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Military版 - Subway Interview来啦 (转载)
[NPR]关于登月影像丢失Re: 要去参加一个学校辩论会,陈述一下我的观点。
Re: 老张最想来的地方应该是伯克利或者斯坦福 (转载)这个google事件再次说明Chinese没有诚信
请江姐来谈谈看法纽时记者David Barboza谈温家宝文章的消息渠道
莫宗坚谈张益唐:张没有找莫要推荐信Yitang Zhang是哪个地方的人?我先猜一个
美国快餐貌似傻伯喂还算健康,至少热量低Yitang Zhang是北京人,让你们丫再瞧不起北京学生
从哥德巴赫猜想谈民主NYT: Solving a Riddle of Primes (转载)
微软最新面试题。Yitang Zhang的美国学生讲述张老师其人其事
弃婴最后一贴我把我的疑问给 张益唐 后,他回信了
话题: interview话题: subway话题: your话题: dr话题: among
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10248
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: ncatlab (弃疾), 信区: Joke
标 题: Subway Interview来啦
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 22 21:21:47 2013, 美东)
发信人: UKuser (None), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: Subway Interview来啦
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 22 21:20:10 2013, 美东)
Dear UKuser,
As a result of your application for the position of Sales Assistant, I would
like to invite you to attend an interview on May 30, at 9 AM at our office
in Durham, NH.
You will have an interview with the department manager, Eat Fresh. The
interview will last about 45 minutes. Please bring three references as well
as a copy of your driver's license to the interview.
Among other things, we are very impressed with your experience in Panda
Express and your PhD work in "Nutrition, Numbers, Location and Philosophy".
We have contacted Dr. Yitang Zhang who is reading your attached paper on "
The Final Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture" and will get back to you in due
If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by
phone (1-800-111-1111) or email (s*********[email protected]) in order to arrange
another appointment.
We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,
Dr. Subway Boss
Management Director
Subway Global
1 (共1页)
我把我的疑问给 张益唐 后,他回信了美国快餐貌似傻伯喂还算健康,至少热量低
The Mathematician Who Could Be a Movie Star -- Bloomberg从哥德巴赫猜想谈民主
[NPR]关于登月影像丢失Re: 要去参加一个学校辩论会,陈述一下我的观点。
Re: 老张最想来的地方应该是伯克利或者斯坦福 (转载)这个google事件再次说明Chinese没有诚信
请江姐来谈谈看法纽时记者David Barboza谈温家宝文章的消息渠道
莫宗坚谈张益唐:张没有找莫要推荐信Yitang Zhang是哪个地方的人?我先猜一个
话题: interview话题: subway话题: your话题: dr话题: among