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发帖数: 606
来自主题: Accounting版 - 请教一个aud research problem的问题
准备用AICPA sample question 中的research 练习几个research problems.可是好像
在aicpa的sample question中的research problem给的data base是不是和真正考试的
发帖数: 33
No markings, no highlights, pretty much brand new inside. I bought them from
actexmadriver.com. I used them and ADAPT to pass MFE this March.
I found the AB notes and problems extremely helpful!!!
I am now selling AB review notes for $50 (including shipping) and AB
problems for $40 (including shipping). Paypal please.
Message me if you're interested!
发帖数: 351
来自主题: Biology版 - It’s the problem, stupid!
Tillman Gerngross
Even worse, we often choose problems that are not real problems at all but
rather convey the impression of something ‘big’ or important- I would
venture to say that synthetic biology, whatever that may be, is a good
发帖数: 85
来自主题: Computation版 - Portland fortran problem, need help!
I am trying to compile a parallel fortran package in a beowulf cluster,
my compiler is Portland Fortran90. I got a very strange problem, following is
error message, does anybody know what's the problem?

pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich skgen.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich zxssq.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich ludec.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich luelm.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich uertt.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich -lmpich func.f -c
pgf90 -O -lfmpich
发帖数: 322
来自主题: Computation版 - ft! Strange problem in Matlab!
I used the follows statements to save some variables:
save mydata.txt I1 I2 I3 D1 D2 I4 I5 I6 -ascii -append;
I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6 are integer values and D1,D2 are double types.
In one machine, the variables are properly saved in this order; But when I r
un the program in another machine, the order of the data saved are as follow
D1 D2 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
FT!!! What the hell is the problem? I could not believe
my eyes! Anybody has clue on this super bizarre problem?
发帖数: 23
It is an 3D elliptic problem with periodic boundary conditions in lateral
boundaries and fixed top and bottom boundary condtions. After discretizing
by finite difference method, I get a big coefficient matrix with 39 nonzero
elements in each row. The matrix has dimension about 75,0000. Now the
problem is to solve the sparse linear system. However, this matrix elements
have a large numerical range, spaning 10 orders of magnitude. It is
nonsymmetric, not diagonally dominant, and not positive defin
发帖数: 23
Thank you guys for the input.
I can make the matrix better scaled such that the numerical range falling
into 2 orders of magnitude. Actually it is a fluid mechanic problem seeking
for the steady state internal wave solutions. My solver gives solutions for
some idealized cases, like giving a constant flow field. If the flow is zero
, it become simply a 3D Laplace problem, which is easy to solve.
Talking about make it symmetric, positive definitive ...
The wave operator itself was actually singula
发帖数: 38
Here are my 2 cents although I am not working on fluid mechnics.
On the numerical side, try preconditioned GMRES if Gaussian elimination with
pivoting does not fail.
If the previous does not work, check out whether the system of equations is
Finally, if this is an eigenvalue problem, try to solve it as an eigenvalue
good luck.

发帖数: 10
来自主题: Computation版 - Ask an optimization problem (important)
Hi, All:
I came up with an optimization problem min f(x)= 1/2 x' H x- abs(x) subject
to -c<=x<=c, and sum(x)=0. Here, H is a matrix, x is vector, c is bound.
It looks like quadratic programming. But not really.
I tried the "fmincon" in the optimzation toolbox of Matlab, but it can't
find a statisfactory solution. The problem is not convex ( I think), but
some optimization method should reach a good minima.
Anyone can help? Please! If anyone can solve this, it could be used in a
发帖数: 133
来自主题: Computation版 - facebook problem
I am not sure who has this kind of problem with facebook. How to solve this
发帖数: 906
来自主题: Computation版 - 求关于inverse problem的综述性介绍
想知道有哪些经典的inverse problem和现在热门的题目,inverse problem常应用的领
发帖数: 155
来自主题: EE版 - Re: NP-hard problem.
Don't be so serious about my language, we just talk about academic problem.
Anyway, thanks for your response for my question on this NP problem.
Have fun.

