

全部话题 - 话题: backhand
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发帖数: 36508
来自主题: Pingpong版 - [合集] 有感: 打球归来...
usatt (usatt) 于 (Mon Aug 23 09:31:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
- Roger Dickson 今年估计要求和我分一组争取抱去年的仇, 可是丫又输给我. 1:1,
第三局他领先到10:6, 然后我16:14赢了, 他把拍一扔地上, 头撞墙两分种一个人在那
面壁. 然后1:3败了后狗不改吃屎又在那里左右抱怨我发球有问题...标准sore loser
- 阿三ASH不要脸赖明显的擦边球, 对此我很不爽不懈
- 1/4决赛本地的裁判帮本地的对手, call 我发球抛得低却不call对手遮挡
- 我自己; 打完比赛才总结出来, 我打球是看人比看球多, 应该眼睛盯球我却是盯人多
只用余光看球...coupled with我反手用得太少, 猛吃侧上旋(Q#$%@^#$^)发球, 步伐移动太慢, 反应差意识差...老是输给不改输的人
故: 决定第二次改打反手长胶, 已经进了最新的BTY FEINT LONG 3 带海绵的和NITTAKU
的MORISTO LP带海绵. 给我... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 196
来自主题: Tennis版 - 双反
Why do you want to change? Your one hand backhand is pretty good. Two hand
backhand really requires more precise paces, which is hard for my bad knees,
so I am trying to practise some one hand backhand now. Anyhow, add my two
cents for the two hand backhand.

发帖数: 2546
天比较晚,slow motion 放大看才能看见球
forehand & forehand slow motion
backhand & backhand slow motion
forehand slow
backhand slow
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 女单决赛可以不用看了
On technique, her backhand flaw is that she sometimes rely on
backhand topspin too much (almost as a habit).
An example would be on a fast wide ball to her backhand, she
would run there and hit a topspin with full force, often ended
up in the net (she uses western grip on backhand).
This could be due to her statue. She could slice but often got
killed on the next ball.
发帖数: 7271
来自主题: Tennis版 - Where is the 弯曲 ben?
JudieYan has quite good pace on his forehand and backhand drive from the
practice video and match video. Most of his losing points are because his
backhand slice is not deep.
I think if he can practice his backhand slice more often and forehand angle
control (playing some double with one at net setting might help this). He
will be very hard to break. But most people love to hit powerful flat/
topspin shots in practice but are not practicing their backhand slice enough
. I myself is guilty of thi
发帖数: 30533
Suggestions for next step:
if you play agi, try to always use your forehand and hit to his backhand.
Do this until you can consistantly overpower him in groundstrokes, then
start trying to hit to his forehand and hit a few backhands.
If you are playing your partner, try to use backhand as much as possible.
Your forehand is probably too good for him but your backhand looks shaky.
Serve: there is no easy way. You probably know what's
the issues but you just can't improve it -- there is no time to
发帖数: 1389
来自主题: Tennis版 - chipncharge
yes, his backhand needs improvement. here is my advice:
1. improve topspin to handle the low ball and soft ball coming from volley
2. improve slice and slice lob, if no.1 is too hard. at least let me do some
3. during the rally, his backhand is good enough for strong 3.5 and weak 4.0
. he hits well when the ball comes to him with moderate pass and he runs
fast and can compensate backhand with his good forehand. to have a better
backhand, he needs to practice to be able to hit a backha
发帖数: 127
来自主题: Tennis版 - 偶的偶像
I am a single handed backhand player. But I really like Safin's two-handed
backhand. I think he is one of the best two-handed backhand players in the
history. Yes, he use Prestige.
As for Soderling, I think he is the current best two-handed backhand player.
发帖数: 4225
来自主题: Tennis版 - 反手的open stance
forehand open stance is easier to do than backhand open stance.
by the way, I would call it neutral stance when most people hit backhand.
Neutral stance is actually great for backhand and it has the disguise for
you to either hit cross court or down-the-line. Whereas open stance backhand
has the advantage to return for the next shot quickly as well as approach
the net quickly. But your opponent can easily tell which direction you are
hitting the ball, and most time you will hit a cross-court w
发帖数: 1284
来自主题: Tennis版 - 看看国内和国外的差距
that's a passing shot winner. it's a winner, no doubt, but it doesn't
represent his real backhand level, during baseline exchanges, his backhand
is not a weapon, just not a liability. the variety of his forehand is his
radiometrix has more action on his forehand than this guy, and his shots
are a lot deeper. moonball with no spin cannot compare with moonball with
a lot of spin.
if you admire his running forehand and backhand, you should be a fan of
me, because my running forehand and bac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 189
来自主题: Tennis版 - 请教个技术问题!
