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Military版 - Boeing passenger jets have falsely-certified Kobe Steel products
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特大喜讯:首家波音787今天交付泥鹏全日空 (转载)波音787停飞,要换100多劳斯莱斯发动机ZT
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话题: kobe话题: steel话题: boeing话题: falsely话题: japanese
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发帖数: 11530
Boeing passenger jets have falsely-certified Kobe Steel products: source
Reuters By Tim Kelly,Reuters 7 hours ago
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By Tim Kelly
TOKYO (Reuters) - Boeing Co, the world's biggest maker of passenger jets,
has used Kobe Steel products that include those falsely certified by the
Japanese company, a source with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.
Boeing does not as yet consider the issue a safety problem, the source
stressed, but the revelation may raise compensation costs for the Japanese
company, which is embroiled in a widening scandal over the false
certification of the strength and durability of components supplied to
hundreds of companies.
The U.S. airline maker is carrying out a survey of aircraft to ascertain the
extent and type of Kobe Steel components in its planes and will share the
results with airline customers, said the source who has knowledge of the
The source asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.
Even if the falsely certified parts do not affect safety, given the intense
public scrutiny that airlines operate under they may opt to replace suspect
parts rather than face any backlash over concerns about safety.
Any large-scale program to remove those components, even during scheduled
aircraft maintenance, could prove costly for Kobe Steel if it has to foot
the bill.
Kobe Steel's CEO, Hiroya Kawasaki, on Thursday said his company's
credibility was at "zero." The company, he said, is examining possible data
falsification going back 10 years, but does not expect to see recalls of
cars or airplanes for now..
Also in the U.S., General Motors said it is checking whether its cars
contain falsely certified components from Kobe Steel, joining Toyota Motor
Corp and around 200 other firms that have received falsely certified parts
from the company.
Boeing does not buy products such as aluminum composites, used in aircraft
because of their light weight, directly from Kobe Steel. Its key Japanese
suppliers, including Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries
and Subaru Corp, however, do.
These Japanese companies are key parts of Boeing's global supply chain,
building one fifth of its 777 jetliner and 35 percent of its carbon
composite 787 Dreamliner.
"Boeing has been working closely and continuously with our suppliers since
being notified of the issue to ensure timely and appropriate action," Boeing
said in a statement earlier this week after Kobe Steel's bombshell
announcement over the weekend.
"Nothing in our review to date leads us to conclude that this issue presents
a safety concern," it added.
Work for the U.S. planemaker employs around 22,000 Japanese engineers, or 40
percent employed in the nation's aerospace business.
(Reporting by Tim Kelly; Editing by Shri Navaratnam)
发帖数: 11530
Kobe Steel 'll be t next big name jap business going t path of bankruptcy
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波音案: 公司把利润放在安全之上特大喜讯:首家波音787今天交付泥鹏全日空 (转载)
波音西雅图工厂也死人了FW: carbon fiber 这么难做啊!
无标题Fire on Boeing 787 Dreamliner in LondonZT
无标题Boeing reports wing cracks on 787 Dreamliners in productionzt
话题: kobe话题: steel话题: boeing话题: falsely话题: japanese