发帖数: 150
己准备做vehicle ad hoc networks 中的mac层和routing层的跨层设计,也看了不少文
章了,可是自己不会模拟(原谅我弱。。。),因为 这个要涉及到两种不同的模拟器
,对我做的东西也不是很懂,因此都不怎么管我。他每次老问我“what is the big
practical problem",可是我的每次回答都让他很不满意。现在我也不知道到底什么是"
big practical problem",恳求版上的大牛们给我一个棒槌,指点指点我吧。谢谢大家
发帖数: 24
来自主题: EE版 - metastability problem
How to protect metastability problem?
I read a series of FFs is used (normally 2 or 3) which will remove the
intermediate states.
Why they can solve mestability problem?
Thank you.
发帖数: 951
来自主题: Law版 - JD and OPT problem
If you never had a doctorate degree before, no problem.
If you never used OPT/CPT even if you have PHD, no problem.
If 1) you have PHD and 2) you have used up your OPT after PHD, you cannot
get OPT after graduating with JD. However, you may still get CPT for
internship, by finding some inexperienced counseler in your international
office and convincing them. The law school will register for you a 0-credit
course. If you land a job before graduation and you file H1b on April 1
before graduatat
发帖数: 12367
Polymer Gel Can Block Toxic Leakage Problem in Gene Therapy
Duke engineers identify technique to confine most cell-killing gene products
to targeted tumor
Friday, November 18, 2005
Durham, N.C. -- Duke University biomedical engineers have devised a
potentially patentable method to arrest toxic leakages of genetically
engineered viruses that have plagued attempts to use gene therapy against
cancerous tumors. The problem has been that viruses carrying anti-tumor
genes have tended to leak from tumo
发帖数: 38
来自主题: Mathematics版 - A problem in NBA fantasy game.
Well, I am into NBA fantasy game recently. I think I somehow find a mathematic
problem in this game. Here is the statement of the problem.
Suppose there are 2 persons who is playing this NBA fantasy game. Here are the
list of conditions.
1. Each of these 2 players has 100 dollars.
2. There is a list of 10 players, with value 1 to 10.(given)
3. At the beginning of the auction, one player from this list is picked for
auction, and these 2 person will bid to have that player.
4. You can have only 5
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Mathematics版 - About QCQP optimization problem (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: csresearcher (life for research), 信区: CS
标 题: About QCQP optimization problem
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 18 21:03:17 2005)
Does anyone know how to solve the Quadratically Constrained Quadratic
Programming problem? (Suppose the objective and constraint functions are
Can this be solved in poly-nomial time?
Any link on refereces will be highly appreciated!
发帖数: 21
Can λ=0 be an eigenvalue of a Sturm Liouville Problem?
Can y=0 be an eigenfunction of a Sturm Liouville Problem?
Explain your answer.
只是会用几个special case去证明第一问。但是觉得不是充分解释。
发帖数: 1001
来自主题: Mathematics版 - 问一个traveling salesman problem
Multiple traveling salesman problem 是可以被转化为一般的traveling salesman
problem,但是前提是我们的目标是求最短的总路径,如果我们的目标是求saleman 走的
发帖数: 222
Yesterday, at the conference on Geometry and Physics being held in
Edinburgh in honor of Sir Michael Atiyah, Harvard Professor Mike
Hopkins announced a solution to the 45 year old Kervaire Invariant One
problem, one of the major outstanding problems in algebraic and
geometric topology. This is joint work with Rochester professor Doug
Ravenel and U VA postdoctoral Whyburn Instructor Mike Hill.
发帖数: 20
【 以下文字转载自 Computation 讨论区 】
发信人: quantumboy (喜欢所有抽象的东西), 信区: Computation
标 题: help me for the boundary condition problem
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 18 20:37:04 2011, 美东)
One dimension damped wave equation on the rod with length L
u_tt = c^2 u_xx - a u_t + g (u(x,t) denote the displacement)
the boundary condition is
u(x,t)=S(t) | x=0
u_t(x,t) = F(t) | x=0
I want calculate the other end u(L,t) and u_t(L,t)
How can I solve the boundary value problem
发帖数: 534
来自主题: Mathematics版 - How did Euler solve Basel problem.