When the incoming ball is high at your backhand, slick back to your opponent
's backhand close to the side line, thus your opponent (dhbh) cannot return
easily with full strength, and there is also no room to use forehand to hit
the ball. The only thing he may do, is to return a slow ball to your
backhand again. In another hand, you stayed at left, waiting for the slow
ball and hit a forehand down the line. That moment, your opponent has not
returned to the center position yet (why? think it, sl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16592
【 以下文字转载自 TennisOnly 俱乐部 】
发信人: dpg (肖浪--君子不党), 信区: TennisOnly
标 题: 半年能进步多少?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 12 11:11:33 2011, 美东)
有对比,有目标,半年进步很显著,average 3.0 -> 4.0 in my opinion 。
Here's the latest video of my tennis from December 2010.
What's improved:
- BACKHAND mechanics
- Footwork: Backhand side and inside the court on both sides but
inside on forehand
- Positioning, split step timing, being ready after a shot
- cons... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2433
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔一个,求评级
1st serve - 4.0
2nd serve - 3.0
Forehand - 3.5+
Double hand backhand - 3.0+
backhand slice - 2.5
overhead - 3.5+
volley, drop, lob - n/a
court coverage - 3.0
overall - solid 3.0
Focus on improving your backhand and second serve, you can easily get into
competitive 3.5 level.
For 2nd serve, you don't want to slowdown the swing, practice same swing
speed with a little more top spin.
for backhand, reduce the use of slice, be more aggressive, move into the
position faster and do the double handed dr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12169
来自主题: Tennis版 - 个子太矮的不适合玩单反
My son is 13 years old. He is in seventh grade and has been playing tennis
for six years now. His goal is to make varsity tennis as a freshman. I am a
high school tennis coach and believe he has a chance to do it. He has a good
two-handed backhand but lately has been really consumed with changing to a
one-handed backhand. Is this a good time? He is just starting to play
competitive USTA matches and anticipating that this i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2165
If you are DHBH, then you can attack your opponent's backhand from backhand
directly,i.e., cross court stroke, right? You need forehand to attack the
others backhand if you are OHBH, since your backhand is supposed to be weak
too if it's OHBH.
发帖数: 1769
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔:来拍砖dropshot吧
double handed forehand
single handed forehand
double handed backhand
single handed backhand
double handed forehand slice
single handed forehand slice
double handed backhand slice
single handed backhand slice
You name it.....
I never watch any youtube coaching videos
so I do not know how tennis is supposed to
be played
发帖数: 583
来自主题: Tennis版 - 大家来个drop feed 八球pk吧
按照黑导的drop feed大法,底线后一米连续drop feed the following 8 balls,
1. deuce court forehand cross court
2. deuce court forehand down the line
3. deuce court backhand cross court (inside out)
4. deuce court backhand down the line (inside in)
5. AD court backhand cross court
6. AD court backhand down the line
7 AD court forehand inside out
8 AD court forehand inside in
看看placement, net clearance, bounce depth and height, form,
最好atm能从金库里拿点伪币award 票选前三的同学:)
pk只是个小动力,这其实本身就是个不错的练习,黑导应... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1696
Federer's backhand: Car, focusing on speed/change
Gasquet's backhand: Truck, focusing on power/spin
Wawrinka's backhand: Jeep, focusing on the balance
It doesn't mean Wawrinka's backhand can beat Federer's or Gasquet's.But
his balance is crucial when facing Nadal's forehand, at least in this AO
final. Because you need to hit on rise to not to be pulled out of the court,
which Gasquet can't do; you also need to have enough power to somehow
suppress Nadal's power, which Federer can't do.
发帖数: 1129
One more thing: one-handed backhand means one-handed drive, topspin backhand
. Do not confuse it with the one-handed slice backhand, because they are
completely different in terms of muscle memory.
- See more at: http://www.tennismindgame.com/one-or-two-handed-backhand.html#sthash.za5BlyB8.dpuf
发帖数: 149
My coach said the same thing, he said instead of trying to hit winners from
backhand, I should vary my backhand shots since I have three kinds of it:
Looping, Slice and Through. He said I should hit 50% ( or more) of my
through since that is the most consistent backhand I have, only if that does
not work, adding Looping and Slice to change the situation.
