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astrology版 - 苏珊米勒2012年2月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2011 zz(月运)苏珊•米勒 2014年11月天蝎座运势
苏珊米勒2012年2月天秤运势 (by tipsy)Leo Horoscope for February 2011 zz
苏珊米勒2012年1月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)Aquarius Horoscope for February 2011 zz
【双子座】Susan Miller 2012年2月运势Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zz
总结一下在美国很容易一眼识别的星座(zz)预警:monster april和十二星座相关预报 Susan Miller's Guide To Surviving Eclipses
大三角苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
话题: your话题: february话题: neptune话题: moon话题: jupiter
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
******** 正文
这个月会有事件发生,对你未来几年的收入将产生历史性的正面影响 -- 2月3号开始就
先来说说海王星的好处。海王星是关于梦想 想象 创造力 音乐和所有艺术的美丽星球
-- 海王星显然能增加浪漫的理想化的韵味。海王星还有关同情和牺牲,作为金星的高
海王星现在正进驻你的3宫,那里掌管写作 演讲和其他交流艺术。如果你以写作为生,
。一旦找到了这么一个人,你最好跟他组成合作团队 -- 标记和讨论所有条款,只要你
们中间有一个人觉得有问题 -- 而不是把一切都交给律师处理。通过合作,你将能钻研
造宫的木星和位于出版 广播 学术 和国际关系 城市和长途旅行宫的火星角度完美。新
到短途旅行的好处(一直到3月)。如果是为了超级浪漫而旅行,那也是个好主意 --
果你有任何星星在魔羯 处女 金牛 双鱼 巨蟹 或天蝎3度,你也会非常喜欢这次新月的
事业上,2月7号土星在你的10宫(事业 荣誉 名声)逆行。这天正好是满月,所以有什
种方法对付土逆,所以你不会失去先机,如果你打算在事业上做点调整的话 -- 你会干
资金 -- 风险投资,按揭,再融资,给业务投资 -- 你可能会在这个时候得到答案。满
羯座,你这个月有权威和重量 -- 我觉得你的赢面比较大。
。记住 -- 你的运气要到2月21号新月以后才能变化,那时火星会得到冥王和木星的帮
既然有木星的优势,如果你是单身,那就尽量出去交际吧 -- 这么突出的适合遇见你的
力 -- 你可能会收到卡片 情书 或者短信,让你的心跳加速。
浪漫和到一个迷人的地方旅游 -- 可能近水 -- 可能会是创造奇迹的两个元素。当然,
******** 总结
2月21号新月以后,火星跟木星和冥王一起,会给你一个休假 -- 这是你一直想要的但是没有预料到现在会来。木星会加强你的创造力;冥王加强信心;火星加强外国文化或学术上的刺激,还有新闻传播,包括出版和广播资源。
大想法通常需要很多资金 -- 这不是平常人从储蓄里能拿出来的 -- 所以你可能会找银行 投资人 和欠你钱的人要钱。如果这样的话,2月7号的满月会给你带来资金方面的消息。也有可能那是你需要最后提交申请 付清欠债 和照顾生意的时间。还有可能你就是把税表填好了。
2月21号友好的新月来临以后,你的日常生活就会忙起来了,带来一大堆灵感 电话 会议和很多讨论的话题。你的脑子突然充满了想法,你应该明智的把他们写下来,以免忘记。
2月3号,海王星将历史性进入双鱼,也就是你的3宫(思考和交流),会一直呆14年。海王星在1847-1862年以后就没来过双鱼,他会逐渐展开一个你会充分享受的大趋势。海王跟你的太阳很和谐,会增强你的想象力和呈现美丽独创形象的能力。如果你写小说 作曲 做软件 或在图像艺术领域工作,这个趋势对你非常有利,就举几个例子而已。3宫除了设计以外,还跟语言和数学有关,所以这些可能也会给你点提示,看看该如何使用这个闪光的能量。
2月21号新月以后,你可能会开始写书 或重新设计你的Facebook Twitter或blog。在2月16-17号和24-25号,你的创造力和想象力最强,连你自己都想象不到。这些绝对是你该留点时间好好研究项目的日子。至少坚持工作90分汇总 -- 科学家说我们在90分钟的周期里会有创造力的大爆发,但是我们不知道开始的时候我们处在这个周期的啥位置啊。
爱情方面你全是A。木星,礼物和幸运的给予者,正全速通过你的真爱宫,这是宇宙想要帮助你找到值得的爱人的好迹象。如果你有亲密爱人的话,今年的情人节会很特别 -- 可能会订婚,或者如果已经结婚的话,可能会讨论要宝宝的问题。
2月24-25号的周末,太阳跟木星合作,很可能会让你拥有神奇的爱情记忆。你可能在短途旅行中给爱情煽风点火,或者就在你家周围转转就遇见新爱。寻找爱情的过程总是很多惊奇 -- 对你来说,大部分都很正面。
******** 重要日子
最浪漫的日子包括:2月8-9, 12, 16 (好), 17, 18, 21, 22, 25-26 (黄金日子), and 27
未来几年里,海王会激发你的想象力和交流能力,这是你今生没有经历过的。如果你写作 在广告创意部门工作 或做图形设计,那就多多努力吧 -- 你的天赋会被鼓励的!
