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Cycling版 - 我的骑行日记
SRAM Apex 相当于什么水平啊?见缝插针偷着乐了一把
SRAM Apex vs 105vam什么概念
玩路车的,这个deal必须跳啊!骑车还是比跑步爽多了啊 (转载)
SRAM shifter蓝色山岭下的公路赛,终于做了一次poser
前变速2速、3速区别大吗[合集] 既然来了就BSO一下。
换了Dura Ace的shifter和前变号召这个周六骑车Mt Blady
话题: canyon话题: 32t话题: rd话题: palomares话题: strong
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1992
March 21, 2011
Taking Frankie from daycare after work by my mountain bike. Didn't realize the little guy is much heavier until going uphill. But eventually I was able to get over the hill without having to stop. 8.5 miles/1200 feet.
March 23, 2011
I haven't been on my commute bike due to rain for weeks, until today. The weather was pretty in the morning, but the road was damp. It took me 37 mins to top Palomares Canyon and my best time in last summer was 33 mins. Oh well. There were a number of mini mud slides on the south side of the canyon due to overnight rain and I reminded myself all the time to go slow in the down hill. Once I reached Fremont, there was strong head wind and my cruising speed dropped to 15mph. In the afternoon the weather became worse. I started early in hope to beat the rain. There was some tail wind but it was not so strong as I had hoped. The road in Palomares Canyon had dried, but the current in the creek was very strong. I stopped at the top to refuel. Arrived home when it started raining. 67 miles/4000 feet
发帖数: 669
nice report, keep going!
发帖数: 19210
Very cute! I like the child seat. What's brand/model? Where did you buy it?
发帖数: 1992
这个是Ibert. 两年前从Amazon买的. 好像限制是40lb以下. 小家伙越来越沉了. 估计

【在 i*********5 的大作中提到】
: Very cute! I like the child seat. What's brand/model? Where did you buy it?
发帖数: 1992
Mar 24, 2011
这未来几天看起来都要下雨没法骑了. 不过上次order的SRAM APEX的cassettes/rear
derailiuer都到了. 趁这个空档, 把SRAM Force的扒下来, 装上APEX的. 原本的链条自
然也不够长, 换了个KMC的. 简单试了下换档还算利索, 就是50/32的combo怎么也调不
顺. 估计一般也用不到, 就懒得继续调了. 在这前50-34, 后11-32的setup, 放在road
bike上看起来怪怪的. 花了一百刀就是为了把后cassette从28升到32. 希望DMD的时候
能派上用场. 0 mile.
发帖数: 69
Why did you have to change the RD when changing to the 11-32T cassette? Is
the SRAM Apex RD the only compatible RD to their new 11-32T cassette? I saw
SRAM have 12-32T option too so maybe that’s will be a better choice for
long climb? If the 50T-32T combo didn’t work very well in your adjustment,
is it because the low limit screw in the RD didn’t adjusted properly? I was
just guessing.


【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: Mar 24, 2011
: 这未来几天看起来都要下雨没法骑了. 不过上次order的SRAM APEX的cassettes/rear
: derailiuer都到了. 趁这个空档, 把SRAM Force的扒下来, 装上APEX的. 原本的链条自
: 然也不够长, 换了个KMC的. 简单试了下换档还算利索, 就是50/32的combo怎么也调不
: 顺. 估计一般也用不到, 就懒得继续调了. 在这前50-34, 后11-32的setup, 放在road
: bike上看起来怪怪的. 花了一百刀就是为了把后cassette从28升到32. 希望DMD的时候
: 能派上用场. 0 mile.

发帖数: 3290
Nice diaries. Thanks for sharing.

the little guy is much heavier until going uphill. But eventually I was
able to get over the hill without having to stop. 8.5 miles/1200 feet.
weather was pretty in the morning, but the road was damp. It took me 37 mins
to top Palomares Canyon and my best time in last summer was 33 mins. Oh
well. There were a number of mini mud slides on the south side of the canyon
due to overnight rain and I reminded myself all the time to go slow in the
down hill. Once I reached Fremont, there was strong head wind and my
cruising speed dropped to 15mph. In the afternoon the w: eather became worse
. I started early in hope to beat the rain. There was some tail wind but it
was not so strong as I had hoped. The road in Palomares Canyon had dried,
but the current in the creek was very strong. I stopped at the top to refuel
. Arrived home when it started raining. 67 miles/4000 feet

【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: March 21, 2011
: Taking Frankie from daycare after work by my mountain bike. Didn't realize the little guy is much heavier until going uphill. But eventually I was able to get over the hill without having to stop. 8.5 miles/1200 feet.
: March 23, 2011
: I haven't been on my commute bike due to rain for weeks, until today. The weather was pretty in the morning, but the road was damp. It took me 37 mins to top Palomares Canyon and my best time in last summer was 33 mins. Oh well. There were a number of mini mud slides on the south side of the canyon due to overnight rain and I reminded myself all the time to go slow in the down hill. Once I reached Fremont, there was strong head wind and my cruising speed dropped to 15mph. In the afternoon the weather became worse. I started early in hope to beat the rain. There was some tail wind but it was not so strong as I had hoped. The road in Palomares Canyon had dried, but the current in the creek was very strong. I stopped at the top to refuel. Arrived home when it started raining. 67 miles/4000 feet