Other strategies I could use is:
(1) Use my forehand all the time, most of the time to setup points, it
could be hitting to the opponent's wea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3845
来自主题: Tennis版 - How to hit Federer Like Slice BH
Here is one coach demoing self feed practice high backhand slice technique.
I'm going to try it. There may be some similarity between high backhand
slice and high backhand volley. I am always hitting much weaker high
backhand volley than high forehand volley.
Slow motion self feed.
Regular speed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRp_XpbdU9U (at 1:06 minute)
When to cut the ball (high slice vs low slice are different)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQzn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
greatman andy chong once said "for backhand, first practice
drop, then smash, then clear."
So i guess backhand smash is not harder than clear.
I am still in the stage between drop and smash, i guess.
For singles, backhand cross-court drop is an effective shot,
if clear is not an option.
发帖数: 1485
来自主题: Badminton版 - Re: 问个技术问题

I think that is correct. Otherwise you will feel your racket being hit
by the birdie, instead of easily send the birdie out. You should grip
tightly whenever trying to hit with power.
I don't play backhand well myself, but there are times that I happened to
hit good backhands. From these "good hits", my impression is that the most
important thing in hitting backhand is.
0. Be in the right position. You should at least be as close to the base
line as the bird when you hit it, if not closer. Of
发帖数: 1354
来自主题: Badminton版 - 羽球日记(二)
Guess it also depend on the receiver's height (or the serve's quality) and
the return angle would be very limited. If using forehand, returning to the
backhand of the serving side would be very difficult.
Using backhand to receive will allow a much wider angle of attack, though I
usually push it to the backhand side of the servers.

发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - ypeng: about your games

ur forehand is a lot more consistent, i saw even very high ball in
ur backhand, u still push back.
横打 can't be easily learned by yourself, even the famous Erwin
(used to be over 2300+, now 2100+) started to learn 横打 from Jiaqi,
Butterfly Bryce or Bryce FX(softer) is a good choice.
When i played Erwin, he tried to warm up 横打 a lot, but rarely used
it in real matches.
The best player who is using 横打 is Ken Lin, who used 横打 full-time
like Wang Hao does, i would suggest you ask him about who is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 飞猪 vs Andrew

btw, back to 05, i could run 18 miles up to black mountain at Cupertino.
LP couldn't attack, u still need to run to attack from your backhand
side corner.
actually 2 wing looper doesn't run as much as my style. they just stand
in the middle and loop from 2 sides.
i am NOT suggesting u to try like Steve, a full-time LP player, ur
forehand smooth is still your main weapon.
Just try it, if you think ur backhand loop contributes more to ur
game than your LP serve return/defense, u can always co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 飞猪 vs Andrew

as i said before, both styles exist, just try both to see which style
is better for you, i try to backhand loop too, the skill never matches
my playing whole game level, so i didn't dare to use them.
WMTT's serve return is not bad at all.
Statistically: there are more guys just putting a LP on backhand to break
2000 than 2 wing loopers in bay area. But truth is: if u like to reach
2400, 2 wing looper has better chance.
Also, the higher level you have already been, the more difficult you can
add... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
when he moved fast to his backhand corner to use his forehand, he was
surprised to see my return to his far forehand with my LP side, flat
ball return.
u know i was exploding his backhand weakness since 3rd game.
he moved fast to his forehand, but it was a little late, so he had
to Gao Diao, i immediately twiddled back my racket and stepped around,
killed his Gao Diao to his backhand to win that point.
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 气宗一一露点
how come among my USATT 13 year tournament career? everyone i met
said my weakness was my backhand?
they play at least 70-80% to my backhand.
i can attack 90% of the balls to my forehand, but just 30% to my backhand.
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 老干部培训班归来
the reason i added LP on my backhand was not due to 步伐和体力.. it is just
process for me to really PLAY and enjoy the sports.
I found out i had no way to switch to shakehand or penhold RPB, so why leave
the backhand empty? at least i can return serves better using pips on
发帖数: 1565
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 怎样回对方拉过来弧圈的球
Last time, I saw QQMJ's backhand block for looping is very good and
consistent (in the video).
It appears to me that shake hand is easy for backhand block (against
looping)than penholder. For penholder (like me) I feel that RPB block is
easier for the handshape than
front-side block at backhand. Front-side block at backside needs to put the
paddle in a special angle.
