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Parenting版 - 免费Kindle电子书:Beating the Bias: Overcoming the Asian Stereotype in College Admissions
Bias Against Asians in College Admission?想让孩子在美国上大学的都来关注下:哈佛申诉请愿
二代亚裔男遇上白人女朋友The truth about 'holistic' college admissions (ZT)
ABC自恨比例高吗?【转载】Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success
abc感觉美国不是他家转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
Now the college admission committee has more reason to reject Asian kids我不反对AA了, 原因是
问问支持AA的各位Obama admin encourages colleges to use race
Harvard and UNC sued over their admission policies (转载)Asians are smart as an individual but not smart as a group
话题: asian话题: college话题: admissions话题: bias话题: beating
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3942
Beating the Bias: Overcoming the Asian Stereotype in College Admissions
Would you like to know the secrets to help your Asian student be successful
in the brutal college admissions game?
Veteran college admissions consultant, Jeannette Webb, tackles the tough
issues facing Asian students whether they attend public or private schools
or homeschool high school.
“Beating the Bias” will help you evaluate your high school plan and give
you an insider’s view of college admissions as it relates to Asian students
. The book will answer these questions:
• Why is there an Asian bias?
• How should we spend the high school years?
• How do I help my student succeed academically?
• What activities will make my child look good to a college?
1 (共1页)
Asians are smart as an individual but not smart as a groupabc感觉美国不是他家
印度人是asian还是whiteNow the college admission committee has more reason to reject Asian kids
加州国sca5 与 AA...问问支持AA的各位
不要忽视小孩的害羞, 害羞(内向)< 社交恐惧症 < 自闭症Harvard and UNC sued over their admission policies (转载)
Bias Against Asians in College Admission?想让孩子在美国上大学的都来关注下:哈佛申诉请愿
二代亚裔男遇上白人女朋友The truth about 'holistic' college admissions (ZT)
ABC自恨比例高吗?【转载】Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success
话题: asian话题: college话题: admissions话题: bias话题: beating