

全部话题 - 话题: earners
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发帖数: 1181
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: delta2013 (第99头驴), 信区: Military
标 题: ZT:top 1% of earners enjoyed 95% of the income gains since the recession ended
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 13 12:39:25 2013, 美东)
A recent study reveals that the top 10% of earners in the U.S. took home
more than half the country’s total income in 2012. That's the highest level
recorded since the government began collecting the data a century ago,
according to a New York Times analysis.
Related: Why Incomes Could Fall For the Next 30... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8598
A recent study reveals that the top 10% of earners in the U.S. took home
more than half the country’s total income in 2012. That's the highest level
recorded since the government began collecting the data a century ago,
according to a New York Times analysis.
Related: Why Incomes Could Fall For the Next 30 Years
The study by economists Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty also found that the
top 1% of earners enjoyed 95% of the income gains since the recession ended
. Meanwhile, incomes for the rest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9831
more than anyone else in the world
Do Americans—and many Europeans working in American-dominated fields such
as investment bank, consulting and ventures—work too hard?
Economic data show that in 1950, Americans worked around 1,900 hours per
year. That’s now down to 1,700. But the French, who used to work 2,150
hours annually, now clock up fewer than 1,500 hours—they used to work much
more than Americans, now they work less. And Ge... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12088
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: dejavu (三十多岁的低薪华人男), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Obama's rude shock to six-figure earners
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 28 13:29:58 2009)
What everyone's overlooking in the new budget: a stealth tax on people
making more than $250,000.
Shawn Tully, editor at large
Last Updated: February 27, 2009: 5:22 PM ET
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- During the presidential campai
发帖数: 914
Multiple Jobs Worksheet以后,算下来每年要withhold 8000+的税,我自己的W-4表也
发帖数: 233
Wall Street's Top Earners: Your Pain, Their Gain
Forbes, April 15, 2008
By Peter J. Schwartz
Problems paying the mortgage, filling the gas tank and feeding the family
have eroded living standards for millions of Americans during the past
several months. Not so for people who manage big piles of money; many of
them made a fortune betting correctly on the housing debacle and rising
commodity prices last year.
Our second annual look at the pay of folks who run hedge and private equity
funds shows t
发帖数: 1518
来自主题: Military版 - 关于加拿大的 9大谎言
in 2009,
for all families of two or more persons, the average after-tax income is $74
for all families of two parents with children, the average after-tax income
is $84.8K/year
Average income after tax by economic family types
(2005 to 2009) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
$ constant 2009
Economic families1, two people or more 69,200 70,900 73,700 74,800 74,700
Elderly families2 51,500 52,500 55,900 56,100 55,200
Married couples onl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - WSJ:The Price of Taxing the Rich
As Brad Williams walked the halls of the California state capitol in
Sacramento on a recent afternoon, he spotted a small crowd of protesters
battling state spending cuts. They wore shiny white buttons that said "We
Love Jobs!" and argued that looming budget reductions will hurt the Golden
State's working class.
Mr. Williams shook his head. "They're missing the real problem," he said.
The working class may be taking a beating from spending cuts used to close a
cavernous deficit, Mr. Williams sai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14194
CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less
By Lawrence Mishel and Alyssa Davis | June 12, 2014
The 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were prosperous times for top U.S. executives,
especially relative to other wage earners and even relative to other very
high wage earners (those earning more than 99.9 percent of all wage earners)
. Executives constitute a larger group of workers than is commonly
recognized, and the extraordinary pay ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
I See England, I See France
by Matt Purple
The left and much of the center are launching a scorched-earth assault
against the right's position on taxes.
Republicans are being told they must hike taxes on top earners if they're
serious about paying down the debt. Grover Norquist is being portrayed as a
mad sorcerer, staggering around and misfiring spells in fits of pique while
his entranced minions slowly come to. Here in Washington, meaningless
buzzwords are fluttering through the air like dead ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Why so much fighting about economics
Give It to Me
by Ralph R. Reiland
“Why so much fighting about economics?” asked a friend recently. “
Economics is just logic.”