See WMTT today's match, a RPB soft blocking is very good.
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - keng: pairs in national teams...
WLQ vs G Yan: fit, tall and powerful forehand, very manly style
backhand is a little weak.
WH vs LLX: consistent, spinny looping from both sides, a little weak
against lefties.
ZJK vs DN: new comer, newly crown world champions, fighting spirit.
new skills in backhand, but need more competition
ML vs LSW: textbook style of skills, balanced play, but need more
strength from both s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36508
来自主题: Pingpong版 - keng: pairs in national teams...

WLQ vs G Yan: fit, tall and powerful forehand, very manly style
backhand is a little weak.
WH vs LLX: consistent, spinny looping from both sides, a little weak
against lefties.
ZJK vs DN: new comer, newly crown world champions, fighting spirit.
new skills in backhand, but need more competition
experience.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 771
来自主题: Pingpong版 - USATT2011 能解释一下吗?
Let me give you another explanation about lifting and brushing,
To have a consistent backhand with penholder, the feeling of brushing is ver
y important. To practice, get a ball, throw it into the sky. when the ball f
alls down, brush it with your racket as strongly as you can and try to hit i
n different directions (no table needed), you can feel that the ball stays o
n your racket for a small amount of time, and your racket embraces the ball
and then throws it out, That's the feeling you shoul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1565
来自主题: Pingpong版 - Las Vegas Day 1
Las Vegas Day 1
Arrive airport at 6Pm; Rental car; arrive hotel 7:30PM.
Call Olympic Table Tennis Club. The guy said 10AM-9PM;
Call Las Vegas Table Tennis Club, The guy said until 10PM.
Hurry up;
There is some traffic and always took longer time than GPS said.
Arrive Las Vegas Tennis Club 8:30PM. 9 persons there; the owner is Korean.
Many people use Japanese Penholder.
Address: Las Vegas Table Tennis
3060 S. Highland Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89109, 702-360-5888, Monday to Friday - 1:00PM to 10:00PM an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1565
来自主题: Pingpong版 - Las Vegas Day 2
Las Vegas Day 2
Arrived 2pm the same club after having a good Chinese lunch
Paid $10 instead of $5. I did not ask why last night I paid $5 instead;
3 persons at the beginning;
Soon 6 persons including me;
Now most American guys;
1. First, I beat Jack Howard, who used to be one of the best players in USA
in 1960s-1970s. who was US Team Captain, led the “Ping Pong Diplomacy” to
China in 1971.
http://www.usatt.org/organization/halloffame/inde... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
i chatted with him at USOPen 2000, at the dinner table with Wei, Qinguang..
Liu Song told me he started as a penholder, but with a weaker backhand,
his coach from Guangxi(same as Wei's) suggested him to change to shakehand,
but his backhand as shakehand was still very weak, so he changed to LP in
his backhand.
Now, 12 years later, he still could win Pam-Am men's single to qualify for
London 2012, good for him!
发帖数: 35
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 浅析垃圾
Sun Bin of Intel is playing inverted forehand (Hurricane 3 rubbers)
and long pips backhand (penhold style).
He has one of the most deceptive penhold serves(those resembled Liu Guo
Liang using
the backhand side of the rubber to serve on his forehand position or we call
it reversed-backhand forehand serves) and his long pips is so surprising in
terms of position chop block.
I think he used to play much better when he was in China and at least in
2250 or higher level.
发帖数: 7311
来自主题: Pingpong版 - personal table tennis coach
这个是那个小伙写的;他rating 1800,叫cong xiao
I've been hooked on table tennis ever since I watched professional players
on tv 12 years ago, and I wanted to be just like them. I spent many years
honing and refining my skills, never had the money or luxury for coaching
considering my family was low income, everything was self taught, including
my most advantageous and favorite shot, my Reverse Penhold Backhand. I've
spent countless hours in front of the computer watching drills and matches,
studying the mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 356
来自主题: Tennis版 - how to hit powerful forehand??
Sure,i will use typical approaching if i want to go for a volley winner:
majority is deep shots with some spin to my enemy's backhand;if i want to
gamble, use inside-out;if we both are exharsted,try some nice drops. Hehe.
