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Investment版 - 新手投资策略
海龟以后401k怎么办?新手请教ROTH IRA 问题
Fidelity开个Roth IRA买那个ETF好How can I open Roth IRA as non-resident Alien
请教一个Roth IRA哪里开的问题关于F1学生开Roth IRA的问题,请教大家
为什么Roth IRA里买的Ishare给我寄了K-1 form学生contribute traditional IRA然后再转成Roth IRA
新手指南: 本版常见 Q&A怎么估算traditonal IRA convert to ROTH要交多少税呀?
请问married NRA究竟能否投资IRA (updated)IRA取钱交学费要交penalty吗
问下RothIRA的问题向大家请教 backdoor roth IRA
第二年的F1,能在fidelity开户搞roth么?F-1 Visa, non-resident alien, 想开Roth IRA的话选哪家呢?
话题: ira话题: roth话题: china话题: usa话题: tax
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 48
F1,今年是第四年,年收入只有50k-60k,但是学生开销也比较小。余钱放在Money Mar
1. Roth IRA买$5000一年。 这个gain是tax free,本金随时可以取出,对么?
2. 投资$10,000左右的Index Fund,比一般的mutual fund应该稳定吧,这个得交30%
3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
我知道投资基金一般是追究10年甚至更长远的回报,mutal fund对F1 NRA要交30%税也不
合算。但是看着现在势头好,还是想用一部分余钱买些基金 (CD利率实在太低),同时也
发帖数: 48
09年单身,10年刚结婚,both NRA,那么我在今年4.15前可以买09年的Roth IRA,但是
刚刚发现Roth IRA歧视 married NRA..:(


【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 一年前这个时候就想开始投资,拖了又拖,现在才开始行动,错过抄底
: 个人基本情况:
: F1,今年是第四年,年收入只有50k-60k,但是学生开销也比较小。余钱放在Money Mar
: ket和CD现在回报实在太小。
: 准备如下投资,请前辈指点指点啊
: 1. Roth IRA买$5000一年。 这个gain是tax free,本金随时可以取出,对么?
: 2. 投资$10,000左右的Index Fund,比一般的mutual fund应该稳定吧,这个得交30%
: tax吧
: 3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
: 要求不高,5-6%年回报率就行,练练手,为以后工作后投资做准备

发帖数: 1962
If you pay 30% flat tax, I don't think you can contribute to Roth IRA.


【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 一年前这个时候就想开始投资,拖了又拖,现在才开始行动,错过抄底
: 个人基本情况:
: F1,今年是第四年,年收入只有50k-60k,但是学生开销也比较小。余钱放在Money Mar
: ket和CD现在回报实在太小。
: 准备如下投资,请前辈指点指点啊
: 1. Roth IRA买$5000一年。 这个gain是tax free,本金随时可以取出,对么?
: 2. 投资$10,000左右的Index Fund,比一般的mutual fund应该稳定吧,这个得交30%
: tax吧
: 3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
: 要求不高,5-6%年回报率就行,练练手,为以后工作后投资做准备

发帖数: 620
》3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
CD是要交税的,难道F1的tax code改了?
发帖数: 12088
f1 annual income 50k?


【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 一年前这个时候就想开始投资,拖了又拖,现在才开始行动,错过抄底
: 个人基本情况:
: F1,今年是第四年,年收入只有50k-60k,但是学生开销也比较小。余钱放在Money Mar
: ket和CD现在回报实在太小。
: 准备如下投资,请前辈指点指点啊
: 1. Roth IRA买$5000一年。 这个gain是tax free,本金随时可以取出,对么?
: 2. 投资$10,000左右的Index Fund,比一般的mutual fund应该稳定吧,这个得交30%
: tax吧
: 3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
: 要求不高,5-6%年回报率就行,练练手,为以后工作后投资做准备

发帖数: 854
估计是实习+fellowship 恩。。

【在 n******n 的大作中提到】
: f1 annual income 50k?
: Mar

发帖数: 30533
F1 never needed to pay tax on interests since I started to remember

【在 o******8 的大作中提到】
: 》3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
: CD是要交税的,难道F1的tax code改了?

发帖数: 30533
1. Yes. Yes. The problem is if you don't plan to stay in USA
then there might be no point doing so. I would recommend you
do it only if you have >80% chance to stay in USA after
2. It's not more stable than regular mutual funds. Yes, 30% tax
on all capital gain, but 10% tax on most dividends.
3. 5-6% guaranteed rate is very hard at this moment. But to achieve
5-6% with 50% chance is very easy.