发帖数: 182
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2012
By Susan Miller
You were thinking a lot about finances last month, and it was a good time to
organize things, and even ask for a raise. If you didn't use the new moon
in Aquarius last month on January 23 to your advantage, you still have a
little time, but you will have to act fast. The light of that new moon is
fading fast, so steel your courage and go into your bosses' office and make
your case for more salary. If you are self-employed, it's time to raise your
rates or pitch new business, quickly.
There is something happening this month that will have a monumental and
positive affect on your income for years into the future - relief begins
February 3. For many years, since January 1998, you've hosted Neptune in
your second house of earned income and that is not an easy place to host
this planet.
First, let's discuss the best qualities of Neptune. Neptune is a beautiful
planet associated with dreams, imagination, creativity, music, and all of
the arts. This lovely planet also rules things associated with water, such
as the candy cotton fog that wraps around the San Francisco hills that makes
the city so majestic. Neptune throws a veil over reality, and sometimes we
need and welcome that quality - Neptune certainly can add a romantic,
idealized touch. Neptune is a planet associated with compassion and
sacrifice too, for as the "higher octave" of Venus, it takes the new love
that Venus provides and deepens love through compassion and sacrifice of one
's own pleasures, all so that the beloved can benefit.
Still, there is another side. Hosting Neptune, a planet associated with
confusion, in your second house of earned income and financial management
can be daunting. If you've grappled with financial problems over the past
fourteen years, Neptune could have been the culprit. Thankfully this period
is ending. Having said that, there was one positive way you may have
harnessed Neptune's energy in your second house of income, and that is you
work in the cultural or creative arts, or if you act as support staff to
artists. Neptune's presence would have helped you establish yourself in a
way that allowed you to turn your talent into a profitable enterprise. Being
a starving artist may have charm, but that can get old fast. If you are in
the arts, with Neptune here, you may have found ways to garner a following
willing to pay you handsomely for your work.
Now, Neptune leaves, never to return to your financial house in your
lifetime. If you did make money from the arts, this does not mean you won't
in the future. You have built your foundation and now you can move into a
more established stage. What you won't miss is the downside of Neptune in
your second house. Gone are those foggy days when facts were withheld from
you or that you simply didn't understand. The fog lifts, just in time to
take advantage of the new moon of last month.
In all, I feel you will love the change that will begin now. Neptune works
in gradual ways, so don't expect change instantly. You will see the
improvement in time, and because Neptune will be in his home base, Pisces,
he will emit his best qualities naturally. You are an earth sign that blends
famously with water, a very fertile mix. Your coming days and years are
Neptune is now heading into your third house that rules writing, speaking,
and other communication arts. If you write for a living, Neptune's long stay
in your third house is a bonus of epic proportions. You may decide to write
a novel, rich in imaginative detail, even if you've always written factual
documentary. If this is a goal for you, set aside time to begin your book or
screenplay now, after the new moon February 21 (more about that later). If
you design advertising or publicity campaigns, you will have the likelihood
of creating award-winning work in the future. Your creativity will bloom
fully, especially in terms of the written word. You won't know what you can
do until you sit down and start writing.
