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JobHunting版 - fb coo works 40 hours a week.
Facebook计划明年招聘数千名员工My Application Experience at LinkedIn (ZZ)
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星期三和川普见面的硅谷大佬名单 (转载)Facebook COO works a 9-to-5 schedule
话题: work话题: hours话题: weeks话题: week话题: 40
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发帖数: 8232
Stop Working More Than 40 Hours a Week
You may think you're getting more accomplished by working longer hours. You'
re probably wrong.
man working at his computer late at night
There's been a flurry of recent coverage praising Sheryl Sandberg, the chief
operating officer of Facebook, for leaving the office every day at 5:30 p.m
. to be with her kids. Apparently she's been doing this for years, but only
recently "came out of the closet," as it were.
What's insane is that Sandberg felt the need to hide the fact, since there's
a century of research establishing the undeniable fact that working more
than 40 hours per week actually decreases productivity.
In the early 1900s, Ford Motor ran dozens of tests to discover the optimum
work hours for worker productivity. They discovered that the "sweet spot"
is 40 hours a week–and that, while adding another 20 hours provides a minor
increase in productivity, that increase only lasts for three to four weeks,
and then turns negative.
Anyone who's spent time in a corporate environment knows that what was true
of factory workers a hundred years ago is true of office workers today.
People who put in a solid 40 hours a week get more done than those who
regularly work 60 or more hours.
The workaholics (and their profoundly misguided management) may think they'
re accomplishing more than the less fanatical worker, but in every case that
I've personally observed, the long hours result in work that must be
scrapped or redone.
Accounting for Burnout
What's more, people who consistently work long work weeks get burned out and
inevitably start having personal problems that get in the way of getting
things done.
I remember a guy in one company I worked for who used the number of divorces
in his group as a measure of its productivity. Believe it or not, his top
management reportedly considered this a valid metric. What's ironic (but not
surprising) is that the group itself accomplished next to nothing.
In fact, now that I think about it, that's probably why he had to trot out
such an absurd (and, let's face it, evil) metric.
Proponents of long work weeks often point to the even longer average work
weeks in countries like Thailand, Korea, and Pakistan–with the implication
that the longer work weeks are creating a competitive advantage.
Europe's Ban on 50-Hour Weeks
However, the facts don't bear this out. In six of the top 10 most
competitive countries in the world (Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands,
Denmark, and the United Kingdom), it's illegal to demand more than a 48-hour
work week. You simply don't see the 50-, 60-, and 70-hour work weeks that
have become de rigeur in some parts of the U.S. business world.
If U.S. managers were smart, they'd end this "if you don't come in on
Saturday, don't bother coming to work on Sunday" idiocy. If you want
employees (salaried or hourly) to get the most done–in the shortest amount
of time and on a consistent basis–40 hours a week is just about right.
In other words, nobody should be apologizing for leaving at work at a
reasonable hour like 5:30 p.m. In fact, people should be apologizing if
they're working too long each week–because it's probably making the team
less effective overall.
发帖数: 6599
发帖数: 8232
The whole point of the article is that people should not work longer than 40
hours. Otherwise, it brings negative effects.
It applies to everyone, not only CXO.
Do you buy this?

【在 y*******g 的大作中提到】
: coo有什么可比的
发帖数: 6599


【在 w**z 的大作中提到】
: The whole point of the article is that people should not work longer than 40
: hours. Otherwise, it brings negative effects.
: It applies to everyone, not only CXO.
: Do you buy this?

发帖数: 8232

【在 y*******g 的大作中提到】
: 花街不是整天吹自己工作80小时,所以拿大bonus应该吗
: 码工们一般还好吧,我觉得在40-50小时之间。
: 40

1 (共1页)
Facebook COO works a 9-to-5 scheduleread this book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
你认识几个?Google和Facebook面试new grad女码农会不会手下留情? 忐忑
大妈再就业了,另外请推荐提高职场情商Sheryl Sandberg的丈夫突然去世了。。。。。
FB黑暗大踢爆!(ZT) (转载)星期三和川普见面的硅谷大佬名单 (转载)
Facebook计划明年招聘数千名员工My Application Experience at LinkedIn (ZZ)
F可能明年大招人大家讨厌Behavioral Questions吗?
这个人说话可靠吗?Microsoft CEO 年薪
版上有女生转cs的吗?微软的新BOARD,技术烂可是KARMA好 (转载)
话题: work话题: hours话题: weeks话题: week话题: 40