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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] *** 8.12 会议笔记***
8.12 ChiUSMD 讲座 -- LOROB 到底要做多少?
can 5th year resident write a LoR?quit residency之后不能reapply吗?
I am matched. Thank you very much to all people who are thinking of me this morningUS Ph.D. for pathology
【 讲座笔记】 match talk 第2季 part B 笔记Americlerkship membership 选择
LOR: Is it OK to ask one doc to write 2 letters for two specilaties?LOR 问题
Old CMG is applying for US residency programA few things learned from the mock interview
请问板上有人申请family medicine residency的吗,求建议:postdoc or OB直接match?
请问在芝大或斯坦福做过病理观察的大侠questions about GC,Board and matching,thanks
话题: lor话题: rule话题: 笔记话题: 会议话题: program
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2180
daisyy (daisy) 于 (Sun Aug 12 21:44:07 2012, 美东) 提到:
请大家把记录的笔记,感想放到这个帖子下面。以便统计 VIP 人数。谢谢。
VIP 名单:
1. SUMO2009
2. Daiping
3. Zilkr00
4. usmleg
5. cynthia09
6. doctorvivian
7. melowin
8. rhcrc11
9. cusmle
10. dongyang
11. TheCat
SUMO2009 (busy) 于 (Sun Aug 12 21:51:07 2012, 美东) 提到:
Bolts and nuts for a success interview
Before interview
During interview
After interview
Before interview:
CV or resume:
Clear and concise:
Fill all the blanks in standard application don’t leave any gap > 3 months
Only necessary hobby: simple one , not strange
Formal and fashion: dress store or upper department stre, no Walmart,
basement, or Cosco or home country
Male: undershit needed for light color: 穿一个汗衫, 不要T-shirt
Clean, mo label, smell or food residue
No white sock,( 过踝关节,深色) toy watch ( colorful)( 类似卡通表,红带子的
表带), fake jewelry
Search the info about the interview and the place!!: 不要问过于简单问题
Travel with semi-formal clothes, no jean or sweater in case the luggage lost
: 主色调还是深色(蓝色或黑色)
During Interview:
When starts:
The moment you’re in the premise of the school or company
Polite to everyone:
Never know who is the boss
Anyone can destroy you
Positive attitude:
Don’t complain weather, road, flight delay
Facing interview : eye contact ( 眼睛在对方的眼的上方和下方,眼在他的脸上,
Prepare some questions:
Pre-scripted common qs: not over-prepared 自然不是背出的,讲1-2句,看看对
Irregular behavior
Shake hands
Sit: group坐的时候注意。如果在教授的办公室,教授进来要站起来,教授让你坐那
Walk: side by side or 在一个yard以内。不能掉在后面,更不走在前面
After interview
Send an email or card: 一个 thank you notes, PC和PD一定要
Not necessary to contact more: 最多1-2次
Any person
Inform the reference
Keep a good relationship with former boss
如何获得interview professor的联系方式: 一般都给
。要告诉reference申请的科室,尤其是申请多个科室的。是在想rule out的时候,不
是好事情,所以reference必须说好话才不至于rule out。
daiping (daiping) 于 (Sun Aug 12 21:54:32 2012, 美东) 提到:
特别感谢Chiu大夫的讲座 受益匪浅 我自己总结了一下几点 和大家讨论分享一下
推荐信除非有和program里面正好认识的推荐者 否则无论写的多天花乱坠 效果都差不
多 但是如果信写的不好 那影响就比较大 所谓是rule out而不是rule in 所以要保证
信的内容至少没有负面 谁写都差不多
面试的过程中可以多问问题 省得被人家追着问 而且一个问题可以反复问几个人 关键
是要察言观色 别问人家可能不喜欢的问题 比如board通过率多少这种
如果CV中有一些gap这种 在PS里头要解释清楚 因为eras的cv出来之后很容易一团浆糊
这样就要在ps里头跟人说清楚 比如这些年都干嘛了为什么要转行这种
先想到这么多 想到了再添加

zilkr00 (Rubimaks) 于 (Sun Aug 12 22:07:51 2012, 美东) 提到:
Many thanks to Dr. Chi for his time and effort!!
Q&A MISC notes
Q: Clinical experience for screening criteria?
A: Yes, possible.
Some programs use person to screen, some use computer.
-Don't take it too seriously about what the program website says. e.g.
graduation years less than 10y.
