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Immigration版 - Re: Transfer Notice from INS
485 副申请人 A# 没填的,是不是一定被拒啊?H1B 身份 和使用AP后 的 AOS 身份
USCIS only approve EB2. Do we need to wait until 10/2011请教485 表上的 A#
485 online case status出错需要采取措施吗?多个485的问题
面试在某种程度是不是也是加快了获得绿卡的进程?拿到绿卡以后, 搬家了需要通知移民局吗?
Re: 请教,给移民局的支票PAYABLE是:INS 还是USCIS?拿到绿卡之后renew驾照
[合集] File lawsuit 之前必须要给senator, congressman and First ladPlease: No misleading titles or posts
[合集] 发现女人的NC很容易过pp一周了,啥动静都没
求建议: 老公刚申请公民,我F1,什么时候申请绿卡好?真着急呀,人生第一次这么盼望钱被收走
话题: transfer话题: notice话题: ins话题: uscis话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17
One of my colleagues' application was transfered to the local office and
eventually got approved. Since he and I had the same company-appointed lawyer,
we talked about it while he was waiting anxiously.
Basically, transfer means there is something in one's application that USCIS
wants to question the applicant face-to-face with. USCIS would do "request for
evidence" instead of transfer if any evidence is missing from the application.
So generally transfer implies doubts, not denial. So you just
1 (共1页)
真着急呀,人生第一次这么盼望钱被收走Re: 请教,给移民局的支票PAYABLE是:INS 还是USCIS?
有7月12日以后寄485, 至今支票未cash也没有notice的tx吗?[合集] File lawsuit 之前必须要给senator, congressman and First lad
我们的绿卡啥时候能批下来?[合集] 发现女人的NC很容易过
打完指纹20天了没有收到update,正常吗?求建议: 老公刚申请公民,我F1,什么时候申请绿卡好?
485 副申请人 A# 没填的,是不是一定被拒啊?H1B 身份 和使用AP后 的 AOS 身份
USCIS only approve EB2. Do we need to wait until 10/2011请教485 表上的 A#
485 online case status出错需要采取措施吗?多个485的问题
面试在某种程度是不是也是加快了获得绿卡的进程?拿到绿卡以后, 搬家了需要通知移民局吗?
话题: transfer话题: notice话题: ins话题: uscis话题: so