I have to say, approaching should always go to the weakness of your
opponents'ground shots. If his backhand is not so powerful and strong, i will
kick every approach to his backhand,even some time i may hit a winner to his
forehand. But the approach-volley will give me more pre
发帖数: 132
来自主题: Tennis版 - Federer’s signature shot
随便写写,算是response to KennyD的大作。
1. Ad. court Forehand inside-out
闪身正手cross court. 其实Down the line打得也很好。
2. Duce court Running Forehand cross court (球拍在头顶follow through)
1. Ad. court Backhand passing shot
Roddick最清楚这一招,每次上网几乎都被穿。当然这一侧最强passing shot还是Nadal
2. Ad. court Running Backhand down the line
经典例子是08温网第四盘抢七里救了一个championship point.
Head smash:
发帖数: 30533
A more suitable comparison would be Gonzalez vs. Simon. Even that is not
a good example, since 3.5 forehand vs 3.0 forehand is a big difference,
and at such low level forehand means a LOT.
If you compare him with Federer, then Federer has an equally good forehand,
with much better backhand. Of course Gonzalez got no chance.
I am not saying if you have 3.5 forehand + 2.5 backhand, you can beat
a 3.0 + 3.0. But having 3.5 forehand + 3.0 backhand + 3.0 serve + 2.5
volley, is at an considerable adva
发帖数: 1665
来自主题: Tennis版 - 裸奔了
Zan, a solid player.
Move your body forward instead of backward. When trying to hit rise, at
least to lean your upper body forward. If you have to jump, jump forward.
When you jump, you lost balance.
It is your weakness. Your backhand slice has no bite of the ball and it is
floating in the air because you might keep the racquet face open. Try to
slice with the racquet face vertical to the ground.
When hit a 1H backhand topspin, you shall turn the shoulder to show your
发帖数: 806
来自主题: Tennis版 - 裸奔了
For Backhand, most of time I use drive, not slice.
I am still very new to backhand slice. Try to bite the ball as you say.
From the video, yes, backhand technique has much room to improve.
Deep ball problem, yes, sometime I am naturally returning the ball like
practice. Need to be more active.
Forehand problem, not sure how to improve it yet.
However I get the idea in the head now.
发帖数: 758
来自主题: Tennis版 - Ben game clips
That is true. Get down to it, it is the error percentage. I can play easily
10+ forehands with no unforced error, cannot say that for the backhand. Like
the idea of challenging others forehand with backhand. I can probably dedicate next month ball machine sections to backhands, just in time for the singles season.
发帖数: 1216
来自主题: Tennis版 - 还是手机拍的low quality
my backhand is only stable when I can catch the exact timing, which is much
easier with ball machine than in a match.
When I can catch the timing, my backhand shot does feel better than forehand
"Who do you use close stance in backhand?"?
发帖数: 3845
Henin's weakness is: if a ball to her backhand is deep and flat, she either
chips it or tends to make unforced error when trying to hit a half-volley
topspin backhand. Zheng Jie's backhand is deep, flat, accurate and also wide
. That's a good weapon to pull Henin wide from a rally. The question for
Zheng jie is, if Henin chip it short cross court, how well can she attack it
Another of Henin's weakness of course is her 2nd serve. She makes a lot of
double faults. Henin can only play a slice/si
发帖数: 10373
来自主题: Tennis版 - Federer Vs Nadal
faint, you still don't know what i talked about.
murray knew he had to attack ff's backhand. but he didn't know HOW to attack
ff's backhand. not just kept putting all the balls to one side. he had to
give the pressue to ff, like moving ff around and then attacking again, like
giving ff different kinds of balls (wild angles, topspin...) to the
backhand. if you look at murray's shots, it is all about the counter puncher
, that is his style, unfortunately, totally no threat to ff, even for his
发帖数: 132
来自主题: Tennis版 - 双手反手 (转载)
Comparing to comments of Agassi that I heard from semi final of USopen 2007
(Roddick Vs. Federer), what you said is, in my opinion, wrong and misleading
Agassi was invited as a commentator to that match. They were criticize
Roddick's backhand. The main point is that Roddick uses left hand dominantly
, which is what you said here. That causes his backhand stiff and lack of
power. Agassi said he uses right hand dominantly. And I think his backhand
is much better than Roddick's.
发帖数: 2009
来自主题: Tennis版 - 那班的反手
David Nalbandian's Two Handed Backhand
By Robert Lansdorp
Photos by Tommy Hindly/Professional Sport
David Nalbandian has all the ingredients for a great two-handed backhand.
A few years ago at the U.S. Open I saw David Nalbandian play for the first
time. He was about to turn pro and I was extremely impressed with how
smoothly and easily he executed his strokes, especially his backhand.
Whenever I teach st
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