The third house also rules contracts and other legal documents. Neptune in
this house can be difficult because you are likely to miss important details
in clauses. Neptune will remain in your third house for fourteen years, so
your first order of business will be to find the very best lawyer you can to
represent you. When you find this person, it would be best to work together
as a team - flagging and discussing causes either of you find troublesome -
rather than leaving everything to your lawyer. By collaborating, you will
be able to drill down to the tiny details and together decide on how to
negotiate each contract.
The new moon, February 21 in Pisces (3 degrees), will bring up all these
matters. This gorgeous new moon will be conjunct Neptune and be in perfect
angle to Jupiter in your creativity house and to Mars in your house of
publishing, broadcasting, academia, and international relationships, cities,
and long-distance travel. You may create a manuscript or body of poetry
that displays tender emotion and great beauty in the weeks and months to
follow this new moon.
You don't have to actually finish your work within the two weeks after the
new moon (that would be impossible!), but you would have to begin your
project in that period. The actions you take in the first two weeks after
any new moon has the power to set in motion a whole year of change, until
the next new moon arrives a year from now in the same house of your
As said, this new moon will receive gifts from Jupiter, suggesting that
there will be profits to be made. A new assignment may come up now, or if
you are self-employed, you may generate new business that brings you down a
new lane - one that offers wide possibilities to develop your creative
powers. Pluto will also be drawn into the conversation of this new moon, and
because Pluto is in Capricorn, in perfect angle to the new moon, you can
enlarge and support your success in the creative realm. If you are not
especially creative, you can hire a firm to create an outstandingly creative
advertising or publicity campaign. This new moon will allow you to direct
others - you don't have to do the creative work yourself but you would have
to describe what you want, and also be open to others' suggestions. Your
desire and willingness to accept breakthrough ways of communicating will
grow - this is due to be an exciting ride in years ahead.
If you can travel in the days that come after February 21, do, and you can
do so for love and fun, or for your work, and if you go for business, it
looks like your trip at month's end will generate profits. You can do either
or both. If you do travel, plan to go to a place near home, within 200
miles of your base, for longer trips won't have the glow that a shorter one
will have (not until March). If you want to go for highly romantic reasons,
that's also a great idea - Neptune, working with Jupiter in your fifth house
, will make sure this trip is not only glamorous, but that the
accommodations are luxurious.
If your birthday falls within four days of December 24, you will benefit
most from this lyrical new moon of February 21. Also, if you have any planet
at 3 degrees of Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, you
will also love the results of this new moon. Make good use of it!
In terms of your career, this month on February 7 Saturn will retrograde in
your tenth house of career honors and reputation. This day falls on a full
moon, so something is reaching culmination, but because Saturn is your
ruling planet, this turn of Saturn means more for you than most. You may
hear about a delay or reversal, because when any planet retrogrades,
decisions and actions slow or turn back. You may want to rethink your
strategy during the five months that Saturn will retrograde, until June 25.
Everyone will be dealing with Saturn retrograde in various ways, so you will
not lose your advantage if you choose to tweak something in your career -
you will do well.
February 7, as mentioned, is ALSO the full moon in Leo 18 degrees, and this
full moon will bring a financial matter to culmination. You may have to pay
out a large check, finish off your taxes, or see a deal you had anticipated
reach fruition or an important stage. It's alternatively likely you may be
awaiting funds of some sort - venture capital, a mortgage, refinancing plan,
investment in your business - and you will get your answer at this time.
The full moon will not make any direct signals to other planets, so that
makes it harder for me to suggest how things will play out for you. Much
will depend on how this full moon fits into the puzzle of your natal
horoscope, but you will know soon. Overall, your chart is excellent, and
with Pluto in Capricorn, you have authority and weight in all matters this
month - I feel the smart money is betting on you as the victor.
It may seem that your home situation is also on hold because Mars is also
retrograde, since January 23, and will remain so until April 13. Mars is the
natural ruler of your solar fourth house of home, so this may hold up your
real estate or home-related plans. It may be that you can't seem to find the
right apartment, sell your house for the right price, or begin that repair
or renovation plan for various reasons. These are just a few examples, but
you get the idea. Your home-related frustrations may not be related to the
delays or reversals in your career; it may simply be a coincidence. Still,
Mars will be beautifully oriented to Pluto and Jupiter later in February,
forming a golden triangle of harmony (called a "grand trine" - the best
aspect possible), so you may be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat if you
keep your wits about you. Remember - your luck won't begin to change until
after the new moon February 21, for by then Mars will have help from Pluto
and Jupiter.
