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Military版 - 洋大人整理的赵立间事件时间线
美国军队把病毒带到中国 - 中国政府发言人说zz: 纽时的这篇op-ed太毒了,哈哈哈
你党说美军放毒 那可是战争行为 PLA为什么不开战呢?柳叶刀上武汉医生发文要大家支援
这个武汉病毒是访学从加拿大偷回去的生物武器总共28 US domestic cases
Nurses fighting coronavirus in China shave their hair to iWHO在中国的发现
COVID-19 是WHO乳华?Mark my words
话题: 2020话题: virus话题: covid话题: feb话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
我总结一下,赵立渐实际上在回应一个fucks news的小喽罗(见3月5日条目),赵立渐
的理论起源与日本和加拿大人(2月21, 3月4条目),病毒美国起源论的创造者是额国
Jan 20, 2020: Kremlin-backed Zveda publishes article suggesting the United
States might have created the virus, based on an interview with Igor Nikulin
; it is first time the conspiracy theory is mentioned on state media.
Jan 21, 2020: The United States reports its first confirmed case; financial
blog Zero Hedge publishes article comparing Wuhan lab to Resident Evil’s
Umbrella Corp, a fictional corporation in a video game that developed and
sold biological weapons.
Jan 23, 2020: British tabloid The Daily Mail publishes article insinuating
Wuhan laboratory was insufficiently secure, implying the virus might have
leaked from there.
Jan 26, 2020: The obscure Indian blog Great Game India publishes article
claiming a Chinese scientist working for a Canadian lab stole the virus and
gave it to China, which is republished by Zero Hedge; the Washington Times
publishes an article indicating that the disease might be a Chinese
Jan 28, 2020: China starts to react to accusations by saying there is no
evidence that virus is manmade.
Jan 30, 2020: WHO declares COVID a “global health emergency”; Francis
Boyle gives his first interview claiming COVID-19 might be a bioweapon, to
the podcast Geopolitics and Empire; IRIB, the Iranian state broadcasting
agency, publishes first article suggesting COVID-19 might be a US-made
bioweapon; US Senator Tom Cotton (R–AR) tweets that there is no
confirmation about where the virus emerged and notes that China’s only
biosafety lab is located in Wuhan.
February 2, 2020: WHO releases a COVID-19 situation report that described
the pandemic as featuring a parallel infodemic, their first use of the term
in public.
Feb 10, 2020: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asks a doctor on his show whether
there was evidence that this was “not a naturally occurring virus, that it
was somehow created by the Chinese government.”
Feb 15, 2020: WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus delivers a
speech at the Munich Security Conference, declaring, “[W]e’re not just
fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster
and more easily than this virus and is just as dangerous.”
Feb 17, 2020: Global Research Canada publishes a piece by Larry Romanoff
claiming a “man-made origin” for COVID-19 cannot be dismissed. Romanoff
cites the earlier interview with Igor Nikulin as his source.
Feb 19, 2020: First COVID-19 case reported in Iran; ChinaXiv publishes a
research paper that speculates the origins of the virus could be outside of
Feb 21, 2020: Francis Boyle gives interview to InfoWars; Japanese Asahi TV
misconstrues a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statement on
February 14 as meaning the 2019 influenza death toll could be COVID-19
Feb 22, 2020: Chinese outlets Global Times and People’s Daily speculate
that the virus may have been present in the US in 2019, based off Asahi TV’
s claims.
Feb 23, 2020: Chinese outlets CGTN reports on a ChinaXiv article casting
doubt on the Wuhan origins of the virus; People’s Daily repeats claims by
Asahi TV that COVID-19 could originate in the United States.
Feb 24, 2020: The Helsinki Times syndicates the People’s Daily report on
the possible US origins of the virus.
Feb 26, 2020: The New Zealand Herald syndicates the People’s Daily report
on possibly US origins. The piece is later removed from the website.
Mar 4, 2020: Larry Romanoff publishes an article on Global Research Canada
claiming the virus could have originated in the US. The claims are based on
the Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese media reports.
Mar 5, 2020: Fox News’ Jesse Watters demands apology from China; Zhao
Lijian, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
responds to the demand by citing that the origin of the virus is still
Mar 11, 2020: WHO declares COVID-19 a global pandemic; another article by
Romanoff published on Global Research Canada publishes article claiming
virus might have accidentally leaked from a US military lab at Fort Detrick.
Mar 12-13, 2020: China’s Zhao Lijian republishes Global Research Canada
article in a series of tweets accusing the United States of spreading the
virus, insinuating the US Army was at fault; Iran’s Supreme leader,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, says the coronavirus was possibly a biological
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再看福克斯首页Nurses fighting coronavirus in China shave their hair to i
美国以外有人信老赵吗?COVID-19 是WHO乳华?
美国军队把病毒带到中国 - 中国政府发言人说zz: 纽时的这篇op-ed太毒了,哈哈哈
你党说美军放毒 那可是战争行为 PLA为什么不开战呢?柳叶刀上武汉医生发文要大家支援
话题: 2020话题: virus话题: covid话题: feb话题: us