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Parenting版 - 孩子的读后感 -- Getting to Know You (2011)
学生为什么有时候装傻?Blending into the Crowd (2011)上个daycare要等一年啊
一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)Truth Telling Is Academia's Privilege (and Obligation)
最高法院支持大学录取AA (转载)我记得以前这里说过FORREST GUM 的母亲为他的教育现身的事
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求建议: miniVan (转载)孩子不爱学习怎么办啊?大家快帮帮我。
话题: jamal话题: quote话题: forrester话题: james话题: very
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9094
When I read the quote “Sometimes home talk can provide home insights” on
page 109 in the book 《Finding Forrester》 by James Ellison, I
immediately felt closer to the book than before. In fact, when choosing
a quotation to write about, this was one of the few quotes on the sheet
that I remembered off the top of my head. Since I am one who usually
only remembers things I deem important, that means quite a lot to me.
This quote was a retort by Jamal, the main character of the book, to Mr.
Forrester, Jamal’s unofficial teacher, in Forrester’s apartment while
the duo were bantering over how Jamal talks in a very casual manner.
This quote may seem odd to one who has not read the passage in which the
quote was placed, but when in context makes much more sense, or so I
think. I believe that this quote shows how in real life and most well-
written literature, people have many different sides of themselves, like
multi-faceted jewels. It shows how thoughtful Jamal can be and how
insightful he is.
Most people behave very differently at formal places, work, or school
than when at home or other casual places. Also, the personality they
show at said formal places may be false or at least deviating from their
normal everyday behavior.
Almost always, I believe, a person has many “faces”, which encompass how
they will usually behave and feel, and the faces they will show to
people vary on who they are. For example, I do not speak in the same way
to my relatives and friends as I would to my teachers or any guests. In
our society, speaking informally to people whom one is unfamiliar with
is usually considered very rude and intrusive, so most won’t speak in
such a manner even if they’d like to.
In fact, getting to know a person usually means having to learn of all
sides they show on a regular basis, which can take varied periods of
time, depending on the individual. This quote strikes very close to
home, and I enjoy how simple yet deep feelings this line conveys.
发帖数: 5283

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: When I read the quote “Sometimes home talk can provide home insights” on
: page 109 in the book 《Finding Forrester》 by James Ellison, I
: immediately felt closer to the book than before. In fact, when choosing
: a quotation to write about, this was one of the few quotes on the sheet
: that I remembered off the top of my head. Since I am one who usually
: only remembers things I deem important, that means quite a lot to me.
: This quote was a retort by Jamal, the main character of the book, to Mr.
: Forrester, Jamal’s unofficial teacher, in Forrester’s apartment while
: the duo were bantering over how Jamal talks in a very casual manner.
: This quote may seem odd to one who has not read the passage in which the

发帖数: 145
A very thoughtful article.
He should definitly consider of being a children's book writer in the future
, either as his career or his hobby. Maybe my grandchildren will read books
by James. Who knows. I am looking forward to those days.
Just curious, the article and previous letters you posted sound like diaries
. Why would he like to share with you?

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: When I read the quote “Sometimes home talk can provide home insights” on
: page 109 in the book 《Finding Forrester》 by James Ellison, I
: immediately felt closer to the book than before. In fact, when choosing
: a quotation to write about, this was one of the few quotes on the sheet
: that I remembered off the top of my head. Since I am one who usually
: only remembers things I deem important, that means quite a lot to me.
: This quote was a retort by Jamal, the main character of the book, to Mr.
: Forrester, Jamal’s unofficial teacher, in Forrester’s apartment while
: the duo were bantering over how Jamal talks in a very casual manner.
: This quote may seem odd to one who has not read the passage in which the

发帖数: 9094
Thank you!
For now, he still remembers that I am his father who has more muscles than
he does.

【在 j*******a 的大作中提到】
: 字里行间是一个自信满满的孩子。
发帖数: 9094
Your thoughts are just like my wife's. We'll see about how the "writer" part
plays out.
All these articles are school homework, which has to be printed out by the
slave father. But I saved an electronic copy afterwards. As a parent, I know
the rules to follow and the demarcation not to cross when caring for a


【在 n********y 的大作中提到】
: A very thoughtful article.
: He should definitly consider of being a children's book writer in the future
: , either as his career or his hobby. Maybe my grandchildren will read books
: by James. Who knows. I am looking forward to those days.
: Just curious, the article and previous letters you posted sound like diaries
: . Why would he like to share with you?

