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NewYork版 - [合集] 从NYC的Grand Central Station到JFK机场要怎么走?要多久呢'
Re: 从NYC的Grand Central Station到JFK机场要怎么走?要多久呢?请问怎么从penn station到JFK机场呀?
请问:从Penn Station到Grand Central Terminal怎么走比较好?从曼哈顿怎么去JFK比较好?
推荐从grand-central station到JFK/EWR/LGA机场的巴士?7 day unlimited ride metrocard
从JFK到Grand Central Station请问从NYC 去DC
在grand-central station附近有什么比较安静的cafe?NYC to DC by train
i am surprised地铁很快有 WIFI 了...
现在grand central还有到JFK的大巴吗?Re: Grand Central 到penn station
卖Metro North Train Ticket有人想这周末Manhattan出来玩的么?
话题: jfk话题: grand话题: central话题: station话题: sep
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7545
chord (鲨鱼——三尖瓣) 于 (Tue Sep 19 22:37:08 2000) 提到:
A train goes to JFK, well, in fact not exactly JFK
but somewhere u can take free shuttle bus to JFK
u can take 7 or S train from Grand Central to Port Authority
and transfer to A there.
be careful that only some A trains go to JFK
I forgot the destination name
but u can definitely get instructions in the station
like on the 站台上的柱子

ile (seashore) 于 (Wed Sep 20 12:16:32 2000) 提到:
if you took an A train of the other route,
you still could wait for free shuttle service
at Rockport (? not sure which stop le, you can get
these information from the subway map), just
that it'll take more time.
1 (共1页)
有人想这周末Manhattan出来玩的么?在grand-central station附近有什么比较安静的cafe?
从grand central到stamford要多久阿?i am surprised
请问纽约的同学们有没有信誉好的REALTOR可以推荐。现在grand central还有到JFK的大巴吗?
请问从grand central到拉瓜迪亚机场最便捷的公共交通方式卖Metro North Train Ticket
Re: 从NYC的Grand Central Station到JFK机场要怎么走?要多久呢?请问怎么从penn station到JFK机场呀?
请问:从Penn Station到Grand Central Terminal怎么走比较好?从曼哈顿怎么去JFK比较好?
推荐从grand-central station到JFK/EWR/LGA机场的巴士?7 day unlimited ride metrocard
从JFK到Grand Central Station请问从NYC 去DC
话题: jfk话题: grand话题: central话题: station话题: sep