

全部话题 - 话题: eecummings
发帖数: 3872
来自主题: _ZST版 - so many selves (eecummings)
so many selves (so many fiends and gods
each greedier than every) is a man
(so easily one in another hides;
yet man can, being all, escape from none)
so huge a tumult is the simplest wish:
so pitiless a massacre the hope
most innocent (so deep's the mind of flesh
and so awake what waking calls asleep)
so never is most lonely man alone
(his briefest breathing lives some planet's year,
his longest life's a heartbeat of some sun;
his least unmotion roams the youngest star)
-how should a fool that
发帖数: 3872
来自主题: _ZST版 - 讲座中的故事
(by eecummings)
Our nearest neighbour, dwelling (at a decent distance) behind
us, was Roland Thaxter; primarily the father of my loveliest
playmate and ultimate and ultimately the professor of cryptogamic
botany. To our right, on Irving Street, occurred professors James
and Royce and Warren; to our left, on Scott Street, transpired
professor of economics Taussig. Somewhat back of the Taussig
house happened professor Lanman -- "known and loved throughout
India" as my mother would say, with a pens