发帖数: 1992
原来的Force RD是short cage, 没有32的capacity. 这个我是试过的,无论怎么调B螺丝,那个pully wheel总会碰到32T,所以根本没法用。Apex RD 和Rival RD现在都用midcage的 option, 都可以上32T。12-32的平路会好点吧,小的几个cog之间间隔没那么大。不过我买的时候没看着有。
那个前50后32调不顺的原因似乎是前后derailiuer的夹角问题。在那个状态下,pully wheel离前面的chainring太近了,导致链条与frame之间形成一个很大的夹角,以至链条无法完全套进pully wheel的齿轮里。这个问题其实在前50后28的情况下也有,但是后来放松了B螺丝以后就没问题了。但是前50后32还是不行。我看了下,唯一可以解决的办法是把链条加长一节,但是这样的话前34后11的combo就会有问题。(也许这是为什么你建议12-32的原因?)


【在 c*********e 的大作中提到】
: Why did you have to change the RD when changing to the 11-32T cassette? Is
: the SRAM Apex RD the only compatible RD to their new 11-32T cassette? I saw
: SRAM have 12-32T option too so maybe that’s will be a better choice for
: long climb? If the 50T-32T combo didn’t work very well in your adjustment,
: is it because the low limit screw in the RD didn’t adjusted properly? I was
: just guessing.
: road

发帖数: 69
I don't have this problem when I do the deraileur adjustment with 11-26T
cassette and regular 53/39T front chainring setup. If you followed the
procedures from SRAM, like
and it's still not fixed, then I have no solution.
I have a little rubbing on the outer plate of FD cage when using 39T/11T
combo. There's no rubbing on the inner plate of FD cage when using 53T/26T.
Ironically, SRAM provided a trim shifting position on the big ring(53T) that
's totally usless. I need the trim position on the small ring instead, like
their previous design, so maybe that can prevent the rubbing when on the
front small ring(39T), rear small cog(11T)condition?

螺丝,那个pully wheel总会碰到32T,所以根本没法用。Apex RD 和Rival RD现在都用
midcage的 option, 都可以上32T。12-32的平路会好点吧,小的几个cog之间间隔没那
pully wheel离前面的chainring太近了,导致链条与frame之间形成一个很大的夹角,
以至链条无法完全套进pully wheel的齿轮里。这个问题其实在前50后28的情况下也有

【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: 原来的Force RD是short cage, 没有32的capacity. 这个我是试过的,无论怎么调B螺丝,那个pully wheel总会碰到32T,所以根本没法用。Apex RD 和Rival RD现在都用midcage的 option, 都可以上32T。12-32的平路会好点吧,小的几个cog之间间隔没那么大。不过我买的时候没看着有。
: 那个前50后32调不顺的原因似乎是前后derailiuer的夹角问题。在那个状态下,pully wheel离前面的chainring太近了,导致链条与frame之间形成一个很大的夹角,以至链条无法完全套进pully wheel的齿轮里。这个问题其实在前50后28的情况下也有,但是后来放松了B螺丝以后就没问题了。但是前50后32还是不行。我看了下,唯一可以解决的办法是把链条加长一节,但是这样的话前34后11的combo就会有问题。(也许这是为什么你建议12-32的原因?)
: Is
: saw
: ,
: was

发帖数: 1074
omg, so cute~

the little guy is much heavier until going uphill. But eventually I was
able to get over the hill without having to stop. 8.5 miles/1200 feet.
weather was pretty in the morning, but the road was damp. It took me 37 mins
to top Palomares Canyon and my best time in last summer was 33 mins. Oh
well. There were a number of mini mud slides on the south side of the canyon
due to overnight rain and I reminded myself all the time to go slow in the
down hill. Once I reached Fremont, there was strong head wind and my
cruising speed dropped to 15mph. In the afternoon the w: eather became worse
. I started early in hope to beat the rain. There was some tail wind but it
was not so strong as I had hoped. The road in Palomares Canyon had dried,
but the current in the creek was very strong. I stopped at the top to refuel
. Arrived home when it started raining. 67 miles/4000 feet

【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: March 21, 2011
: Taking Frankie from daycare after work by my mountain bike. Didn't realize the little guy is much heavier until going uphill. But eventually I was able to get over the hill without having to stop. 8.5 miles/1200 feet.
: March 23, 2011
: I haven't been on my commute bike due to rain for weeks, until today. The weather was pretty in the morning, but the road was damp. It took me 37 mins to top Palomares Canyon and my best time in last summer was 33 mins. Oh well. There were a number of mini mud slides on the south side of the canyon due to overnight rain and I reminded myself all the time to go slow in the down hill. Once I reached Fremont, there was strong head wind and my cruising speed dropped to 15mph. In the afternoon the weather became worse. I started early in hope to beat the rain. There was some tail wind but it was not so strong as I had hoped. The road in Palomares Canyon had dried, but the current in the creek was very strong. I stopped at the top to refuel. Arrived home when it started raining. 67 miles/4000 feet

