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_SeattleStartup版 - 我真土,android原来是买的
四个月就卖掉了 AdMob Acquires AdWhirlhi5 Acquires Social Gaming Company Big Six
Admob buys mobile ad aggregrator AdWhirl — takes out major免费增值商业模式
Adobe acquires omniture for 1.8BGoogle acquired BumpTop
Google to Acquire AdMob for $750 Million in Stock (Update2)Mobclix Acquired By UK Mobile Marketing Company Velti
Google to Acquire AdMob【NYT】In China, Power in Nascent Electric Car Industry
Google acquired Gizmo5转发 Waymo在与Uber的诉讼案中遭遇重大不利
Apple acquires mobile ad company Quattro WirelessEE intern position in a start-up
Goolge acquired reMailEE intern position in a start-up
话题: android话题: its话题: google话题: quietly话题: 真土
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1001
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: KuQ (stay hungry, stay foolish), 信区: Seattle
标 题: 我真土,android原来是买的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 6 05:36:24 2010, 美东)
AUGUST 17, 2005
Google Buys Android for Its Mobile Arsenal
The search giant quietly acquires the startup, netting possibly a key player
in its push into wireless, "the next frontier in search"
In what could be a key move in its nascent wireless strategy, Google (GOOG )
has quietly acquired startup Android Inc., Business
1 (共1页)
EE intern position in a start-upGoogle to Acquire AdMob
西门子中国研究院 招聘技术风险咨询师Google acquired Gizmo5
Anyone read "in the plex"?Apple acquires mobile ad company Quattro Wireless
天啊, AMR持有者明天要大翻身了!!Goolge acquired reMail
四个月就卖掉了 AdMob Acquires AdWhirlhi5 Acquires Social Gaming Company Big Six
Admob buys mobile ad aggregrator AdWhirl — takes out major免费增值商业模式
Adobe acquires omniture for 1.8BGoogle acquired BumpTop
Google to Acquire AdMob for $750 Million in Stock (Update2)Mobclix Acquired By UK Mobile Marketing Company Velti
话题: android话题: its话题: google话题: quietly话题: 真土