【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 一年前这个时候就想开始投资,拖了又拖,现在才开始行动,错过抄底
: 个人基本情况:
: F1,今年是第四年,年收入只有50k-60k,但是学生开销也比较小。余钱放在Money Mar
: ket和CD现在回报实在太小。
: 准备如下投资,请前辈指点指点啊
: 1. Roth IRA买$5000一年。 这个gain是tax free,本金随时可以取出,对么?
: 2. 投资$10,000左右的Index Fund,比一般的mutual fund应该稳定吧,这个得交30%
: tax吧
: 3. 如果还有剩的,好像只有放Money Market,CD了。。tax free。
: 要求不高,5-6%年回报率就行,练练手,为以后工作后投资做准备

发帖数: 48
more details? ^_^

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: If you pay 30% flat tax, I don't think you can contribute to Roth IRA.
: Mar

发帖数: 48

Yes, >90% chance for next 5 years.
>50% chance for next 8 years.
< 20% chance after 15 years.
What should I do?
Acheive more than 5%-6% expect value, with very small variance.
What should I choose?

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: 1. Yes. Yes. The problem is if you don't plan to stay in USA
: then there might be no point doing so. I would recommend you
: do it only if you have >80% chance to stay in USA after
: graduation.
: 2. It's not more stable than regular mutual funds. Yes, 30% tax
: on all capital gain, but 10% tax on most dividends.
: 3. 5-6% guaranteed rate is very hard at this moment. But to achieve
: 5-6% with 50% chance is very easy.
: Mar

请问married NRA究竟能否投资IRA (updated)新手请教ROTH IRA 问题
问下RothIRA的问题How can I open Roth IRA as non-resident Alien
第二年的F1,能在fidelity开户搞roth么?关于F1学生开Roth IRA的问题,请教大家
发帖数: 758

Dividend Key Stats
Annualized Dividend $5.89
Annualized Dividend Yield 5.74%

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: 1. Yes. Yes. The problem is if you don't plan to stay in USA
: then there might be no point doing so. I would recommend you
: do it only if you have >80% chance to stay in USA after
: graduation.
: 2. It's not more stable than regular mutual funds. Yes, 30% tax
: on all capital gain, but 10% tax on most dividends.
: 3. 5-6% guaranteed rate is very hard at this moment. But to achieve
: 5-6% with 50% chance is very easy.
: Mar

发帖数: 12088
intern, 5k/mo for 3-mo.
fellowship, 2k/mo for 9-mo.
15k + 18k = 33k. still big gap.

【在 S*******b 的大作中提到】
: 估计是实习+fellowship 恩。。
发帖数: 30533
Contributing $10k into Roth, and waiting 30 years before cashing it
out, is 折腾 in my mind.

【在 m*******s 的大作中提到】
: 退休后也是可以在中国拿的
: Dividend Key Stats
: Annualized Dividend $5.89
: Annualized Dividend Yield 5.74%
: 30%

发帖数: 854
估计是nb的fellowship 一年30k那种 再加上工资高的intern。。。比如7k*3 或者6
个月intern 哈

【在 n******n 的大作中提到】
: intern, 5k/mo for 3-mo.
: fellowship, 2k/mo for 9-mo.
: 15k + 18k = 33k. still big gap.

发帖数: 2174
Any retirement accounts (401K, IRA, etc) only make sense for those who have
decided to stay and retire in US. For people who are still uncertain about
it, the potential benefit is not worth the loss of liquidity.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Contributing $10k into Roth, and waiting 30 years before cashing it
: out, is 折腾 in my mind.

发帖数: 48
Roth IRA you can withdraw base without penalty. You may withdraw the gain
when you are above 59.5?
401k, normally the company matches 100% for up to 8%. Even if you withdraw
it with penalty. You still get high profit.
Based on above two points, for people who will stay in USA for next few
years but eventually go back to China. It is still worthwhile for invest in
IRA and 401k.
I'm a new bie. Please give me more details if I'm wrong.


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: agree.
: Any retirement accounts (401K, IRA, etc) only make sense for those who have
: decided to stay and retire in US. For people who are still uncertain about
: it, the potential benefit is not worth the loss of liquidity.

发帖数: 48
No need to over claim my pre-tax income. This is true. I know other students who earn more than me . Please give me investment suggestions instead.
For your curiosity.
fellowship > 35k for the past two years.
intern 3 months 20k~30k depends on the company. I like to intern for 6
months, but my advisor at school don't like that. :(
But they are all before tax! :(

【在 n******n 的大作中提到】
: intern, 5k/mo for 3-mo.
: fellowship, 2k/mo for 9-mo.
: 15k + 18k = 33k. still big gap.

