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_ZST版 - so many selves (eecummings)
Caldara: Selve amiche不是不报,时候未到
BreathlessZT看看美日印网民对神八的评论,持续更新中哦~ [复制链接]
要不要开个529?还是老话题, 菌斑到底有没有真正的女人?
A great artile on leather sofa and funiturehahaha, RuPaul也来插一杠子
这是有多ws(或幼稚)If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
[新春娱乐]peekaboo的来源Free speech rights don’t apply if liberal crowd takes offense
Re: How to remove hiding of menu?Benghazi Victim's Mom: Obama, Hillary 'Killed my Kid'
话题: so话题: selves话题: eecummings话题: many话题: man
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3872
so many selves (so many fiends and gods
each greedier than every) is a man
(so easily one in another hides;
yet man can, being all, escape from none)
so huge a tumult is the simplest wish:
so pitiless a massacre the hope
most innocent (so deep's the mind of flesh
and so awake what waking calls asleep)
so never is most lonely man alone
(his briefest breathing lives some planet's year,
his longest life's a heartbeat of some sun;
his least unmotion roams the youngest star)
-how should a fool that
1 (共1页)
Benghazi Victim's Mom: Obama, Hillary 'Killed my Kid'A great artile on leather sofa and funiture
I tell my friends这是有多ws(或幼稚)
I tell my friends[新春娱乐]peekaboo的来源
I tell my friendsRe: How to remove hiding of menu?
Caldara: Selve amiche不是不报,时候未到
BreathlessZT看看美日印网民对神八的评论,持续更新中哦~ [复制链接]
要不要开个529?还是老话题, 菌斑到底有没有真正的女人?
话题: so话题: selves话题: eecummings话题: many话题: man