I see A lot of books places say that Euler solved the Basel problem. But
they only show the results, and not how.
Can anyone show how?
Lookacar and others?
"Notably, Euler directly proved the power series expansions for e and the
inverse tangent function. (Indirect proof via the inverse power series
technique was given by Newton and Leibniz between 1670 and 1680.) His daring
use of power series enabled him to solve the famous Basel problem in 1735 (
he provided a more elaborate argument in 1741)... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 534
yeah, I just pick up the news also.
Anyone wants to introduce a bit on the problem he made great contribution?
Carmichael numbers...
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Parenting
标 题: The Problem Of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 17 07:13:12 2010, 美东)
What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem Of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
By Benjamin McRearden
In recent times mankind is experiencing a situation never previously
encountered, that being the threat of release of pathogens intended to kill
or disable large numbers of people. That danger has prompted
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Parenting
标 题: The Problem Of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 17 07:13:12 2010, 美东)
What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem Of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
By Benjamin McRearden
In recent times mankind is experiencing a situation never previously
encountered, that being the threat of release of pathogens intended to kill
or disable large numbers of people. That danger has prompted
发帖数: 27533
Antithrombotic management for surgery:
Axillofemoral bypass surgery is not a procedure with minimum bleeding risk.
Actually, all cardiovascular surgeries have high bleeding risk.
Prior surgery: aspirin should be held for 5-7 days; It's appropriate to hold
warfarin and bridge it with parental short acting anticoagulant. warfarin
only needs to be held for 5 days. Bridging by enoxaparin is a good choice.
Make sure the last BID dose is given 12 hours before the surgery. It's not
necessary to change ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20
【 以下文字转载自 Computation 讨论区 】
发信人: quantumboy (喜欢所有抽象的东西), 信区: Computation
标 题: help me for the boundary condition problem
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 18 20:37:04 2011, 美东)
One dimension damped wave equation on the rod with length L
u_tt = c^2 u_xx - a u_t + g (u(x,t) denote the displacement)
the boundary condition is
u(x,t)=S(t) | x=0
u_t(x,t) = F(t) | x=0
I want calculate the other end u(L,t) and u_t(L,t)
How can I solve the boundary value problem
发帖数: 800
来自主题: Quant版 - [合集] two Stochastic problems
blueshard (blue) 于 (Thu Jul 13 10:37:16 2006) 提到:
1. Solve dy_t = dt + y dw_t
2. What is dw_t/dw_s (the derivative of w_t with respect to w_s)?
w_t is the SBM in both problems.
button (button) 于 (Thu Jul 13 12:04:03 2006) 提到:
1. by ito formula
2. don't understand your problem. These two are independent.
yhht (xxdd) 于 (T
发帖数: 800
chopinor (lonelycat) 于 (Wed Dec 27 16:30:21 2006) 提到:
first, sorry I misunderstood the previous problem by bigbendan,
the solution could be derived in a straighforward way
However, from my misunderstanding I have a more interesting problem to share
now :)
Consider you are just tossing a fair coin,
(1) what is probability of getting TH ahead of HT?
(2) what is probability of getting TH ahead of TT?
(3) In general, what is the probability of getting som
发帖数: 800
来自主题: Quant版 - [合集] An old cake problem
ilovelp (nothing) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:16:33 2007) 提到:
Saw this problem in an old post here:
A baker sells on average 20 cakes in one day. What is the probability he
will sell an even number of cakes on any given day?
What is the right way of solving this problem?
wusuowei (wuxuowei) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:37:28 2007) 提到:
no answer.

ilovelp (nothing) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:46:1
发帖数: 2673
来自主题: Quant版 - [合集] several puzzle problems
ilovelg (nothing) 于 (Mon Feb 18 12:39:23 2008) 提到:
Seeing for discussion for the following problems (some of appeared in old
1. A n*m matrix is composed of n*m unit cubes. Draw a diagonal line
connecting two opposite corners of matrix, develop a formula showing how many cubes are
crossed(touch on corner does not count as cross) by the diagonal line.
