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ChinaNews版 - India v China: Export of Goods & Services
Machine Tools硅谷杂志公布亚洲科技百强 台湾地区3家公司入选
美国开始酝酿一场和中国的纠纷 (转载)China's Farmers Hoard
民主的胜利,印度亿万富翁比法德意加起来还多一倍WTO Rules Against China on Export Restriction
Geopolitics: India and China (转载)闯天涯的中新某鼠
Economist, Aug. 19, 2010[ZT]印度成最大武器进口国 (转载)
要打货币战了?India's GDP Growth Rate > China's in 2010: IMF
哪里能买到刘小波的招贴画China/India + China's Machinery Sector + Innovation
Paul Krugman on China's Rare Earth Export回国观感:暴富的祖国
话题: india话题: china话题: export话题: chinese话题: labor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) India’s economy | Not Just Rubies and Polyester Shirts; Is India
becoming an export powerhouse?
Economist, Oct 8, 2011
("As for services, which are a third of the overall export basket, they are
dominated by software, sold mainly to America and Europe, and may wilt")
(2) Adriana Gardella, A Company Grows, And Builds a Plant Back in the USA.
New York Times, Oct 13, 2011.
(interview with an owner of a small business at Seatle that makes tap
handles and signs for bars)
"Our Chinese labor costs have increased 300 percent since 2006, when we
opened our factory there. Even at the higher wages Chinese workers are
demanding, it’s gotten harder to find labor. To stay competitive we’ve
also had to upgrade benefits like dormitories and food. On top of that, the
Chinese currency continues to appreciate — it was valued at 8.28 to the
dollar when I started the business. Now it’s at 6.38. And I predict
shipping costs will keep going up as a result of the rising cost of oil.
"Five years ago, there was an absolute advantage to manufacturing in China.
Today, some things are better produced here, and some are better produced
there. It’s 50-50. But I think the U.S. advantage will become clearer with
His American workers will be "[m]ostly skilled technicians who can use
computer numerical controlled machines. * * * [Why are you leaving the tap-
handle manufacturing in China?] The tap handles have very intricate shapes
— for example, the teeth on a whale — that require detailed hand painting.
It’s labor that you can’t automate. I’ve searched the world and not been
able to find the same quality of labor elsewhere.
(a) Woodinville, Washington
(part of the Seattle metropolitan area)
(b) lead time (n; First Known Use 1944):
"the time between the beginning of a process or project and the appearance
of its results"
1 (共1页)
回国观感:暴富的祖国Economist, Aug. 19, 2010
US Futures for PiG Carcass Rises on Wen's Comments要打货币战了?
Germany Keen on China Market哪里能买到刘小波的招贴画
中國的軟肋Paul Krugman on China's Rare Earth Export
Machine Tools硅谷杂志公布亚洲科技百强 台湾地区3家公司入选
美国开始酝酿一场和中国的纠纷 (转载)China's Farmers Hoard
民主的胜利,印度亿万富翁比法德意加起来还多一倍WTO Rules Against China on Export Restriction
Geopolitics: India and China (转载)闯天涯的中新某鼠
话题: india话题: china话题: export话题: chinese话题: labor