Well, not exactly. The basics are logical, as in reasonable or to be
expected. But things get very tricky and political when it comes to
With the basics, for instance, drops in supply can be expected to raise
prices. A freeze in Florida’s orange groves will generally reduce supplies
and hike prices.
And decreases in demand can be expected to drop prices. Ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11693
lz先学习一下,在美国哪些行业服务员属于wage earner,哪些行业服务员属于tip
earner,你在接受wage earner服务员服务的时候,不用给小费,接受tip earner服务
餐馆服务员是tip earner,超市工作人员是wage earner
发帖数: 11319
Low-middle wage earners: One of the biggest losses for low to middle
wage earners will be the Earned Income Tax Credit, which was a
refundable credit (meaning that even if your credit exceeds your tax
liability, you don't lose the excess and are entitled to receive any
overage as a refund) for married couples filing jointly with 2011 earned
income under $49,078 and singles with income under $43,998.
On top of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11319
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Obama win: What it means for your tax bill
Low-middle wage earners: One of the biggest losses for low to middle
wage earners will be the Earned Income Tax Credit, which was a
refundable credit (meaning that even if your credit exceeds your tax
liability, you don't lose the excess and are entitled to receive any
overage as a refund) for married couples filing jointly with 2011 earned
income under $49,078 and singles with income under $43,998.
On top ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9503
IRS data for 2008, for example, show that households in the top 10% of
earners (above about $114,000) paid 19% of their income to the feds.
Those in the top 1% (above $380,000) paid 23.3%. The top 0.1% of
earners, with incomes of $2 million or more, end up paying a slightly
lower tax of 22.7%, because they get more of their income from
investments (more about this below).
So what about the rest of us? According to IRS data, a median-income
household ($35,000) in 2008 paid a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36302
Surprise! Who's not paying federal income tax?
By Todd Spangler, Detroit Free Press
WASHINGTON – Amid complaints that nearly half of tax filers in the U.S. won
't pay federal income taxes this year, this has been lost: Those making $75,
000-$100,000 a year are the fastest-growing share of people who don't pay
federal income taxes.
Not working poor people — but those who are firmly middle class.
They still make up less than 1% of the total number of income tax filers who
pay no tax at all, but th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
BY: Blake Seitz Follow @@BlakeSeitz
November 12, 2015 3:01 pm
Fox Business host Neil Cavuto engaged a scholar in earnest Socratic dialogue
Keely Mullen is a national organizer for #MillionStudentMarch, a movement
that demands “tuition-free public college, cancellation of all student debt
, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers” in response to the crisis
caused by rapacious corporate education.
“#MillionStudentMarch is a movement for a more equitable and fair system of
educat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama’s Legacy: 5 Million Increase in Households Where No One Works
Posted by mishgea | March 6, 2016 1:45:48 | Economics
Promises Honored
Obama promised to do something about rising income inequality. He did. He
made matters worse.
Income inequality is up by three different measures, and there is a huge
five million jump in households in which no one works at all.
His policies prove that transfer payments reduce incentives to work and
lower incomes. Yet, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
NJ一亿万富翁因为税太高搬到Florida去, 然后NJ的预算就出问题了
Billionaire David Tepper is moving from New Jersey to Florida this year —
and so is his tax contribution to New Jersey, which is so large the move
threatens his former home's state budget.
The outsize dent one change of address can make sheds light not only on how
much money America's wealthiest citizens can move, but also on how much the
"1 percent" contributes to a functioning government.
Mr. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1181
Over 47 million Americans now rely on food stamps.
According to Social Security tax records for 2011:
151,380,749 wage earners (had earnings in 2011)
50 percent of US wage earners made less than or equal to the median wage
, estimate to be $26,965
66 percent of US wage earners made less than or equal to $41,211.36
This information is at a granular level but extremely helpful. Since
everyone pays into the Social Security system, this is a good sense of how
many people are earning inc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36289
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: Cavuto采访一个示威学生,该学生得表现让人尴尬
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 13 15:24:32 2015, 美东)
BY: Blake Seitz Follow @@BlakeSeitz
November 12, 2015 3:01 pm
Fox Business host Neil Cavuto engaged a scholar in earnest Socratic dialogue
Keely Mullen is a national organizer for #MillionStudentMarch, a movement
that demands “tuition-free public college, cancellation of all student debt
, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers” in response to t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 804
来自主题: Military版 - 美国这个预算太搞了
看看这个,民主党其实并不是给富人收税,而是通过剥削中产阶级来实现“yes we can
The top one percent paid 27.6 percent of all federal taxes in 2005
See David Cay Johnston Plays with the Facts at EconLog by David Henderson.
