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Living版 - grading
那种绕着房子铺一圈的石头子叫啥?买房求教:请问standing water 是严重问题吗? (转载)
sewer pump 问题 + pit 漏水?看了home inspection的结果,不敢买了
挖沟挖出一堆石头出来,有什么用处?Where can I get patio design examples
请教房子四周drain应该怎么弄?买房时: Inspector's Top 10
HOUSE,做pre-inspection, 发现crawl space有漏水请问后院是不是应该中间高两边低?
去哪里买drainage stone / gravel后院
种菜的土叫什么inspection 发现房子的grading有问题
话题: soil话题: grading话题: gravels话题: plastic话题: top
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 206
Hi, is there any problem if I put plastic film under the new top soil
applied to improve the grading close to the wall? Would that help prevent the water seeping through and pressure the foundation?
Thanks very much!
发帖数: 14763
Well, it sounds pretty standard to people my age. I don't know if there is
new technology.
Just a few of things off the top of my head
1. You need to glue 1' of the plastic sheeting to the basement wall. We used
to use roof cement, but not sure what's the best adhesive now that there
are so many new glues in the town.
2. Back fill with gravels, not top soil. Most likely, you can't find a good
plant for these spots, so forget about top soil. Another benefit of gravels
is, they provide better drainage than soil.
3. Nowadays, it's recommended to use landscape fabric wherever gravels meet
soil, so that the soil can't migrate into gravels and fill up the cavity.
4. If possible, you still need a drain tile to lead the run-off away from
your basement. A few feet of plastic sheeting helps, but if you can lead the
water 20' away, it's better.
1 (共1页)
inspection 发现房子的grading有问题HOUSE,做pre-inspection, 发现crawl space有漏水
Crawl space里的水塘 (转载)去哪里买drainage stone / gravel
House problem谁可以分享下屋子周围铺石头的攻略?
那种绕着房子铺一圈的石头子叫啥?买房求教:请问standing water 是严重问题吗? (转载)
sewer pump 问题 + pit 漏水?看了home inspection的结果,不敢买了
挖沟挖出一堆石头出来,有什么用处?Where can I get patio design examples
请教房子四周drain应该怎么弄?买房时: Inspector's Top 10
话题: soil话题: grading话题: gravels话题: plastic话题: top