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Military版 - China: 1; U.S.: 0. Don't Let the Asia Pivot Turn into the Asia Peeve
Singapore's KIM III laughed at Shanghai.....Bannan:硅谷亚洲人是对公民社会的威胁
Russia-China Relationship: Third VoicesRussia to deliver Nuk fuel to Iran, soon
Russia's Faded Army毛子完胜呀
越南排华暴乱:海外老中组织起来自保 (转载)伊朗形势前瞻
From福岛With Love: TPP环环相扣张召忠再爆保护伊朗猛料:伊朗网民炸开了锅
Pivot to Asia, 奥巴马的政治遗产原来沙特战略导弹部队是中国一手建立的
Pivot to asia基本要废了我们这里油价已经低于2.5美金了 (转载)
Pivot to Asia 基本破产哈哈不好不好,这是美俄要开片儿哇!
话题: asia话题: pivot话题: let话题: don话题: peeve
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
This article first appeared in the Harvard Business Review:
Watch my interview with Al Jazeera on this topic.
The founder of modern Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, who passed away recently, had
a rather pointed assessment of what's known as the U.S. "Asia pivot" policy
can hit the pause button when we need to and then push play when we want to
return. No doubt, there has been much for the U.S. to focus on elsewhere in
the world recently, from Russia to Iran. But in past weeks, it seems that
the movie in Asia has been on fast-forward around global development and
financing. And once again, the U.S. is scrambling to catch up.
1 (共1页)
哈哈不好不好,这是美俄要开片儿哇!From福岛With Love: TPP环环相扣
McCain: 保正俄罗斯,中国,伊朗不会在叙利亚有所动作Pivot to Asia, 奥巴马的政治遗产
在白人眼里,三胖,习大永远是小黄人,小黄人制裁小黄人才有病Pivot to asia基本要废了
俄罗斯,伊朗警告美国:如果再对叙利亚问题越过”红线“,将反击。Pivot to Asia 基本破产
Singapore's KIM III laughed at Shanghai.....Bannan:硅谷亚洲人是对公民社会的威胁
Russia-China Relationship: Third VoicesRussia to deliver Nuk fuel to Iran, soon
Russia's Faded Army毛子完胜呀
越南排华暴乱:海外老中组织起来自保 (转载)伊朗形势前瞻
话题: asia话题: pivot话题: let话题: don话题: peeve