Venus will move through your fourth house of home from February 8 to March 5
, a perfect time to add decorative touches to your home. Venus rules all
things beautiful, both large and small, and also includes flowers and
gardening. If you'd like to go shopping now or do some professional
landscaping this month, be my guest. Next month, Mercury will retrograde
from March 12 to April 4. If you want to buy any new things for your home,
now would be the best time. If you had hoped to have one or more rooms
painted a new color, or the same color to make the room feel fresh and
bright, you can do so now.
Thursday, February 9, will be a standout day, when Venus conjoins Uranus, an
ideal time to give a party at home. Conversation would bubble up in the
most exciting way, and guests would have a fabulous time. You could,
alternatively, stage a small and intimate dinner for two, with candles,
flowers - the works. On a day this bright, you can't go wrong, as long as
you have your party or dinner at your home (not at a restaurant). This would
also be the day to shop for any items that would add to your home's charm
and allure.
Now let's talk about romance! After all, this is the month that holds
Valentine's Day, the day for lovers. With Jupiter in your fifth house of
true love until June, you have one of your best opportunities in recent
years to find true love, or if you have found it, to enjoy it! With an
advantage like Jupiter, if you are single, be out circulating much as
possible - rarely have you held such outstanding favor for meeting your one
true love. Jupiter will leave this house in mid-June, not to return until
2023. It's also the best time possible to conceive a baby.
Valentine's Day is this month on February 14 (not in Brazil - that will
happen June 12, I know - kisses to my Brazilian readers!) and with Mercury
about to signal Jupiter February 16 (but felt earlier, on February 14-16),
you should have a day to remember and to celebrate your love. I also like
that the day before Valentine's Day, February 13, Mercury and Neptune will
combine forces in your communication house - you may get a card, love letter
, or text that has your heart beating double time.
Life will get even better by the time you reach the extraordinarily happy
weekend of February 25-26. That is when Jupiter will meet with the Sun and
you will see how easy it is for you to weave a tapestry of love with golden
threads. If you can travel over this weekend to a romantic bed and breakfast
, do, as romance and travel to a charming location - possibly near water -
will likely be two elements that create the magic. Of course, you don't have
to travel - you can have a gorgeous dinner, if you like, for two in a quiet
restaurant with flowers and an attentive staff that allows you the space
you need. This day is worthy of four stars. Let ordinary life drop away,
dear Capricorn, as you climb a ladder to the stars together.
Since 2009, you may have experienced a number of radical career changes,
setting off a process that required you to reinvent your career in some
substantial way. As you enter February, you are adjusting to changes you
have instituted since then. Your career still will require tending, but you
seem to have a grip on things, and your natural sense of practicality and
rational thinking is accelerating your adjustment.
Now, after the new moon of February 21, Mars, working with Jupiter and Pluto
, will collectively provide you with a break - one you've needed but didn't
expect would come. Jupiter will amp up your creativity; Pluto, your
confidence; and Mars, intellectual stimulation from foreign cultures and
institutions of learning (academia), as well as from and purveyors of news,
including publishing and broadcasting sources.
Big ideas often require big funding - the kind that is beyond the normal
person's ability to tap from their own reserves - so you may be seeking
money from banks, investors, and people who owe you (and have not paid). If
so, the full moon February 7 (plus or minus four days) will be a time to
hear back news about those funds. It may alternatively be when you need to
send off your final applications, pay off obligations, and generally take
care of business. In a different manifestation, you may simply finish off
your tax return.
Your daily life is likely to get busier once the friendly new moon of
February 21 arrives, bringing with it a bushel full of inspiration, phone
calls, meetings, and lots of points to discuss. Suddenly, your mind will be
abuzz with ideas, and you'd be wise to write them all down, lest you forget
any of them.