-If failed to get matched, should follow up with PD for reasons, and can
also ask if you should apply again this year. Can email, or phone if no
-PD may not be the one who makes decisions, sometimes it's chair, or
-The most important thing about LoR is that it can't be a bad one. If nobody
would know the person who wrote the LoR then it doesn't really matter
whether it's from a PhD or an MD.
-Don't ask anything about local daycare centers. It's your personal problem.
-It's easier to convince people based on your previous experiences. Should
explain well why making the big change.
-IV season chatting topics: sports (eg. football and hockey).
usmleg (usmleg) 于 (Sun Aug 12 22:15:28 2012, 美东) 提到:
1. Dean's letter is not a must for us.
2. It is OK to ask different interviewers the same questions.
3. Don't the question "Board passing rate for the program"
4. Don't say that you wanna do pathology because you are tired of doing
5. Bad LoR hurt a lot.
6. Before interviews, practice spoken English with native Americans.
cynthia09 (月光女神) 于 (Sun Aug 12 22:21:19 2012, 美东) 提到:
Thank you for give us the talk Dr. Chi. Thank you, Daisy, Hims, Alice and
Medwater to host the talk.
Thank you for the great talk from Dr. Chi.
Here are some brief notes I made. Hope it helps.
CV: clear and concise, Don't leave any gap >3 months
Cloths: no white socks
during interview: eye contact is important
prepare some questions to ask--individualized question is prefer. chairman--
scientist/professor/big question. PD--ask general question, such as location
. something that they know/they are interested.
common questions: not over prepared, no memorize
after interview: send an email or card, PD and PC are necessary, others are
not necessary
reference could be any person, inform the reference (expect from what
hospital/specialty, sometimes before interview), keep a good relationship
with former boss. rule out policy, not rule in, as long as no bad words from
doctorvivian (巧克力) 于 (Sun Aug 12 22:37:04 2012, 美东) 提到:
1. 当我们申请program的时候,要告诉写推荐信的人我们要申请什么specialty. 在9月
15号左右, 再次remaind推荐人, 因为他们很忙,也许已经不记得了。 这样做的目的
是, 当program给你的推荐人打电话的时候, 推荐人有心理准备。
2. 每次面试完, 一定要跟program保持联系,email is fine.
3.关于MSPE, 如果你们学校有统一的dean's letter,就submit. 如果不是, 那就自己
要斟酌了, 因为,如果你们同学校的人同时申请一个program. 也许会被问到,为什么
你有, 他没有, 而且如果两份文件的格式不同,也会引起疑问, 给自己带来不必要
melowin (Mel) 于 (Sun Aug 12 23:32:42 2012, 美东) 提到:
今天有幸聆听了Dr. Chi的讲座,受益匪浅。喝水不忘挖井人,要对主讲人和组织者表
1)Primary care IM 和family medicine对于USCE更加看重,要求也会更加严格。
rhcrc11 (Rebel) 于 (Mon Aug 13 00:12:56 2012, 美东) 提到:
1.PS: better to be describing what u have done in the past years after
graduation, in a general way, rather than being too fancy. Let interviewer
know about ur life. It is an explanation to CV, as CMGs’ CV will be a
mystery to most people.
For CMGs: a character is switching the major significantly. As to Pathology
application, research doesn’t equal to experience in Pathology.
2. Recommendation letter: only when the interviewer knows the recommender,
it will make a difference.
It is important to keep good relationship with all your previous bosses.
They are always your “boss”, even if you do not put him/her involved in
the recommendation letter.
Informed reference: tell the recommender of the department u applied for.
Cross-department application: make it clear with ur recommender.
If interviewer makes the phone call to the recommender: the purpose is to
rule-out. Have some bad impression for you, and try to get some bad remarks
from the recommender. Try to keep all your recommender updated.
3. The moment u enter the hospital, ur iv starts. Every words, every action
of yours will be witnessed and commented by all the doctors.
cusmle (cusmle) 于 (Mon Aug 13 21:24:30 2012, 美东) 提到:
Thanks a lot Dr.Chi and all organizers!!
