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Military版 - Yitang Zhang的美国学生讲述张老师其人其事
张益唐要去UCSB了 (转载)刚刚看了孪生素数的维基,觉得陶的水军真厉害
【张益唐在伯克利的演讲絮记】 (转载)老张的工资 (转载)
老张加入国军了好像学校里yitang zhang这样的老师还真不少
Yitang Zhang是哪个地方的人?我先猜一个在数学方面 目前为止还没有超过陈省身的吧
Yitang Zhang是北京人,让你们丫再瞧不起北京学生入美国籍必须用英文名?不是基督教名字不给注册?
我把我的疑问给 张益唐 后,他回信了哪个sb翻译的 wandering earth /流浪地球?
The Mathematician Who Could Be a Movie Star -- Bloomberg今天有空,写写国内娱乐圈子方面 (转载)
大陆出生的科学家水平达到了诺奖水平的不少火灾责任方上海佳艺财报迷雾 年收入1.1亿净利仅30万
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1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21010
[–]Odradekisch 15 points 8 hours ago
Could you tell us more about how he was as a person/teacher etc.? He must be
a very interesting person.
[–]infinitepanda 8 points 1 hour ago
He rides the bus into campus with a friend of mine. He gave her a hug
yesterday when she congratulated him on the paper.
Also last election day, the same friend and I ran into him in the
polling place. He was super excited to show off his naturalization papers to
us and that he had voted.
发帖数: 21010
发帖数: 21010
[–]mindfolded 30 points 11 hours ago
(Hi Adam)
He smokes P-funks (Parliament Lights) if anyone wants to buy him a
celebratory carton.
发帖数: 21010
[–]Ardiea 34 points 14 hours ago
I'm pretty sure I drive by him every morning while he is waiting for the bus
to UNH.
[–]davv_3 26 points 10 hours ago
He used to be my Calc 2 prof at UNH, he refers to himself as Tom. Now, I see
him walking around everywhere on campus and smoking buts.
[–]Ardiea 1 point 2 hours ago
That confirms it then. Always smoking butts at the bus stop. Didn't realize
he was a professor, thought maybe he was some kind of staff or something. I
used to see him at HoCo all the time, too.
发帖数: 21010
–]irrelevant_spiderman 112 points 14 hours ago
So this is what he's been doing at UNH between chain smoking and wandering
around the engineering building.
[–]4dam 51 points 12 hours ago
We called him the Kingsbury Express when I was there.
[–]DigitalLuddite[!] 10 points 13 hours ago
Legalize cannabis, solve mathematics.
[–]Tipppptoe 25 points 10 hours ago
You would, too, if you were tortured by an obsession with an age old
unsolved problem.
[–]skrenename4147 17 points 11 hours ago
I'd be sitting on the second floor doing my programming assignment late at
night on a weekend, and he'd just wander by, stop for a moment, look at me,
then continue pacing. Or he'd be outside smoking when I left XD
[–]mindfolded 11 points 11 hours ago
P-Funks, with the recessed filter.
发帖数: 21010
[–]RebelWithoutASauce 53 points 13 hours ago
I actually know this guy, though I have never had a conversation with him.
He wanders around, smoking and staring at engineering students. I always
wondered who he was until I chatted with one of his students during a
differential equations class. Interesting character. I've been riding the
bus with him for years wondering what he is always wandering around thinking
about. Apparently prime numbers.
1 (共1页)
火灾责任方上海佳艺财报迷雾 年收入1.1亿净利仅30万Yitang Zhang是北京人,让你们丫再瞧不起北京学生
经济观察报:谁是上海大火背后的第一责任人?我把我的疑问给 张益唐 后,他回信了
所谓民国范儿的真相ztThe Mathematician Who Could Be a Movie Star -- Bloomberg
张益唐要去UCSB了 (转载)刚刚看了孪生素数的维基,觉得陶的水军真厉害
【张益唐在伯克利的演讲絮记】 (转载)老张的工资 (转载)
老张加入国军了好像学校里yitang zhang这样的老师还真不少
Yitang Zhang是哪个地方的人?我先猜一个在数学方面 目前为止还没有超过陈省身的吧
话题: he话题: ago话题: hours话题: points话题: him