

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
ebiz版 - $50 Free Copy & Print Services from staples
staples 来了 50% bonus rewards check emailstaples rewards也被盗了
ipad mini $203 after Rakuten points有没有人staples昨天还显示可以redeem rewards,现在就找不到了
求教,这中AA voucher隔壁版上收不? (转载)staples的rebate支票刚过期了
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求助!HP和Staples的rebate没收到,搬家了,怎么办啊?Staples HP rebate 问题
staples ink receycle的兄弟们小心了Staples receipt上的rewards丢了怎么办?
呜~~~~ Staples $100 Gift Check 被盗用了Staples sent 25% off Invitations Coupon
staples rewards快过期了,有什么可以买的?400伪币出售staples in store 15% off coupon,到1月21日有效
话题: staples话题: rewards话题: print话题: copy话题: valid
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6379
有什么用啊,除了copy & print,有啥可以买的吗
Valid in Staples® U.S. stores only. Excludes self-service printing,
computer workstation, Staples Promotional Products, shipping services,
postage stamps, online orders, and gift cards. Each item purchased can only
be discounted by one coupon, applied by cashier in the order received and
prior to tax. Coupon valid only for original recipient and not valid if
purchased or sold and must be surrendered. Not valid on prior purchases or
purchases made with Staples® Procurement or Convenience Cards. Rewards
Copy & Print benefit coupons are not redeemable for cash. If benefit coupon
is not redeemed in full, a balance coupon will print for the remaining value
. Staples is not liable for unclaimed or expired Rewards and Copy & Print
benefit coupons cannot be reissued or redeemed after expiration date. The
sale, barter or transfer of Rewards and Copy & Print benefit coupons, except
by Staples, is expressly prohibited. Abuse of the Staples Rewards program,
including violation of program policies, or other improper conduct as
determined by Staples, may result in legal action, cancellation of member's
account, exclusion from the program, forfeiture of all rewards accrued, and
liability for past rewards redeemed. Staples reserves the right to change
the Rewards program at any time without notice.
发帖数: 15629


【在 s****e 的大作中提到】
: 有什么用啊,除了copy & print,有啥可以买的吗
: Valid in Staples® U.S. stores only. Excludes self-service printing,
: computer workstation, Staples Promotional Products, shipping services,
: postage stamps, online orders, and gift cards. Each item purchased can only
: be discounted by one coupon, applied by cashier in the order received and
: prior to tax. Coupon valid only for original recipient and not valid if
: purchased or sold and must be surrendered. Not valid on prior purchases or
: purchases made with Staples® Procurement or Convenience Cards. Rewards
: Copy & Print benefit coupons are not redeemable for cash. If benefit coupon
: is not redeemed in full, a balance coupon will print for the remaining value

发帖数: 1829
打印address label, but anyway we all using email now...
actually can print Christmas Card for this year!!! Ho..Ho...Ho....
1 (共1页)
400伪币出售staples in store 15% off coupon,到1月21日有效求助!HP和Staples的rebate没收到,搬家了,怎么办啊?
staples又发75off了staples ink receycle的兄弟们小心了
这个$10 off 50的staple胖子能买什么呜~~~~ Staples $100 Gift Check 被盗用了
Staples $100 off 电脑胖子来了staples rewards快过期了,有什么可以买的?
staples 来了 50% bonus rewards check emailstaples rewards也被盗了
ipad mini $203 after Rakuten points有没有人staples昨天还显示可以redeem rewards,现在就找不到了
求教,这中AA voucher隔壁版上收不? (转载)staples的rebate支票刚过期了
感恩节staples easyrebate大家都拿到了吗?staples家的check 要是很久没收到咋办
话题: staples话题: rewards话题: print话题: copy话题: valid