dongyang (dongyang) 于 (Tue Aug 14 19:14:26 2012, 美东) 提到:
非常感谢CHI 大的详细解答。
1. 有小孩的,别人不问,不要主动提起。如果说因为生孩子在家呆了2年, 人家可能
就想你生个孩子就要2年, 万一residency期间怀孕了,那不得总请假了。
2. Dean's letter: 学校没有标准的,就不需要。如果有的话,有具体的要求:在全校
3. program的实际情况最好打电话问。PD 对H1的情况是了解的。所有的program 都可
4. LOR, 主要是用来筛除。好的LOR基本上没有用。如果program认识推荐你的医生,
5. 今年是新政策的第一年,谁也不知道到底会怎么样。 是ALL in 还是 all out, 要
6. PS 不需要太花俏。大部分CMG都有丰富的经历,所以CV会很复杂,让人家看不懂,
需要PS 给简单明了的理理。
TheCat (Cat) 于 (Wed Aug 15 09:32:14 2012, 美东) 提到:
1. When walk with PC, walk side by side or lagging within a foot, never walk
before PC.
2. 有口音不要紧, but not talk with口头禅。
3. Thank you note by email is enough, email at least to PD, PC, maybe also
other interviews
4. After the interview, no need to call the programs often, maybe 1 or 2
times. It has little to do with ranking, which is usually a group decision.
5. In rare cases, referencee maybe called by the program before the
interview, so inform your LOR writer about the programs and specialties you
applied to.
6. Any boss you worked with will be your future reference, keep a good
relationship with your boss
7. prematch interview: most likely before Thanksgiving. This year all-in or
all-out, hard to say, prematch maybe more aggressive.
2 楼
Q and A:
1,Does high score matters? Scores help to get interview, Interview
determines the rank.
2. Can submit without CK score? Yes, ]and email programs about your CK score
when it is available. Programs may screen scores and YOG.
3. How many programs to apply, pathology 80-90, IM, the more the better
4. Dean’s letter. Not much use, unless your medical school provides a very
standard one
5. Can mention OB doctor’s name in the PS? Yes, PS is a compensation of CV.
CMGs usually have complex CV, no need to write up a fancy PS. Write your
major events, such as transition careers, and explain a gap
6. What questions to ask during interview: such as board passing rate? Do
not ask questions that can be found on their website. If it is low, the
program will not like the question. Can ask same questions with different
interviewers, and personalize your questions. For example, do not ask the
chairman about the board passing rate, he will not know. Ask the general
development of the department.
7. Q: If have interviews previous year, will the same programs give
interviews again? A: Pathology may not interview same applicant again, IM
will not care. In addition, It is better to find out why did not do well in
8. Gap more than 3 months, do not volunteerly mention it, unless being asked
during interview.
9. Can program use clinical experience to sort out applicants? Yes, some may
prefer fresh graduates, some may prefer old Graduates, so we have to apply
more programs.
10. Q: YOG, 10 years strict, is that absolute? A: No, still worth a try.
11.Different programs may use different filters, manfully or by computer.
发信人: ducklingdong (gaga), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 8.12面试讲座笔记
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 12 19:33:28 2012, 美东)
a. 进入医院时面试即开始。
b. 对所有的人都要礼貌。
c. 不要抱怨天气,路况或者航班延误等。
d. 要注意和别人的视线接触,不要躲闪,但不要眼对眼。
e. 准备一点问题的答案。
f. 但不要过于准备,好像背书一样。
g. 其他需要注意的问题:握手,坐姿等,
a. 送卡片或者email。
b. 过后给program打电话用处不大。
c. reference:与前老板搞好关系,及时通知reference申请的项目等。。
发信人: ashlin (ashlin), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 8.12 ChiUSMD 讲座 -- LOR
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 12 20:42:34 2012, 美东)
LOR: key is the people who is going to interview you may know the one who
write LOR for you. The people with MD degress may have more chances is
known by the residency program than the one with Ph.D program.
LOR is also used for Rule out, not for Rule in.
1 (共1页)
questions about GC,Board and matching,thanksLOR: Is it OK to ask one doc to write 2 letters for two specilaties?
graduated 14 year ago CMG, match chance?Old CMG is applying for US residency program
IOM Issues Recommendations for Resident Work Hours 16 hr rule请问板上有人申请family medicine residency的吗,
[合集] LOR的小体会请问在芝大或斯坦福做过病理观察的大侠
8.12 ChiUSMD 讲座 -- LOROB 到底要做多少?
can 5th year resident write a LoR?quit residency之后不能reapply吗?
I am matched. Thank you very much to all people who are thinking of me this morningUS Ph.D. for pathology
【 讲座笔记】 match talk 第2季 part B 笔记Americlerkship membership 选择
话题: lor话题: rule话题: 笔记话题: 会议话题: program