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USANews版 - 白宫到处都是泄密的
尼玛这个scaramucci这是要反天了Jared kushner will be very much involved in decisi
福临,priebus, Spicer可能被雷trump下周和硅谷老板们会谈
福林被当成替罪羊 下一个是谁WSJ: 床铺要把Priebus和半农都换掉
Katrina Pierson要当发言人可只给了副的床铺在酝酿白宫班底大换血
Spicer: Trump didn't mean XYZ when he tweeted XYZ尼玛,老床不知道吓尿了没
床铺白宫的四驾马车“Big Four”Kellyanne Conway入阁
MAGA, 床铺震怒,要解雇 Priebus, Bannon, Spicer床总与《纽约时报》人员会谈:full transcript
话题: trump话题: house话题: white话题: spicer话题: president
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Donald Trump’s White House has sprung a remarkable number of leaks since
his inauguration.
The question is where they’re coming from.
Barely a day goes by without some unusual tale emerging from 1600
Pennsylvania Ave. Recent examples in a single New York Times story included
the assertion that White House aides have held meetings in the dark because
they can’t figure out how the lights work and that the president is fond of
watching television alone in his bathrobe.
Trump took to Twitter to assert that the Times “writes total fiction”
about him, while White House press secretary Sean Spicer insisted that the
president does not even own a bathrobe.
More serious matters have been leaked as well, such as descriptions of Trump
’s call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Trump apparently
said a U.S.-Australia deal on refugees, agreed to by President Obama, was “
the worst deal ever,” and told Turnbull their conversation was “the worst
call by far” among several he had held with world leaders that day.
The leakiness of the Trump White House has been a boon to the press corps,
who find themselves feasting on the juicy insider details that were hard to
come by during the “No Drama Obama” years.
But to those rooting for a successful Trump presidency, the picture looks
very different.
“There have been a ton of leaks. It seems that everyone has their own
leaking apparatus,” lamented one Trump ally who works outside the White
The ally argued the leaking has become so profligate that it’s hurting the
administration, forcing White House officials to deal with internal turmoil
instead of their opponents outside the building.
“I don’t know how it affects morale, but it is certainly a distraction,”
the source said. “They have 55 firehoses aimed at them. Enough of the
palace intrigue!”
The speculation about who’s up and who’s down among Trump’s cadre of
advisors won’t subside anytime soon, however.
In part, that’s because any leak that emerges is immediately parsed for
clues as to the source — and whom they might be intending to harm.
Much of the intrigue centers upon the relationship between Stephen Bannon,
the former Breitbart News executive who is now a senior counselor to the
president, and former Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus,
who is now White House chief of staff.
Trump announced the two men’s appointments simultaneously, but they were
immediately perceived as potentially antagonistic figures — Bannon the
happy warrior suspicious of the GOP establishment, and Priebus the emblem of
that establishment.
But insiders say it’s an oversimplification to perceive the Trump White
House as divided between two warring camps.
Some suggest that the two men are more collegial than is generally
Others note that there are other big players in Trump’s White House who
have their own standing and cannot be categorized as a foot soldier for
either man. The two names most often cited are counselor to the president
Kellyanne Conway and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
What Conway and Kushner have in common is a genuine closeness to Trump.
Spicer, a Priebus ally, is generally perceived to have no such cover, which
may be one reason why he appears to have suffered more than anyone else from
damaging leaks to the press.
By various accounts, the president has been displeased by Spicer’s general
performance, by the cut of his suits and even by the fact that the press
secretary was caricatured by a woman, Melissa McCarthy, on the most recent
episode of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.”
On Tuesday, CNN reported that there was already a search underway to lighten
Spicer’s workload by finding someone to take over one of his roles, that
of communications director.
While it is unusual for someone to be both communications director and press
secretary — and the CNN story also included a senior administration
official attesting that Trump supports Spicer “100 percent” — the story
looked like yet another arrow aimed at the man behind the White House
More broadly, the multiplicity of power centers — not just one or two — in
the Trump White House only heightens the intrigue. Some Republicans worry
that it has also engendered a sense of ruthlessness among the key players
when it comes to protecting their positions.
“It’s clear that a few individuals believe that if they kneecap a few of
their colleagues, they will benefit — whereas, in fact, they are weakening
the president,” said Matt Mackowiak, a GOP strategist and Contributor for
The Hill.
The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on Donald
Trump’s presidency.
发帖数: 10056
Wire tapped? Mole put in by Dem? Intentional leak by WH?
Hard to tell.
发帖数: 10034
need to DTS TO MAGA


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/318621-trump-white-house-besieged-by-leaks
: Donald Trump’s White House has sprung a remarkable number of leaks since
: his inauguration.
: The question is where they’re coming from.
: Barely a day goes by without some unusual tale emerging from 1600
: Pennsylvania Ave. Recent examples in a single New York Times story included
: the assertion that White House aides have held meetings in the dark because
: they can’t figure out how the lights work and that the president is fond of
: watching television alone in his bathrobe.
: Trump took to Twitter to assert that the Times “writes total fiction”

发帖数: 10469
1 (共1页)
床总与《纽约时报》人员会谈:full transcriptSpicer: Trump didn't mean XYZ when he tweeted XYZ
报告出来后,关于“俄hack”两边斗法论点床铺白宫的四驾马车“Big Four”
CNN跟trump扛上了MAGA, 床铺震怒,要解雇 Priebus, Bannon, Spicer
尼玛这个scaramucci这是要反天了Jared kushner will be very much involved in decisi
福临,priebus, Spicer可能被雷trump下周和硅谷老板们会谈
福林被当成替罪羊 下一个是谁WSJ: 床铺要把Priebus和半农都换掉
Katrina Pierson要当发言人可只给了副的床铺在酝酿白宫班底大换血
话题: trump话题: house话题: white话题: spicer话题: president