发帖数: 30533
Again, the main point here is "not worth the 折腾”. All the tax
forms and letters mailed between China and USA and the extra time
spent will probably cost 50% of all the benefit doing so.
2nd, for people going back to China, even if they are not afraid
of the hassle, going for traditional IRA is better than Roth
under usual logic.
401k matching part, of course, is a no brainer. Everybody should
go for it. Don't take it for granted though that "most companies
will match 100% up to 8%". My personal

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: Roth IRA you can withdraw base without penalty. You may withdraw the gain
: when you are above 59.5?
: 401k, normally the company matches 100% for up to 8%. Even if you withdraw
: it with penalty. You still get high profit.
: Based on above two points, for people who will stay in USA for next few
: years but eventually go back to China. It is still worthwhile for invest in
: IRA and 401k.
: I'm a new bie. Please give me more details if I'm wrong.
: have

发帖数: 2174
Say you stay in US for 4 years, and put 20K in a Roth IRA, and at the end of
the 5th year, it turns to 23K. Then you go back to China, and withdraw 20K
contribution and leave 3K profit in the account. The 3K can only be cashed
out after 59.5 years old. Do you really think that is smart? Over the next
few decades, you must always remember there is an open IRA account in US
with some dollars there. The benefit is trivial compared to the cost of
account (labor and mental).
For the 401K match case,

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: Roth IRA you can withdraw base without penalty. You may withdraw the gain
: when you are above 59.5?
: 401k, normally the company matches 100% for up to 8%. Even if you withdraw
: it with penalty. You still get high profit.
: Based on above two points, for people who will stay in USA for next few
: years but eventually go back to China. It is still worthwhile for invest in
: IRA and 401k.
: I'm a new bie. Please give me more details if I'm wrong.
: have

发帖数: 12088
stipend only, can be 3k/mo? wow, now universities so rich...

students who earn more than me . Please give me investment suggestions

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: No need to over claim my pre-tax income. This is true. I know other students who earn more than me . Please give me investment suggestions instead.
: For your curiosity.
: fellowship > 35k for the past two years.
: intern 3 months 20k~30k depends on the company. I like to intern for 6
: months, but my advisor at school don't like that. :(
: But they are all before tax! :(

学生contribute traditional IRA然后再转成Roth IRA向大家请教 backdoor roth IRA
怎么估算traditonal IRA convert to ROTH要交多少税呀?F-1 Visa, non-resident alien, 想开Roth IRA的话选哪家呢?
IRA取钱交学费要交penalty吗还是traditional versus Roth的问题
发帖数: 48

Good point! This makes absolute sense!
But do people need to deal with tax forms anyway, if they return to China
after getting Green Card from USA?
Traditional IRA can be deducted from taxable income, but people can't
withdraw even the base without penalty. Is there a way to withdraw..?
Roth IRA cannot be deducted to taxable income, but you can withdraw base
amount without penalty.
I don't know how to figure out which one is better for people planning to go
back to China in about 10 years. Supp

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Again, the main point here is "not worth the 折腾”. All the tax
: forms and letters mailed between China and USA and the extra time
: spent will probably cost 50% of all the benefit doing so.
: 2nd, for people going back to China, even if they are not afraid
: of the hassle, going for traditional IRA is better than Roth
: under usual logic.
: 401k matching part, of course, is a no brainer. Everybody should
: go for it. Don't take it for granted though that "most companies
: will match 100% up to 8%". My personal

发帖数: 30533
Max out IRA for sure. 5000 (or more) x 10 is a big enough chunk
to show enough benefit in a tax-deferred account. For this benefit
I wouldn't mind the hassle. It's worth the 折腾。

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: Good point! This makes absolute sense!
: But do people need to deal with tax forms anyway, if they return to China
: after getting Green Card from USA?
: Traditional IRA can be deducted from taxable income, but people can't
: withdraw even the base without penalty. Is there a way to withdraw..?
: Roth IRA cannot be deducted to taxable income, but you can withdraw base
: amount without penalty.
: I don't know how to figure out which one is better for people planning to go
: back to China in about 10 years. Supp

发帖数: 48

Can a guy withdraw $10k gain if he buy his first house is in CHINA rather
than USA?

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Max out IRA for sure. 5000 (or more) x 10 is a big enough chunk
: to show enough benefit in a tax-deferred account. For this benefit
: I wouldn't mind the hassle. It's worth the 折腾。

1 (共1页)
F-1 Visa, non-resident alien, 想开Roth IRA的话选哪家呢?新手指南: 本版常见 Q&A
还是traditional versus Roth的问题请问married NRA究竟能否投资IRA (updated)
401k to Roth conversion, 是否可以分期付Estimated tax?问下RothIRA的问题
海龟以后401k怎么办?新手请教ROTH IRA 问题
Fidelity开个Roth IRA买那个ETF好How can I open Roth IRA as non-resident Alien
请教一个Roth IRA哪里开的问题关于F1学生开Roth IRA的问题,请教大家
为什么Roth IRA里买的Ishare给我寄了K-1 form学生contribute traditional IRA然后再转成Roth IRA
话题: ira话题: roth话题: china话题: usa话题: tax