Answer is n+m-gcf(n,m). why?
2. Russian roulette problem played by two people with a revolver
发帖数: 31
In Crack book:
Problem 1:
I tell you that I have two kids and that one of them is a girl (I say
nothing about the other). What is the probablility of that I have two girls?
Answer: 1/3
Problem 2:
I tell you that I have two kids and that one of them is a girl (I say
nothing about the other). And you seen I am walking with one of my kid and
the kid is a girl. What is the probablility of that I have two girls?
Answer: 1/2
I am kind of dumb and still not figured out the subtle difference between
发帖数: 31
In problem 1, does the "one girl told" being 1st or 2nd kid really matter?
What is wrong if I only need to consider the other kid.
Still do not know the fundamental difference between the two problems?
Strongly looking for something persuisive and clear (for me - I am dumb).
发帖数: 154
这个是典型的Bayesian Inference啊。在用Bayesian的时候,最重要的是分清什么是先
对于Problem 1: P(告诉别人我有一个女孩 | BB) = 0,
P(告诉别人我有一个女孩 | BG) = 1,
P(告诉别人我有一个女孩 | GB) = 1,
P(告诉别人我有一个女孩 | GG) = 1,
对于Problem 2:P(别人看到我有一个女孩 | BB) = 0,
P(别人看到我有一个女孩 | BG) = 1/2,
发帖数: 11
来自主题: Quant版 - An interview problem for Quant
This is a phone interview problem for a quant position.
There are infinite number of boxes, within each box there is a ball. The
balls have 4 possible different colors(equal probabilities). The question is
what is the expected number of boxes that one has to open to have a full
collection of balls with all 4 different colors.
I know how to solve this by constructing a MC. Anyone knows a quick way,
since this is just a phone interview problem? Thanks a lot...
发帖数: 21
We all know the common symmetric random walk problem as below:
start from 0, move on axis by brownian motion, then we have probability of
first reaching a to be b/(a+b), and probability of first reaching -b to be a
/(a+b), also we know the expectation of reaching a or b is a*b.
P(a)+P(b) = 1
E[W_t] = a*P(a) + b*P(b) = 0 //martingale
E[W_t^2-t] = a^2*P(a) + b^2*P(b) - E[t] = 0 //martingale
Hence derive the solution (suppose t is stopping time).
The question is ho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 292
来自主题: Quant版 - some interview problems
1) bucket sorting
2) St.Peterberg problem
3) Kelly criterion
4) OLS and relation with std/corr/cov
5) As a market maker, what do you need to consider if one client ask
your quote of FX product.
6) given trading volume of past few days, how to forecast the trading
volume tomorrow
7) How to detect the errors in trading data?
8) ARMA, how to test and how to estimate the order
9) How to test a time series is mean reverting
10) What is Ridge/lasso, why... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 316
【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: ccca (cc), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: a simple stochastic process problem that I do not get
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 4 17:47:33 2015, 美东)
Please help!
X(t) is the stochastic exponential of a standard Brownian motion,
i.e. X(t) = exp(w(t) - 0.5 t), w(t) being a standard Brownian motion.
What is the probability that X(T) is greater than H (>1)?
My solution:
log(X(T)) > log (H)
w(T) - 0.5 T > log(H)
w(T) > log(H) + 0.5 T
y > log(H)/sqrt(T) + 0.5*sqrt(T) where y ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
来自主题: Science版 - solution to the 'small phys problem'
Oops, it looks like no one really worked this problem out.
Maybe it is a little bit tricky.
The key to this problem is the the conservation of angular
momentum. Since to any axis lying on the surface of the turn
table (which does NOT turn with the turntable), the total
angular momentum of the ball conserves, because no torque
exerts on the ball.
Set lab coordinate x-y, which lies on the surface of the
turntable, and whose center is the center of the turntable.
(NOTE, it does not turn with the tu
发帖数: 42
来自主题: Science版 - Re: [转载] a problem of matlab.