On February 3, Neptune is about to make a landmark move into Pisces and your
third house of thinking and communication, to stay an astounding fourteen
years. Neptune has not been in Pisces since 1847-1862. Neptune will
gradually set off a trend of huge proportions that you will enjoy the
fullest. Neptune blends beautifully with your Capricorn Sun and will work to
enlarge your imagination and your ability to transmit imagery of great
beauty and originality. If you write novels or poetry, compose music, create
software, or work in the graphic arts, as a few examples, this trend will
be an amazing benefit to you. The third house is associated with words and
math, more than design, so that may give you clues about how to use this
sparkling energy.
After the new moon of February 21, you might start work on a book, or on a
smaller scale, redesign your Facebook, Twitter, or blog pages. On February
16-17 and 24-25, you will be at your creative, imaginative best, surpassing
even your own expectations. Those are certainly days you should reserve time
to tinker with a project. Stick with it at least 90 minutes - scientists
say we have creative bursts in cycles that run 90 minutes, but we never know
where in the cycle we are entering when we begin.
Romantically, you are holding all aces. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck
, is now moving at strong speed through your love sector, a good sign that
the universe is getting ready to help you find the love you deserve.
Valentine's Day should be a standout this year if you have someone close -
it may be time to get engaged or if you are already attached, to talk about
having a baby.
The weekend of February 24-25, when the Sun will align with Jupiter, will be
the weekend most likely to allow you to spin a magical love memory. You may
fan the fires of romance on a short trip, or find new love by simply going
through your appointed rounds in your own neighborhood. Life will be full of
surprises when it comes to finding love - and for you, most will be very,
very positive.
Two other dates may prove to be brilliantly significant too. The first,
February 16 or 17 could also bring a happy love connection while you are out
, showing your face to the world.
If you'd like to give a party at home, do! It's a good idea because Venus
will brighten your home area from February 8 onward. Your best day for a fun
, romantic evening at home will be on February 9, when Venus will ride close
to Uranus, planet of lightning bolt surprise.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Your most romantic dates include: February 8-9, 12, 16 (great), 17, 18, 21,
22, 25-26 (gold star), and 27.
Financial issues involving others' monetary resources will be settled by
February 7, plus or minus four days.
February 3 is a landmark day, when Neptune enters Pisces, to stay until 2026.
Neptune will stimulate your imagination and ability to communicate in ways
you've never experienced in your lifetime in the coming years. If you write,
work in an advertising creative department, or do graphic design, go for
extra classes - encourage your talents!
Romance will be stimulated by travel, especially over the weekend of
February 25-26.
Spend time thinking about how to make your home more attractive when Venus
comes by for a visit, February 8 to March 5.
Your ruler, Saturn will retrograde from February 7 to June 25, so in the
Monopoly game of life, if you "Go to Jail," know it is only temporary. Spend
time reviewing assumptions and estimates and refine them, in all phases of
Give a party at home on February 9. It would be a major success! It's also a
great day to find the perfect item to buy for home!
Fix up your home with beautiful new furniture or accessories, or paint,
revitalize with paint or other means, when Venus tours Aries, February 8 to
March 5.
发帖数: 2630
发帖数: 13151


【在 M*******s 的大作中提到】
: 好吧
: 不管三妈说什么
: 什么时候都不能放弃自己

发帖数: 1044
我也是 呵呵 跟着感觉走。。。。不过七七你也许情人节左右会有艳遇呢,哈哈!今年

【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 我现在都不看运势了。。。。。

发帖数: 13151


【在 C*******0 的大作中提到】
: 我也是 呵呵 跟着感觉走。。。。不过七七你也许情人节左右会有艳遇呢,哈哈!今年
: 桃花运看来很不错!祝福~~~~~~

发帖数: 2630

【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 这个再议吧,强扭的瓜也不甜,得之我幸吧,呵呵

1 (共1页)
Susan Miller【8月】运程预测(精缩版) zz科普贴:十星体之间的刑冲相位
【狮子座】Susan Miller 2012年2月运势大三角
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2011 zz(月运)苏珊•米勒 2014年11月天蝎座运势
苏珊米勒2012年2月天秤运势 (by tipsy)Leo Horoscope for February 2011 zz
苏珊米勒2012年1月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)Aquarius Horoscope for February 2011 zz
【双子座】Susan Miller 2012年2月运势Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zz
话题: your话题: february话题: neptune话题: moon话题: jupiter