Here is that post:
"In the latest issue of our local left-wing weekly, the Monterey County
Weekly, David Cay Johnston has an article, "Tax Facts Hardly Anyone Knows."
He lists and discusses 9 purported tax facts. Many of them are right. But I
want to focus on one that, although correct, he presents in a mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21374
来自主题: Military版 - Earnings of Canada’s 1 per cent
more to become a top 1-per-center in Canada. The threshold to be in the top
percentile of earners rose to $209,600 in 2011, up from $201,400 a year
earlier. Five years earlier, it was $198,500.
Among cities, the threshold to be part of the top 1 per cent is, by far,
highest in Calgary at $391,700 (though that’s down from five years earlier)
. The threshold is lowest in Trois-Rivières, at $152,300.
There are slightly more women in this group. The percentage of females who
are in the top 1-per-cen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8042
来自主题: Military版 - 超过一半的美国人工资不到三万
SSA 2017的数据:
The "raw" average wage, computed as net compensation divided by the number
of wage earners, is $7,982,655,109,292.13 divided by 165,438,239, or $48,251
.57. Based on data in the table below, about 67.4 percent of wage earners
had net compensation less than or equal to the $48,251.57 raw average wage.
By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or
equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $31,561.49 for 2017.
https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/netcomp.c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 789
Cutting taxes for the wealthy does not generate faster economic growth,
according to a new report. But those cuts may widen the income gap between
the rich and the rest, according to a new report.
A study from the Congressional Research Service -- the non-partisan research
office for Congress -- shows that "there is little evidence over the past
65 years that tax cuts for the highest earners are associated with savings,
investment or productivity growth."
In fact, the study found that higher tax... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
CBO shows top 40% pay more than 100% of taxes
By: Randall Holcombe
12/19/2013 04:09 PM
This article originally appeared on heartland.org.
The Congressional Budget Office has published a study, The Distribution of
Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010, which shows that the top 40
percent of income earners paid 106.2 percent of total federal income taxes,
while the bottom 40 percent paid -9.1 percent. This isn’t the study’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
个one page,让人尽情攻击,下面就是一系列电视报纸声讨,然后民调一天比一天低,
NYT: Tax Plan Shifts Trillions From U.S. Coffers to Richest Families
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s proposal to slash individual and business
taxes and erase a surtax that funds the Affordable Care Act would amount to
a multitrillion-dollar shift from federal coffers to America’s richest
families and their heirs, setting up a politically fraught battle over how
best to use the government’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 88
President Donald Trump could cut his tax bills by more than $1.1 billion,
including saving tens of millions of dollars in a single year, under his
proposed tax changes, a New York Times analysis has found.
On Wednesday, the White House announced a sweeping plan to cut a variety of
taxes that would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy. The estimate of Trump’
s savings is based in part on information from his 2005 federal tax return.
The analysis compares what his tax burden would be under current l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
A. Reasonable cause beyond tenant control: The initial term of this Lease
may be terminated upon thirty (30) days
written notice to Landlord/Agent due to involuntary change of employment
from the xxx area,
death of major wage earner, unemployment, or for any other reasonable cause
beyond Tenant’s control. Tenant shall
provide Landlord/Agent with written proof of such involuntary change in
employment of greater than 25 miles from the
Was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
Warren Buffett's Tax Dodge
The billionaire volunteers the middle class for a tax increase.
Barney Kilgore, the man who made the Wall Street Journal into a national
publication, was once asked why so many rich people favored higher taxes.
That's easy, he replied. They already have their money.
That insight is worth recalling amid the latest political duet from
President Obama and Warren Buffett demanding higher taxes on "millionaires
and billionaires." Mr. Buffett is repeating his now familiar ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2260
1. 州税不能抵税
2. 取消AMT
Winners and Losers in the Trump Tax Plan
The tax plan the Trump administration released Wednesday consists (so far)
of a single page of bullet points.