【 以下文字转载自 WHU 讨论区 】
【 原文由 amingo 所发表 】
man (well i suppose): MATLAB gives the perfct answer for you.
some observation justify this:
1. first xxe-16 is a number very small (very close to smallest number
in MATLAB), so the answer is accept for YOUR problem, or
better to say it is acceptable for the specific algorithm
you are using.
Actually you are showing the number in short format, if you show numbers
in long format, you will know that there is no perfect number.
2. Though your problem seems to
发帖数: 2
来自主题: Science版 - [转载] Re: quasi-steady problem
【 以下文字转载自 colorist 的信箱 】
【 原文由 amingo 所发表 】
I do have looked about your problem but I am not sure
whether my
answer is right or not, so I did not post it after all. But
for private
discussion, let me try this way:
1. The so-called quasi-steady problem is very tricky, I
mean its
meaning is not very exact in different context. At least two
of them are:
a). The change of certain variable is so small compared to
variable such that it is reasonable to take it as steady,
though the variab
发帖数: 6
来自主题: Science版 - An optimization problem
I have a mathematical problem which I abstracted from my engineering
background. Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve it. Therefore
I'd like to ask the expert in this field who can give me a help or
if you can give me a direction for that.
Thank you very much.
Given a undirected graph (V,E), there are N nodes N1, N2, N3, .....
We are going to assign each node a distinctive number starting from 1 to N.
For each
发帖数: 159
来自主题: Science版 - Celebrated Math Problem Solved, Russian
Celebrated Math Problem Solved, Russian Reports
Russian mathematician is reporting that he has proved the Poincaré
Conjecture, one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics.
The mathematician, Dr. Grigori Perelman of the Steklov Institute of
Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, is
describing his work in a series of papers, not yet completed.
It will be months before the proof can be thoroughly checked. But if true, it
will verify a statemen
发帖数: 5298
For minimum nn distance case, we can think the ball has radius x/2.
Then, we have 1-(n-1)x spare space(The two balls on the two ends
can only count one half each). Therefore, the problem becomes
putting n balls of radius 0 into 1-(n-1)x with at least 2 balls on the
same position, this gives the probability
For the nn distance case, we can think one ball is stick to another
one by a stick of length x. Therefore,the problem becomes putting
(n-1) balls of zero radius int
发帖数: 574
【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: pal (achievement=common sense+hard work), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: ZZ MANIFOLD DESTINY A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 23 16:04:30 2006)
A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.
Issue of 2006-08-28
Posted 2006-08-21
On the evening of June 20th, several hundred physicists, i
发帖数: 150
来自主题: Statistics版 - ask for help with one problem
Hi, all
I can't solve one homework problem, and ask for help.
Problem was attached.
发帖数: 769
来自主题: Statistics版 - an experimental design problem
we have a patient recruit problem:
we want to find enough patients for a clinical trial, and the recruiting
process is really slow. it can take a very long time since the first one to
the last one, and those we have contacted earlier may not have the patience
to wait so long time.
We are thinking block randomized design, that once we have a group of people
(say, 6-8 in treatment and 6-8 in control), we start the treatment. Then
when we have another 6-8 people in the treatment and 6-8 people in t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1258
In my opition, this is a ambiguity problem in parsing.
There are more than one parsing for each sentence you mentioned, then the
dog could be either active or passive.
If you have more context, you might be able to figure out active or passive.
However, just according to the independent sentences, it is almost
about parser, you can try Stanford parser:
an online demo.
ps: I don't think RE can help, because this is not a string match problem
发帖数: 121
来自主题: Statistics版 - Problem with Maximum Likelihood Estimation
I am having great trouble with using Maximum Likelihood to estimate
distribution parameters. I will appreciate if anyone can help me find out
what went wrong.
Assume that I have M iid samples of random vector V, denoted by v_1,v_2,...v
_M. Define random variable X = f(V|theta) where f is function whose closed
form is known but parameter theta is unknown.
I assume X=f(V|theta) follows a lognormal distribution logN(mu,sigma) where
mu and sigma are unknown. My purpose is to JOINTLY estimate theta, ... 阅读全帖
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