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Joke版 - 左逼之蠢超过想象了:不叫trump做总统 (转载)
六个三粉electors的奇葩战术 (转载)女教授欺骗了我的感情 (转载)
大统令的司法部不会起诉反穆斯林言论了 (转载)美国老师:3乘4等于11也没关系,只要能说出道理
转了一圈:拉里又开始blame FBI了 (转载)看来小波的日报去狗了一下这个Soraya Heydari
rubio v5: trump underperformed (转载)抱怨22岁还是处男,大学生大开杀戒ZT (转载)
人傻,钱多,又有人骗左派的钱了 (转载)想买个软件代替origin, 因为这个太贵 一年550刀 大家有什么推荐
太搞了, 老婊子输了三次 (转载)Arizona woman runs down husband w/car for not voting (转载)
中国人数学好的原因申纪兰:我文化水平不高 但党的话我都认真学习 (转载)
话题: trump话题: president话题: olbermann话题: resistance话题: never
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 左逼之蠢超过想象了:不叫trump做总统
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 20 13:53:55 2016, 美东)
n a web video produced by GQ Magazine Keith Olbermann lamented that the
Electoral College affirmed the result of the election, that Donald Trump
will be the 45th President of the United States. However, he said the "
resistance" can still combat Trump -- by not calling him 'President Trump.'
Olbermann also suggested reminding Trump supporters everyday that Trump lost
the popular vote.
"Resistance means find a Trump supporter everyday and remind them he lost
the popular vote," Olbermann said.
"There is also a passive-aggressive, subtler way to make this point clear,"
Olbermann said in his Monday transmission. "It is like most of the points
that finally defeated the Republicans of the Bush era. Those points
succeeded not by suddenly knocking down walls, but instead by eroding them
as would a river. Not using one word can be just as forceful as perpetually
using another. Never address Trump as President. He is Trump. Just Trump.
Never president. The title of President, that we must protect for a happier
and more honest time. Resistance means refusal. Resist! Peace."
1 (共1页)
申纪兰:我文化水平不高 但党的话我都认真学习 (转载)这次选举把大数据这个牌子砸了。
选举人投票是匿名的吗?人傻,钱多,又有人骗左派的钱了 (转载)
加共老中政治力量还是弱啊太搞了, 老婊子输了三次 (转载)
哈佛教授的脸都被打肿了 (转载)中国人数学好的原因
六个三粉electors的奇葩战术 (转载)女教授欺骗了我的感情 (转载)
大统令的司法部不会起诉反穆斯林言论了 (转载)美国老师:3乘4等于11也没关系,只要能说出道理
转了一圈:拉里又开始blame FBI了 (转载)看来小波的日报去狗了一下这个Soraya Heydari
rubio v5: trump underperformed (转载)抱怨22岁还是处男,大学生大开杀戒ZT (转载)
话题: trump话题: president话题: olbermann话题: resistance话题: never