If this were a more rounded plan, we could wait for the tax wonks at various
think tanks to run it through their models and tell with some precision how
it would affect people at different income levels and who would benefit
fr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 2010年美国40%家庭负担106.2%联邦所得税
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 20 16:50:43 2013, 美东)
CBO shows top 40% pay more than 100% of taxes
By: Randall Holcombe
12/19/2013 04:09 PM
This article originally appeared on heartland.org.
The Congressional Budget Office has published a study, The Distribution of
Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010, which shows that the top 40
percent of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
一言以蔽之:填退休金造成的州赤字的无底洞!“So any money allocated to
schools will merely backfill the teachers' pension fund.”
1. 未必增收
As the Analyst cautions, due to huge swings in the investment incomes of top
earners and "the uncertainty of their responses to the rate increases, the
revenues raised by this measure are difficult to estimate."
2. 只拿教育经费开刀
Mr. Brown has threatened to "trigger" $5.9 billion in education cuts if his
initiative fails, but he'd make less than $100 million in other trims.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
一言以蔽之:填退休金造成的州赤字的无底洞!“So any money allocated to
schools will merely backfill the teachers' pension fund.”
1. 未必增收
As the Analyst cautions, due to huge swings in the investment incomes of top
earners and "the uncertainty of their responses to the rate increases, the
revenues raised by this measure are difficult to estimate."
2. 只拿教育经费开刀
Mr. Brown has threatened to "trigger" $5.9 billion in education cuts if his
initiative fails, but he'd make less than $100 million in other trims.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11693
你这才是偷换概念 大家的科普贴你没读吗
wage earner和tip earner是定义不同的两种收入模式 社会和法律承认tip earner的收
入由老板付的底薪和客人付的小费组成 接受服务的顾客自觉根据服务给小费 你偏要
cheat the system还质问你不付到的7.25的部分凭什么我不付 因为我的成本和餐价不
包括这部分 包括了这部分也是会提高餐价 总之羊毛是出在你身上 你非钻这个与你有
利的空子 在我们服务到位了以后你也赖着说该我亏本付足这7.25 那我就只有不服务你
发帖数: 1691
来自主题: Quant版 - 投行的码工怎么样?
you don't agree Bloomberg is in top 1% earners in the IT industry on Wall
you don't agree that using Mark Z as a typical example as top1% earners of
silicon valley vs top 1% earners of WS is a stupid mistake?
发帖数: 20
【原文标题】What Obama Needs to Learn From China About Taxes
【原文作者】Shaun Rein
论者所指出... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26623
来自主题: Military版 - 美国劳动力紧缺工资却不涨
By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or
equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $30,557.71 for 2016.
By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or
equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $29,930.13 for 2015.

发帖数: 1
但是,墙街全世界吸血。 医疗可就只吸国内的血。
The richest year was 2015, when 70 health care CEOs collectively made $2
billion. That was an average of about $28.5 million per CEO and a median of
about $17.3 million per CEO. The median household income in 2015 was $56,515
, which the average health care CEO made in less than a day.2017年7月24日
he sky-high pay of health care CEOs
The CEOs of 70 of the largest U.S. health care companies c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7299
来自主题: USANews版 - 侯赛因眼中的“肥羊”--HENRYs
HENRYs, High Earner, Not Rich Yet.
Meet the Henrys (high earners, not rich yet). They make $250,000-plus and
get taxed to high heaven. And they're about to get socked again.
By Shawn Tully with Joan Caplin
Last Updated: October 27, 2008: 10:34 AM ET
Bill and Kira Kwon of Peoria, Ill. He is a wealth advisor at Morgan Stanley
earning $375,000 a year, and she is a freelance photo
发帖数: 327
来自主题: USANews版 - Pat Buchanan : Obama tax plan zz
Comrade Obama?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
If Barack Obama is not a socialist, he does the best imitation of one I've
ever seen.
Under his tax plan, the top 5 percent of wage-earners have their income tax
rates raised from 35 percent to 40 percent, while the bottom 40 percent of
all wage-earners, who pay no income tax, are sent federal checks.
