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Joke版 - 老电影chinatown里的老笑话
Chinatown (1974)2岁的超级烟民
Vice President Biden congratulates the wrong Marty Walsh在看一部老电影《顽主》 (转载)
美国自来水能喝?笑死人了 (转载)男人的想法50条 (转载)
请问这是个笑话吗? (转载)老电影「闪闪的红星」续集 (转载)
The Harvard for the art of hamburger making经典老电影 抓壮丁
罗竖一:不可小觑美国让孔子学院中国教师离境事件Re: 美国人(白人)有什么劣根性? (转载)
女生上来来问下,这个工作能去吗 --成人网站 (转载)组图:外国人在中国当农民工
黄牛对白男果然能忍Re: loser实在不知道这个PhD还要不要读下去。。。 (转载)
话题: he话题: so话题: screwin话题: little话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12067
btw, chinatown纵然多少有点贬损华人,仍然是很经典的,喜欢悬疑侦探,黑色幽默类
So there's this guy Walsh, do you understand? He's tired of screwin' his
wife... So his friend says to him, "Hey, why don't you do it like the
Chinese do?" So he says, "How do the Chinese do it?" And the guy says,
"Well, the Chinese, first they screw a little bit, then they stop, then
they go and read a little Confucius, come back, screw a little bit more,
then they stop again, go and they screw a little bit... then they go
back and they screw a little bit more and then they go out and they
contemplate the moon or something like that. Makes it more exciting." So
now, the guy goes home and he starts screwin' his own wife, see. So he
screws her for a little bit and then he stops, and he goes out of the
room and reads Life Magazine. Then he goes back in, he starts screwin'
again. He says, "Excuse me for a minute , honey." He goes out and he
smokes a cigarette. Now his wife is gettin' sore as hell. He comes back
in the room, he starts screwin' again. He gets
up to start to leave again to go look at the moon. She looks at him and
says , "Hey, whats the matter with ya. You're screwin' just like a
发帖数: 590


【在 j****e 的大作中提到】
: 其实过去chinaman这个词的侮辱性没有现在这么强,到如今完全演化成nigger一
: 个级别了。
: btw, chinatown纵然多少有点贬损华人,仍然是很经典的,喜欢悬疑侦探,黑色幽默类
: 题材的没看过就太可惜了。
: So there's this guy Walsh, do you understand? He's tired of screwin' his
: wife... So his friend says to him, "Hey, why don't you do it like the
: Chinese do?" So he says, "How do the Chinese do it?" And the guy says,
: "Well, the Chinese, first they screw a little bit, then they stop, then
: they go and read a little Confucius, come back, screw a little bit more,
: then they stop again, go and they screw a little bit... then they go

1 (共1页)
Re: loser实在不知道这个PhD还要不要读下去。。。 (转载)The Harvard for the art of hamburger making
How long does it take you to get this joke?罗竖一:不可小觑美国让孔子学院中国教师离境事件
请教:哪里好笑?女生上来来问下,这个工作能去吗 --成人网站 (转载)
Chinatown (1974)2岁的超级烟民
Vice President Biden congratulates the wrong Marty Walsh在看一部老电影《顽主》 (转载)
美国自来水能喝?笑死人了 (转载)男人的想法50条 (转载)
请问这是个笑话吗? (转载)老电影「闪闪的红星」续集 (转载)
话题: he话题: so话题: screwin话题: little话题: chinese