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Postdoc版 - bioinfo postdoc opening
Postdoc position at the Biofuels Laboratory at Virginia Techpostdoctoral fellowship in computational nanoscience
Two postdoc positions in Redox Enzyme Engineering at the Biofuels Laboratory at Virginia Tech (USA)postdoctoral research fellow position in CS
Biofuel, biomass, sustainable energy 招聘博士后Postdoc opening on nano-membrane for water filtration
求Review审稿机会-机器学习、统计Lyxia(雷盛)诚挚招聘人才 LA 地区
土博+美博后找工业界的机会如何?Lyxia(雷盛)诚挚招聘人才 LA 地区 biotech
I-129 DC 里有一项 Qualification 怎么填?送审稿
还有戏吗?Position: Research Scientist in Biostats/Bioinfo
新加坡一个研究所有个computer vision方向的opening请教bioinfomatics走向
话题: bioinfo话题: recent话题: postdoc话题: opening
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
A bioinfo postdoc position in a national lab. Conduct and participate in R&D
relating to the production of advanced biofuels from microalgae.
Minimum Qualifications Must be a recent Ph.D. graduate with in the last
three years.
Preferred Qualifications A recent PhD(less than 3 years), in some aspect
of systems biology, especially genomics and transcriptomics with knowledge
of recent developments in sequencing technologies. Strong scientific writing
skills demonstrated by experience authorin
1 (共1页)
在哪可以找到bioinfo summer intern的信息?I-129 DC 里有一项 Qualification 怎么填?
paper help还有戏吗?
Navy buys biofuel for $16 a gallon新加坡一个研究所有个computer vision方向的opening
Postdoc position at the Biofuels Laboratory at Virginia Techpostdoctoral fellowship in computational nanoscience
Two postdoc positions in Redox Enzyme Engineering at the Biofuels Laboratory at Virginia Tech (USA)postdoctoral research fellow position in CS
Biofuel, biomass, sustainable energy 招聘博士后Postdoc opening on nano-membrane for water filtration
求Review审稿机会-机器学习、统计Lyxia(雷盛)诚挚招聘人才 LA 地区
话题: bioinfo话题: recent话题: postdoc话题: opening