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Military版 - 中国人滚回去----看看美国人怎么看待中国学生的
美国能从阿富汗脱身吗?妖魔化中国开始成为西方的主要工作了 2012-05-01 14:30:42 【相关阅读】古风解读全球经济战争实相 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/46947/20
Soft Side of Iraq/ Afghanistan Wars其实我觉得互联网极大的稳定了共产党的宏观统治
前方吃紧, 后方紧吃美国版OBAMA高度赞扬Petraeus将军的杰出贡献
Iraq war vet injured (critical condition) during Oakland protests普京怕吗?美帝要把毛子踢出G8
容炮就是带人民过过嘴巴瘾昆明恐怖袭击You're either with us or against us
US doctors defense for Afghan demo killer我考, 南海视频现在是CNN头条啊?
黑鬼从来不反省自己为啥成为公害Re: 老美太虚伪了 (转载)
话题: students话题: state话题: china话题: war话题: turkey
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1159
Public universities should not accept students from countries that have bad
relations with US
Here on campus, there are currently 1,851 international students, consisting
of 1,045 undergraduates and 717 graduate students, according to the
International Student and Scholar Services page on K-State's website. During
the fall 2011 semester, there were 1,856 international students. Of that
number, 972 students were from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or Turkey.
China had the highest number of students, with 938.
What stands out about those five countries is that the United States does
not have good relations with any of those nations.
So why does K-State, or any other university in the country, willingly
choose to spend money on resources to educate students who could take the
knowledge they obtained back to a country the U.S. does not get along with?
Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq are not allies with the U.S. for reasons
surrounding the war on terror as well as problems before that, dating back
to before the Gulf War. China and its communist regime has always had a
rocky relationship with the U.S. and Turkey's relationship with the U.S. has
deteriorated due to Turkey's displeasure with the Iraq War.
It is disappointing to know that, while international students are an
integral presence on campus, 52 percent of them come from a country that has
outwardly said they do not appreciate the U.S.
According to the K-State 2011-12 fiscal year budget, which can be found on K
-State's website, K-State receives $161.8 million in state appropriations
and $9.4 million in federal land-grant funds.
In those two categories alone, the university receives $171.2 million in tax
dollars from the state of Kansas and the U.S. government.
In the fall of 2011, there were 23,863 students enrolled at K-State. Divide
the total dollar amount evenly by the number of students and that shows that
just over $7,000 in government funding is being spent to educate an
individual student on campus.
Multiply that by 972, and that equals out to $6.9 million. That means nearly
$7 million in government funding is spent to educate international students
from nations that are not friendly with the U.S.
Debates rage on as to whether China is an adversary to the U.S. or not.
Simply put, though, for as long as China remains under communist rule, it
will be under the careful watch of the American government. In an April 30,
2011, article by Paul Kix on The Daily Beast website, the International
Monetary Fund projects that China will have the world's largest economy and
will be the next world superpower by 2016.
If a world superpower is under a communist regime, then they will
undoubtedly become enemies of the U.S. The Cold War, Vietnam War and Korean
War were all based on stopping the spread of communism.
Do not get it twisted, I am not saying people from these countries or the
students here at K-State from these countries are all evil or should be
treated as such.
I had a conversation with Patrick Sweeney, head women's rowing coach, who is
from Great Britain. He said in his travels around the world, he learned
that people are virtually the same everywhere and have the same basic goals,
and I can respect that.
My argument is that they shouldn't have been allowed to come here and study
at a public university that receives government funds.
We cannot control the agenda of private universities, as they set their own
And quite frankly, they have the right to because they fund themselves. But
public universities like K-State should not be allowed to educate students
from a country which the U.S. has bad relations with, and legislation should
be passed that dictates such.
I have nothing against citizens from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or
Turkey. I just truly believe that nearly $7 million of taxpayer money should
not be spent to educate students who could, in the near future, become the
发帖数: 1159
发帖数: 7103
发帖数: 7276


【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: Public universities should not accept students from countries that have bad
: relations with US
: Here on campus, there are currently 1,851 international students, consisting
: of 1,045 undergraduates and 717 graduate students, according to the
: International Student and Scholar Services page on K-State's website. During
: the fall 2011 semester, there were 1,856 international students. Of that
: number, 972 students were from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or Turkey.
: China had the highest number of students, with 938.
: What stands out about those five countries is that the United States does
: not have good relations with any of those nations.

发帖数: 2946

【在 T*****u 的大作中提到】
: 为什么没有俄罗斯?
发帖数: 15629
Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or Turkey.


【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: Public universities should not accept students from countries that have bad
: relations with US
: Here on campus, there are currently 1,851 international students, consisting
: of 1,045 undergraduates and 717 graduate students, according to the
: International Student and Scholar Services page on K-State's website. During
: the fall 2011 semester, there were 1,856 international students. Of that
: number, 972 students were from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or Turkey.
: China had the highest number of students, with 938.
: What stands out about those five countries is that the United States does
: not have good relations with any of those nations.

发帖数: 638


【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: Public universities should not accept students from countries that have bad
: relations with US
: Here on campus, there are currently 1,851 international students, consisting
: of 1,045 undergraduates and 717 graduate students, according to the
: International Student and Scholar Services page on K-State's website. During
: the fall 2011 semester, there were 1,856 international students. Of that
: number, 972 students were from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq or Turkey.
: China had the highest number of students, with 938.
: What stands out about those five countries is that the United States does
: not have good relations with any of those nations.

发帖数: 1159
1 (共1页)
Re: 老美太虚伪了 (转载)容炮就是带人民过过嘴巴瘾
并共同在开幕式上进行游行US doctors defense for Afghan demo killer
The US has spent $1.5 trillion on war since Sept 1黑鬼从来不反省自己为啥成为公害
美国能从阿富汗脱身吗?妖魔化中国开始成为西方的主要工作了 2012-05-01 14:30:42 【相关阅读】古风解读全球经济战争实相 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/46947/20
Soft Side of Iraq/ Afghanistan Wars其实我觉得互联网极大的稳定了共产党的宏观统治
前方吃紧, 后方紧吃美国版OBAMA高度赞扬Petraeus将军的杰出贡献
Iraq war vet injured (critical condition) during Oakland protests普京怕吗?美帝要把毛子踢出G8
话题: students话题: state话题: china话题: war话题: turkey