换了Dura Ace的shifter和前变vam什么概念
发帖数: 1992
Mar 27, 2011
今天下午天色有些好转, 正好想试下新装的11-32T, 便直奔Welch Creek Rd而去. 这
Welch Creek Rd是弯曲tough climb两大头牌之一, 我还从来没去过, 今天就准备拿它
来祭器. 一路上基本是rolling. Apex换档还是比force略逊, 尤其是shift up. 也有可
废话少说来到Welch Creek Rd的入口. 因为下了几个礼拜雨的缘故, 山是格外绿.
这路一开始还挺容易的, 甚至可以用大盘. 过一阵有几个短的陡坡, 于是换上小盘, 后
面用25或者28也骑过去了. 大约骑了两mile,过了一座小桥, 就发现前面一个奇陡的坡,
也不知道有多远. 用28T站起来骑了一段,很快就没力气了. 赶紧换上32T坐下来骑, 只
觉得这坡源源无尽. 而且在最陡的地方坐着连32T都不行, 还锝咬牙站起来. 本来天气
挺凉快的, 结果是爬的满脸掉汗, 连用手套察汗都不敢. 大约过了半麦总算坡度小了点
可以喘一口气. 结果前面没多远有一大坡! 好在坡度没有那半麦那么夸张了. 就这么着
上上平平又走了两三mile, 才终于到了顶.
后话: 回家以后上网查看, 原来Welch Creek Rd最陡的那一处是0.42 mile平均17%, 幸
好是有11-32T, 否则真得推车了. 有个youtube资源拍得就是这一段:
歇息后10来分钟下山, 一路无话. 只是最后5mile开始下雨了. 幸好不大. 不过链条上
不知道怎么回事全是沙子了. 又要洗了.
49.8 mile, 4500 feet.
发帖数: 3290
Nice job, man! Such a beautiful route. Reminding me of the first time I
climb up Mt. Soledad in San Diego many years ago. On the steepest section
towards the top, with every pedal stroke I want to turn back but just kept
pushing all the way to the top. In retrospect, I am so glad I did not give
up. It's such a good memory now.
发帖数: 1992
Mar 29, 2011
今天心情小差, 早早下班信马由缰骑车回来. 突然发现已经很久没有在太阳下山前回家
了. 一路上走走停停, 趁着光线尚好拍了几张照片. 33 mile, 2700 feet.
发帖数: 190

【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: Mar 27, 2011
: 今天下午天色有些好转, 正好想试下新装的11-32T, 便直奔Welch Creek Rd而去. 这
: Welch Creek Rd是弯曲tough climb两大头牌之一, 我还从来没去过, 今天就准备拿它
: 来祭器. 一路上基本是rolling. Apex换档还是比force略逊, 尤其是shift up. 也有可
: 能是11-32T的齿轮间隔太大的原因.
: 废话少说来到Welch Creek Rd的入口. 因为下了几个礼拜雨的缘故, 山是格外绿.
: Creek里水流惊人
: 这路一开始还挺容易的, 甚至可以用大盘. 过一阵有几个短的陡坡, 于是换上小盘, 后
: 面用25或者28也骑过去了. 大约骑了两mile,过了一座小桥, 就发现前面一个奇陡的坡,
: 也不知道有多远. 用28T站起来骑了一段,很快就没力气了. 赶紧换上32T坐下来骑, 只

发帖数: 190
tough climb 另一大头牌是啥?
发帖数: 1992
In my opinion, Bohlman - On Orbit
For bay area climbs, check http://cycling.stanford.edu/

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: tough climb 另一大头牌是啥?
发帖数: 190
Awesome! thanks
BTW, your 20 minutes power looks good (while I don't how heavy you are).
Definitely not "recreational" rider.

【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: In my opinion, Bohlman - On Orbit
: For bay area climbs, check http://cycling.stanford.edu/

发帖数: 1992
lol, my power would look good if I were 120 lb. But I'm in fact 50 lbs
Speaking of climbing ability, there is 'VAM' listed on Strava. Obviously VAM
can be affected by the length and
steepness of a climb --- longer climb, lower VAM, steeper climb, higher VAM,
or simply effort level --- but
you get an idea...

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: Awesome! thanks
: BTW, your 20 minutes power looks good (while I don't how heavy you are).
: Definitely not "recreational" rider.

1 (共1页)
号召这个周六骑车Mt BladySRAM shifter
ToC Stage One前变速2速、3速区别大吗
SRAM RED换了Dura Ace的shifter和前变
SRAM Apex 相当于什么水平啊?见缝插针偷着乐了一把
SRAM Apex vs 105vam什么概念
玩路车的,这个deal必须跳啊!骑车还是比跑步爽多了啊 (转载)
话题: canyon话题: 32t话题: rd话题: palomares话题: strong