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Java版 - JAVA XML Question - DocumentBuilderFactory
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话题: question话题: xml话题: java
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3845
Hello. javax.xml.parsers defines the abstract class -
DocumentBuilderFactory. I'm trying to find an implementation of
this class. Specifically, I'm looking for the sun implementation.
Can anybody tell me which jar files in j2sdk1.4.2 contains sun's
implementation? Thanks.
发帖数: 14569
What are you looking for? source code or implementation classes?
If source code, unzip the src.zip and read org/apache/crimson; If package, it
is included in the SDK, there is no separate jar file needed. Unjar rt.jar and
you will see it.
BTW, 1.4.2 uses crimson, an old implementation; 1.5.0 uses xerces, an newer
one. Both from Apache.

【在 b*e 的大作中提到】
: Hello. javax.xml.parsers defines the abstract class -
: DocumentBuilderFactory. I'm trying to find an implementation of
: this class. Specifically, I'm looking for the sun implementation.
: Can anybody tell me which jar files in j2sdk1.4.2 contains sun's
: implementation? Thanks.

1 (共1页)
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话题: question话题: xml话题: java