发帖数: 145
I didn't suspect you overpass privacy. I just thought your son was very open
to parents and would like to share his minds and thoughts. I was just
wondering how you could achieve that, as many teenagers wouldn't be that
close to parents.
The teacher is a great teacher, having many ideas to encourage kids to
express themselves in an interesting way. I am very impressed by James'
letter to friends in the future. An equivalent homework in Chinese schools
that I could think about is to write about your dream, which is a plain and
boring task. And children would just blah blah about their amibition of
serving the people. But asking kids to write a letter make the task sounds
much more interesting and personalized.
Anyway James really makes his parents and teachers pround with his talent of


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: Your thoughts are just like my wife's. We'll see about how the "writer" part
: plays out.
: All these articles are school homework, which has to be printed out by the
: slave father. But I saved an electronic copy afterwards. As a parent, I know
: the rules to follow and the demarcation not to cross when caring for a
: child.
: future
: books
: diaries

发帖数: 9094
He would not reached teenage stage until one and half years later.


【在 n********y 的大作中提到】
: I didn't suspect you overpass privacy. I just thought your son was very open
: to parents and would like to share his minds and thoughts. I was just
: wondering how you could achieve that, as many teenagers wouldn't be that
: close to parents.
: The teacher is a great teacher, having many ideas to encourage kids to
: express themselves in an interesting way. I am very impressed by James'
: letter to friends in the future. An equivalent homework in Chinese schools
: that I could think about is to write about your dream, which is a plain and
: boring task. And children would just blah blah about their amibition of
: serving the people. But asking kids to write a letter make the task sounds

发帖数: 13135

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: When I read the quote “Sometimes home talk can provide home insights” on
: page 109 in the book 《Finding Forrester》 by James Ellison, I
: immediately felt closer to the book than before. In fact, when choosing
: a quotation to write about, this was one of the few quotes on the sheet
: that I remembered off the top of my head. Since I am one who usually
: only remembers things I deem important, that means quite a lot to me.
: This quote was a retort by Jamal, the main character of the book, to Mr.
: Forrester, Jamal’s unofficial teacher, in Forrester’s apartment while
: the duo were bantering over how Jamal talks in a very casual manner.
: This quote may seem odd to one who has not read the passage in which the

发帖数: 13135
问一个题外话, 你家孩子现在还学钢琴吗?

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: When I read the quote “Sometimes home talk can provide home insights” on
: page 109 in the book 《Finding Forrester》 by James Ellison, I
: immediately felt closer to the book than before. In fact, when choosing
: a quotation to write about, this was one of the few quotes on the sheet
: that I remembered off the top of my head. Since I am one who usually
: only remembers things I deem important, that means quite a lot to me.
: This quote was a retort by Jamal, the main character of the book, to Mr.
: Forrester, Jamal’s unofficial teacher, in Forrester’s apartment while
: the duo were bantering over how Jamal talks in a very casual manner.
: This quote may seem odd to one who has not read the passage in which the

发帖数: 9094

【在 n********h 的大作中提到】
: 我今天就算是提高一下自己的英文水平.
发帖数: 9094

【在 n********h 的大作中提到】
: 问一个题外话, 你家孩子现在还学钢琴吗?
发帖数: 13135
你家娃学了几年啊. 现在, 孩子学钢琴学到我吐血. 想知道坚持多长时间就算对得起娃
了. 吹笛子不错, 不过听说一个笛子也不便宜.

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: 不弹了,天份不够。改吹笛子了。也只是吹着玩玩,在学校乐队混个脸熟。
发帖数: 9094

【在 n********h 的大作中提到】
: 你家娃学了几年啊. 现在, 孩子学钢琴学到我吐血. 想知道坚持多长时间就算对得起娃
: 了. 吹笛子不错, 不过听说一个笛子也不便宜.

发帖数: 13135
就是觉得学乐器投入太多了, 也不知道值得不值得, 毕竟孩子将来专业搞这个的可能性

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: 钢琴学到六七级应该是可以的。主要是每天坚持练琴,雷打不动,比较磨人的性子。反
: 正孩子学什么科目学到高层次,天份和爱好缺一不可。看造化吧。笛子一千多刀,还是
: 比钢琴便宜。

1 (共1页)
孩子不爱学习怎么办啊?大家快帮帮我。最高法院支持大学录取AA (转载)
你的层次决定了你看到的风暴求建议: miniVan (转载)
学生为什么有时候装傻?Blending into the Crowd (2011)上个daycare要等一年啊
一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)Truth Telling Is Academia's Privilege (and Obligation)
话题: jamal话题: quote话题: forrester话题: james话题: very