

全部话题 - 话题: twack
发帖数: 29495
来自主题: Joke版 - 测谎仪
A Man buys a lie Detector Robot which slaps people who lie...
He decides to test it one evening at Dinner. So he asks his son.
''Where were you today during school hours??''.... ''l was in class''.... So
n replies.. ''Twack!!!'' the Robot slaps Son. The Son goes like,...''ok... l
lied, l went to the movies''...
Dad asks...'' Which movie was it''??... ''Toy Story 3''.... Son replies....'
'Twack!!''.. Robot slaps son again!.... ''Ok!!..Ok... It was Porn!!''.... So
n confesses.
Dad gets Angry and s... 阅读全帖