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Law版 - job hunting for the current 2Ls
all callbacks have failedlittle tiger, long time no see!
向前辈求教:law firm callback experience关于在美国申请专利一问
So frustrated...anyone who can't find a firm job for 2L summer?被 Fish & Richardson 拒了。
犹豫,两个学校(均非牛校)的选择PhD->JD Career Change
终于在开学前考了 Patent BarDiscouraged by two books
to be a successful IP lawyer新手求助,有关patent bar的问题
Re: 律师生涯的若干个瞬间求救 - 芝加哥某移民律师有纠纷怎么办?
话题: 2ls话题: chinese话题: hunting话题: firms话题: job
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
How’s the job hunting for the current 2Ls? I have only looked at Corporate
fields and am still struggling. (and have been rejected recently by two firms
in NYC after the callback)
发帖数: 240
If you ask otheme, he may say, "Easy." Because he's got a bunch of offers. But
he has some advantages that many, if not most, 2Ls don't have.
I personally think it is not easy, particularly if you are not in a top10
school. The thing is, the jobs we apply to are hot jobs. We are competing with
very bright natives in a sluggish economy. It is true that the big GP firms
will hire some Chinese attorneys. But they won't hire many. If they don't
really have any profitable Chinese business, they may h

【在 a********y 的大作中提到】
: How’s the job hunting for the current 2Ls? I have only looked at Corporate
: fields and am still struggling. (and have been rejected recently by two firms
: in NYC after the callback)

发帖数: 5
Does a top 14 instead of a top 10 make much difference? Just curious.
I've played the Chinese cards--sometimes I really I've done it too hard. I
tried to balance it with some light talk about European or Asian history and
politics stuff. I also talked about some sports I genuinely love. But still,
no offer comes.
There're lots of 2L in my school speaking Chinese. So I don't really how bid
an advantage I could have, even if when it comes to overseas expansion for US
firms. Moreover, I see lots of

【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: If you ask otheme, he may say, "Easy." Because he's got a bunch of offers. But
: he has some advantages that many, if not most, 2Ls don't have.
: I personally think it is not easy, particularly if you are not in a top10
: school. The thing is, the jobs we apply to are hot jobs. We are competing with
: very bright natives in a sluggish economy. It is true that the big GP firms
: will hire some Chinese attorneys. But they won't hire many. If they don't
: really have any profitable Chinese business, they may h

发帖数: 195
are you in corp law only? i think IP folks might have an easier time.
the only most important thing in job hunting, is to convince the employer that
you will be a cold, efficient cash-earning machine from day one. every little
signal conveyed to the interviewer should reenforce this message -- the firm
will make more money by hiring me, not my classmate, not that top 5% guy from
Harvard. and here are the reason why, blah blah blah ...
firms hire associates very much like how we shop for grocer

【在 a********y 的大作中提到】
: Does a top 14 instead of a top 10 make much difference? Just curious.
: I've played the Chinese cards--sometimes I really I've done it too hard. I
: tried to balance it with some light talk about European or Asian history and
: politics stuff. I also talked about some sports I genuinely love. But still,
: no offer comes.
: There're lots of 2L in my school speaking Chinese. So I don't really how bid
: an advantage I could have, even if when it comes to overseas expansion for US
: firms. Moreover, I see lots of

发帖数: 10
I am more interested in the employment data for class 2005 chinese law
students. Can you give us more details. By the way, are you school top 15?


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: are you in corp law only? i think IP folks might have an easier time.
: the only most important thing in job hunting, is to convince the employer that
: you will be a cold, efficient cash-earning machine from day one. every little
: signal conveyed to the interviewer should reenforce this message -- the firm
: will make more money by hiring me, not my classmate, not that top 5% guy from
: Harvard. and here are the reason why, blah blah blah ...
: firms hire associates very much like how we shop for grocer

发帖数: 240
I am not an expert in jobhunting or the legal career. Like most Chinese law
students, I am also finding my way in the dark. So whatever I say is just my
own feelings and thoughts.
Probably not. I am just used to speaking of schools as "top10." For example,
Berkeley dropped out of top10. But I personally would still choose it over
Virginia, Michigan or even NYU. It is just personal preference. Top15 schools
are all very good schools and all the big firms go there to recruit.
I think otheme alread

【在 a********y 的大作中提到】
: Does a top 14 instead of a top 10 make much difference? Just curious.
: I've played the Chinese cards--sometimes I really I've done it too hard. I
: tried to balance it with some light talk about European or Asian history and
: politics stuff. I also talked about some sports I genuinely love. But still,
: no offer comes.
: There're lots of 2L in my school speaking Chinese. So I don't really how bid
: an advantage I could have, even if when it comes to overseas expansion for US
: firms. Moreover, I see lots of

1 (共1页)
求救 - 芝加哥某移民律师有纠纷怎么办?犹豫,两个学校(均非牛校)的选择
Info needed: IP in China终于在开学前考了 Patent Bar
还是想问几个关于Patent Bar Exam的问题to be a successful IP lawyer
请教几个问题Re: 律师生涯的若干个瞬间
all callbacks have failedlittle tiger, long time no see!
向前辈求教:law firm callback experience关于在美国申请专利一问
So frustrated...anyone who can't find a firm job for 2L summer?被 Fish & Richardson 拒了。
话题: 2ls话题: chinese话题: hunting话题: firms话题: job