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Military版 - Russia's Aviation Industry
美军成功进行海基反导ZTGet Ready, China: America Is Upgrading Its Missile Defenses
Drone Detection and Attack of a Missile in Booster Phase疮破拦截导弹示威朝鲜,拦截失败灰头土脸
美成功拦截中程弹道导弹 中国高度关注Airborne-Laser Fails a 2nd Test Today
如果美国航母被打沉接下来会发生啥?PLA Are Emboldened, For Whatever Reasons
A Successful STSS TestUS Pursues Missile Defense Near Russia Borders
击卫星为大统领贺,以相娱乐......奥黑被韩国人黑了 (转载)
Russia Will Have no Veto Over NATO Missile Defense美国驻乌克兰大使馆对MH17被击落事件的评估
SM-3 + CIA Documentary美媒:美日对华开战无法取胜 中国不惧触发核战
话题: russia话题: il话题: missile话题: aviation话题: industry
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Russia Seeks A Miracle. Strategy Page, Apr 8, 2011.
("Russia moved Il-76 production from Uzbekistan to Russia. This process got
rolling five years ago, when China placed a $1.5 billion order for 38 Il-76
transport planes and Il-78s (tanker versions of the Il-76)")
My comment: Search in the Web showed in 2005 China placed an order with
Russia, not Uzbekistan.
发帖数: 6973
Press release: Sea-based Missile Defense Flight Test Results in Successful
Intercept. Missile Defense Agency, US Department of Defense, Apr 15, 2011.
"The two demonstration Space Tracking and Surveillance Satellites (STSS),
launched by MDA in 2009, successfully acquired the target missile, providing
stereo 'birth to death' tracking of the target.
"Today’s event, designated Flight Test Standard Missile-15 (FTM-15), was
the most challenging test to date, as it was the first Aegis BMD version 3.6
.1 intercept against an intermediate-range target (range 1,864 to 3,418
miles) and the first Aegis BMD 3.6.1 engagement relying on remote tracking
data. The ability to use remote radar data to engage a threat ballistic
missile greatly increases the battle space and defended area of the SM-3
My comment: Quotation 2 echos Jim Wolf's report: siginificance lies in (a)
intermediate-range (as opposed to short-range) target and (b) impact at
target's mid-course rather than final phase/re-entry. Besides, STSS is new,
unavailable before).

* * *
(a) Jim Wolf, U.S. gears for high-stakes missile defense test. Reuters, Apr
7, 2011.
* * *

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: Russia Seeks A Miracle. Strategy Page, Apr 8, 2011.
: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htairmo/articles/20110408.aspx
: ("Russia moved Il-76 production from Uzbekistan to Russia. This process got
: rolling five years ago, when China placed a $1.5 billion order for 38 Il-76
: transport planes and Il-78s (tanker versions of the Il-76)")
: My comment: Search in the Web showed in 2005 China placed an order with
: Russia, not Uzbekistan.

1 (共1页)
美媒:美日对华开战无法取胜 中国不惧触发核战A Successful STSS Test
俄国成功试验新型反卫星导弹Russia Will Have no Veto Over NATO Missile Defense
美国要部属射程1,000英里的反舰导弹。SM-3 + CIA Documentary
美军成功进行海基反导ZTGet Ready, China: America Is Upgrading Its Missile Defenses
Drone Detection and Attack of a Missile in Booster Phase疮破拦截导弹示威朝鲜,拦截失败灰头土脸
美成功拦截中程弹道导弹 中国高度关注Airborne-Laser Fails a 2nd Test Today
如果美国航母被打沉接下来会发生啥?PLA Are Emboldened, For Whatever Reasons
话题: russia话题: il话题: missile话题: aviation话题: industry