩小子还没
: 碰到过这种情况,但是我觉得应该很有用。
: Bully Information
: Parents; we hope the following information is helpful. Here are a few tools
: you can use at home with your child. If you have any questions please feel
: free to talk with an Instructor.
: All the motivation that a child has to succeed in school, sports, and any
: endeavor in life, comes from a child's confidence and self-esteem. A bully
: robs a child of those very important traits that can have a negative impact

发帖数: 860
挺不错的。我也觉得eye contact非常重要。
1 (共1页)
想起我们学校的一个bullyhaha, 我也进来了!
读书笔记- bringing up boys说说娃的第一次bully经历
mean girls大家对Rutgers 的事件怎么看?
[通知] izze 退出本俱乐部关于bully
话题: bully话题: bullies话题: stop话题: don话题: your