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LosAngeles版 - 日裔美国学生反对SCA5 (转载)
越南裔共和党州议员候选人Long Pham公开表示反对SCA5 (转载)做好被砸的准备,其实我有点支持SCA 5
请大家到白宫请愿连署反SCA-5 团结就是力量! (转载)SCA 5 背景资料【zt】 (转载)
请大家白宫签名,反对加州SCA-5Darkest day in California's recent history of politics[zt] (转载)
支持反SCA5, 请给丁右立议员发e-mail (转载)老中都错了,SCA5的问题根本就不是造成不公平竞争!!! (转载)
SAC-5形式非常严峻, 请签署白宫请愿书请加州同胞给本地州议员发信反对SCA5 (转载)
SAC-5形式非常严峻, 白宫请愿书【反对SCA5】请给中文学校写信请他们介绍此法案影响
响应bulubulu的从政号召在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票 (转载)
话题: sca话题: uc话题: education话题: what话题: csu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3249
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: coolminr (苦命儿), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 日裔美国学生反对SCA5
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 2 11:39:29 2014, 美东)
凭这一点已经足够把SCA5的种族歧视的本质揭露出来了。我们的口号应该是America is
a land of equality for all races.
I just wanted to get the word out regarding potential racial discrimination
at UC and CSU in California if SCA 5 gets passed. There is a Senate
Constitution Amendment out right now proposed by Senator Hernandez, I,
myself aren't old enough to vote or anything. I'm just a 16 years old girl
who is worried about her own future. This Senate Constitution Amendment is
known as SCA 5. Its aim is to "allow the State of California to deny an
individual or group's rights to public education on the basis of race,
gender, color, ethnicity, or national origin". Basically if you're of the
minority, your chances of getting a higher education (CSU or UC) is going to
be very slim. They are cutting the percentage of Asians admitted from 36%
to 13% just because of racial discrimination and the same to the rest of the
My stand on this:
I don't care if you're Black, White, Latino, Asian, Gay, Lesbian, Female,
Male, et cetera. I believe that as long as you have the potential to get the
higher education (work hard, good grades, outstanding extracurricular, etc.
..) then you truly deserve to be admitted into a UC or CSU. You can say that
I only care about SCA 5 because I am Asian, HOWEVER, just because I am
Asian doesn't mean that I don't deserve to go to a CSU or a UC. I have a 3.7
GPA, nothing compared to my other peers, however, I am working extremely
hard to get into a UC. Upon hearing this, I am totally disgusted by this
Senator who proposed SCA 5. His stand on SCA 5 is that Asians are DOMINATING
the UCs and CSUs and that Latinos and Whites are not getting enough
admissions into CSU or UC. However, IT IS THEIR FAULT and THEIR CHOICE if
they don't work hard enough in school. In life, there are free will and
consequences and it is simple as that. If you don't work hard, the
consequences is that you will not get what you desire.
Race has NOTHING to do with one's academic performance. Just because I am
Asian, doesn't mean I am good at math. There are Honors classes and AP
classes for individuals who works hard NOT because of race (so I'm saying
there are Honors and AP classes for people work hard and not because it's an
exclusive class to Asians or other minorities). Just because we're of a
different race does not mean that we'll automatically get a 5 or a 4 on the
AP test. We'll still study day and night for it just like ANYBODY of ANY
race would. (media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/rtn/10th-annual/
If SCA 5 gets passed, students who work really hard will not get into their
dream school just because they are born of a certain race. We don't get to
choose our races so why are we being discriminated against? What's the point
of immigrating to America if I'm not going to get an equal opportunity of a
higher education? What's the point of my parents giving up THEIR normal
life in a different country so I can get a better education when I really
won't because of SCA 5? What's the point of my parents working hard to earn
money for my education if I'm not going to get an equal education? There's
absolutely no point at all. What happened to "all men are created equal"?
What happened to Amendment 14 of the Constitution "Section 1. All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they
reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any
State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process
of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection
of the laws."?
I really wish that I have an equal chance like everybody else at a higher
Please vote AGAINST SCA 5 and please sign these petitions if you are 13
years old or older. It is crucial to your future. You can say that I am
being over-dramatic about this, however, there will be long term
consequences if SCA 5 gets passed. I know that the League of Legends
community is big and can make a difference.
Info about SCA 5: saynosca5.com/
Petition on change.org: change.org/petitions/california-state-assembly-vote-
Petition on whitehouse.gov: petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/californias-
A Concerned California Student
TL;DR: Please vote and petition against a racist bill called SCA 5 that
promotes racial discrimination in the higher education system of the state
of California."
发帖数: 9926


【在 r****a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
: 发信人: coolminr (苦命儿), 信区: SanFrancisco
: 标 题: 日裔美国学生反对SCA5
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 2 11:39:29 2014, 美东)
: 下面是一位日裔美国学生写的反SCA5檄文。大家不要纠缠数据,数据没有违宪重要,单
: 凭这一点已经足够把SCA5的种族歧视的本质揭露出来了。我们的口号应该是America is
: a land of equality for all races.
: 另外,有很多印裔和华裔高中生甚至初中生都在写文章宣传反SCA5。我们的下一代都在
: 行动,家长们还有理由不作为吗?
: https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToSCA5

1 (共1页)
在线签名敦促加州众议院给SCA 5投反对票 (转载)支持反SCA5, 请给丁右立议员发e-mail (转载)
O编辑总结:由加州SCA5看AA平权法案及亚裔的应对策略 (转载)SAC-5形式非常严峻, 请签署白宫请愿书
反对SCA5洛杉矶也行动起来吧!下礼拜五我们去找Ed Chau!!SAC-5形式非常严峻, 白宫请愿书
反SCA5海报 (zz) (转载)响应bulubulu的从政号召
越南裔共和党州议员候选人Long Pham公开表示反对SCA5 (转载)做好被砸的准备,其实我有点支持SCA 5
请大家到白宫请愿连署反SCA-5 团结就是力量! (转载)SCA 5 背景资料【zt】 (转载)
请大家白宫签名,反对加州SCA-5Darkest day in California's recent history of politics[zt] (转载)
话题: sca话题: uc话题: education话题: what话题: csu