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Talk版 - Re: Ferarro: Obama Where He Is Because He's Black
It is Clinton's Country所谓Obama自己反对自己的提案
Re: Ferarro: Obama Where He Is Because He's Black加州猫 :Ferraro是一个turning point
why pelosi is so stupid?This is lying "H O参院投票记录简直是一抹一样" zz
共和党和民主党:无原则的忠诚和无原则的背叛 (转载)Obama Votes Against Obama Economic Package
Obama gain more delegates in CAA comment means a lot!
我建议大家去看看1996年总统选举数据Paul Ryan 是个什么人?
Obama courts Pa. GOP and independentsRe: Rezko Wiki 很搞,放张Clinton夫妇和Rezko的照片
鉴于某些O fan造谣昨天晚上看fox
话题: black话题: he话题: because话题: obama话题: ferarro
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 462
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: fku0000 (fku), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: Ferarro: Obama Where He Is Because He's Black
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 11 14:29:06 2008)
the entire democrates' political platform is built on getting the black
votes. They have averted the black votes from the republicans because they
portraited the republicans as too white.
now, a black candidate comes along and those white democrats (aka Clintons)
are suddenly too white for the black voters.
the clintons played the race card
1 (共1页)
昨天晚上看foxObama gain more delegates in CA
Re: 希拉里那么牛,为什么还会斗不过奥巴马?我建议大家去看看1996年总统选举数据
估计接着6星期Obama courts Pa. GOP and independents
CNN is with Obama鉴于某些O fan造谣
It is Clinton's Country所谓Obama自己反对自己的提案
Re: Ferarro: Obama Where He Is Because He's Black加州猫 :Ferraro是一个turning point
why pelosi is so stupid?This is lying "H O参院投票记录简直是一抹一样" zz
共和党和民主党:无原则的忠诚和无原则的背叛 (转载)Obama Votes Against Obama Economic Package
话题: black话题: he话题: because话题: obama话题: ferarro