If this is not the socialist redistribution of wealth, what is it?
A steeply graduated income tax h
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Class War Rhetoric War on Reality
By Henry Oliner
A common fallacy of the class warfare rhetoric is to focus on the super rich
to draw a conclusion that will impact the much less affluent; the working
upper middle class sometimes called the 'working rich'. The drone on
corporate jets is such an example. Few small businesses use private jets.
Corporate jets are rare and already heavily scrutinized. The only issue is
whether they should be depreciated over five years or seven years as
required for commercial planes. The impac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Chad Stafko
The City of Columbus, Ohio was greeted by a number of Ohio State University
medical students and individuals from the Investing in Tobacco-Free Youth
Coalition in March of this year. The group touted a poll which found that
more than 60% of Ohio voters favored a tax increase of $0.75 per pack of
cigarettes and nearly the same percent favored a larger tax of $1.25/pack.
A similar poll was conducted in North Carolina earlier this year. It found
that about two out of every three li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
July 9, 2012 by Doug Johnson
Hey look, when you’ve got nothing to show for over three years of effort (
such that it is) on the economy, you’re pretty much left with demagoguery.
That’s exactly what President Obama is going to attempt, by talking about
“tax fairness.”
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is launching a push to extend tax
cuts for the middle class, as he seeks to shift the election-year economic
debate away from the dismal jobs market and toward the issue of tax fairness.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: USANews版 - 这总结的比较有意思。
Vice President Joe Biden, seeking to repair damage done by President Barack
Obama’s subdued debate last week, gave an assertive performance while
clashing with Representative Paul Ryan over the direction of the U.S.
economy, foreign policy, Medicare and taxes.
Enlarge image Biden Combative in Ryan Debate Gives Obama Chance to Reset
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, left, and Republican vice presidential
candidate U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan participate in the vice presidential debate at
Centre College... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Dustin Siggins
On Wednesday afternoon, Center for American Progress reporter Scott Keyes
reported on comments made by Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee. According to
Keyes on Think Progress:
Cloaking his predilection for the rich as concern for the less fortunate
, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) argued Wednesday that raising taxes on the wealthy
would primarily hurt the poor. Lee's comments came on former Arkansas Gov.
Mike Huckabee's (R) radio show as the two discussed the looming fiscal
showdown i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 178
The phrases that make me vomit:
(1) their fair share:
IRS statistics: 47% do not pay income taxes. some even get paid instead.
average effect tax rate for $20K-$50K earners is below 5%; that for $50K-$
100K earners is below 10%; that for Obama defined riches is over 20%. well,
I only see Mitt's 14% rate, and Buffet's rate is lower than his secretary,
who must belong to middle class (yes must).
(2) because they can afford it.
yes, no other excuse is necessary. take their money because the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3192
It's important to make a distinction between income and wealth because
income inequality and wealth inequality aren't equal. According to research
originally done by economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, the top 1
percent of income earners took home 17.67 percent of the total income --
less than a fifth -- of everyone in the U.S. in 2008 [source: Alvaredo et al
]. To qualify as the top 1 percent of earners, you need to make a little
more than $500,000 in cash income in 2011 [source: Rampe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Tax Cuts Boost Jobs, Just Not When Targeted at Rich
By Pedro Nicolaci da Costa

Tax cuts are an effective way to bolster a weak economy and create jobs—as
long as they are targeted at the bottom 90% of income earners.
That’s according to a working paper published by the National Bureau of
Economic Research that adds new evidence to the age-old debate about the
effectiveness of various types of economic policies aimed at spurring growth
and fostering employment.
“The positive relationship be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Clinton’s Wage Hike Would Destroy Nearly 800,000 Jobs
Analysis finds lower earners hardest hit
BY: Bill McMorris
November 17, 2015 5:00 am
Hillary Clinton’s minimum wage hike could cut nearly 800,000 jobs with
people at the bottom end of the pay scale suffering the steepest job losses,
according to a study by two leading economists.
The Democratic frontrunner has said that she supports a $12 hourly wage and
reiterated that position at Saturday’s Democratic debate because “that is
what the Dem... 阅读全帖
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