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Military版 - 印度人民党党魁很给力啊,对奥大统领颐指气使
India's FLG up agaist gov corruptionBBC这篇报道比较全面:中印对峙结束 究竟是谁的胜利?
帝国的反击为庆祝莫迪生日 印度政府要求老师集体挖厕所
印度反对党人民党党首次访华引发关注雾霾严重爆表 印度政客: 中国或向印度排放毒气
BBC: 莫迪是否能成为印度的撒切尔?我以Warren Anderson的名义告诫印度人不要自以为是.
话题: us话题: india话题: pakistan话题: swaraj话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1769
1. Identify Pakistan as a perpetrator of the 26/11 attacks;
2. Don't create an impression that Pakistan is an ally while India is a
3. China cannot have a role in resolving any issue in South Asia. The US
must dispel this notion.
4. Take steps to ensure justice to the victims and adequate punishment to
the guilty for the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy.
5. On the issue of confiscation of social security under the totalisation
agreement, which is causing concern to Indians who have worked in the US,
she urged Washington to find a solution for the same.
NEW DELHI: Terming India and the US "natural allies", senior Bharatiya
Janata Party ( BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj Monday told President Barack Obama
that the people of India will be more appreciative if the US is clear in
identifying the perpetrators of the 26/11 terror attack.
"The US and India share a common perception of the war against terror.
However, every Indian would appreciate if the US is clear in identifying the
perpetrator of this terror attack - namely Pakistan," Swaraj, the Leader of
Opposition in the Lok Sabha, said.
She also said that occasional utterances on behalf of the US such as
granting the special status relationship to Pakistan or treating it as a
major non-NATO ally had caused concern in India and that an impression
should not be allowed to be created in India that "Pakistan is an ally and
India a market".
Swaraj also asked the US to take effective steps to ensure justice to the
victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy and adequate punishment to the guilty
. She pointed out that the US should realize the importance of finding "a
solution on the pattern of the BP oil spill case".
She stressed the need for a solution to the confiscation of the social
security payments of Indian workers in the US under the totalisation
agreement and also issues pertaining to outsourcing.
"Outsourcing is mutually beneficial to both the Indian and the US economies.
It gives jobs to Indians but makes corporations in the US more competitive
and adds to the efficiency of the US economy. This in turn creates jobs in
India and helps a more competitive US economy to generate more jobs in
United States of America," Swaraj said.
She also underlined that China "cannot have a role in resolving any issue in
South Asia. The United States must dispel this notion."
A statement from the party said President Obama appreciated the concerns
expressed by Swaraj and extended her an invitation to visit US.
1 (共1页)
我以Warren Anderson的名义告诫印度人不要自以为是.印度外交部长说中印都应该从争议地区撤军。
印度新德里位于巴基斯坦 (转载)BBC: 莫迪是否能成为印度的撒切尔?
India's FLG up agaist gov corruptionBBC这篇报道比较全面:中印对峙结束 究竟是谁的胜利?
帝国的反击为庆祝莫迪生日 印度政府要求老师集体挖厕所
话题: us话题: india话题: pakistan话题: swaraj话题: she