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Running版 - Nathan Speed 4 Waist Pack Review
LSD 20迈, the day before CIM放弃背心,回归腰带
问一下大家喝水的装备。我每次跑完>5 miles都特困,难道我能量很低?
LSD 24迈谁能给推荐个fuel belt?
请问hammer gel的问题Manyhuaer 看这里
跑全马戴 fuel belt?芝马的一点经验感受
包子请教:running waist belt?Anybody use Bottle Belt for running?
话题: nathan话题: waist话题: pack话题: speed话题: flasks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12977
Today's "Long" run is the first time for me to check out the newly bought
Nathan Speed 4 Waist pack with 4 10-Ounce nutrition flasks.
In the beginning, the flasks even with 95% full of Gatorade are still making
those noise when I am running, but not the bouncing of the flask, just the
water inside them.
I immediately thought about returning them since I already became a puristic
runner, i.e., running only with minimal gears possible.
Another shortcoming of this Nathan waist pack is already menti
发帖数: 10018
Nice post!
The Hydration Belt I have is Amphipod RunLite Snapflask 4. The bottles
are in not fixed positions. And all the flasks can be taken off. In most
of the long runs and the last marathon, I only take two bottles with me.
I got used to it already,so I didn't feel any discomfort carrying it. I
like running as purist too, usually under 15 miles. When I do carry the
belt, I will take a sip every 1-2 miles from the beginning, otherwise my
stomach will get upset if I drink too much water at onc
发帖数: 10018
BTW, I think you made the right decision to back off a little bit today.
I disagree with the 8min/mile part. Everybody is different. Even today's
you is different with the you from 3 months ago. Just enjoy you training,
you will recover all your running abilities within a few weeks.
发帖数: 12977
good info, but last time we ran, maybe I did not notice or what, I don't
think I ever saw you drinking for the first 10-11 miles while we were

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Nice post!
: The Hydration Belt I have is Amphipod RunLite Snapflask 4. The bottles
: are in not fixed positions. And all the flasks can be taken off. In most
: of the long runs and the last marathon, I only take two bottles with me.
: I got used to it already,so I didn't feel any discomfort carrying it. I
: like running as purist too, usually under 15 miles. When I do carry the
: belt, I will take a sip every 1-2 miles from the beginning, otherwise my
: stomach will get upset if I drink too much water at onc

发帖数: 10018
oh, that's because i was so focused chatting with you...

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: good info, but last time we ran, maybe I did not notice or what, I don't
: think I ever saw you drinking for the first 10-11 miles while we were
: together

发帖数: 224
Ever try just holding a bottle or two gatorades in your hand?
I learn this from Tuoniao. I find it to be much better than using belts. In addition, it will exercise your arms a little bit.


【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: Today's "Long" run is the first time for me to check out the newly bought
: Nathan Speed 4 Waist pack with 4 10-Ounce nutrition flasks.
: In the beginning, the flasks even with 95% full of Gatorade are still making
: those noise when I am running, but not the bouncing of the flask, just the
: water inside them.
: I immediately thought about returning them since I already became a puristic
: runner, i.e., running only with minimal gears possible.
: Another shortcoming of this Nathan waist pack is already menti

发帖数: 12977
I tried, even when I was running for 10 miles, it is not fun; for 20 miles,
it is just flat not possible.
BTW, there are those bottles holders designed to clip on your wrist so
holding them will be much easier.

In addition, it will exercise your arms a little bit.

【在 E*********X 的大作中提到】
: Ever try just holding a bottle or two gatorades in your hand?
: I learn this from Tuoniao. I find it to be much better than using belts. In addition, it will exercise your arms a little bit.
: making
: the
: puristic
: on
: me

发帖数: 224
I did that for all my 20 milers. Sometimes I feel not like to take the 2nd
bottle for the first half and may hide it somewhere along the way. It may
feel tough to start with, but after a while you can get use to doing it.
What's more, by mile 10 you will only have 1 (or half) bottle of it.


【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: I tried, even when I was running for 10 miles, it is not fun; for 20 miles,
: it is just flat not possible.
: BTW, there are those bottles holders designed to clip on your wrist so
: holding them will be much easier.
: In addition, it will exercise your arms a little bit.

发帖数: 12977
maybe you are right. sometimes I really envy those in the club, every
Saturday or Sunday long run, there will be hydration provided along the
route just like in a formal race

【在 E*********X 的大作中提到】
: I did that for all my 20 milers. Sometimes I feel not like to take the 2nd
: bottle for the first half and may hide it somewhere along the way. It may
: feel tough to start with, but after a while you can get use to doing it.
: What's more, by mile 10 you will only have 1 (or half) bottle of it.
: ,

1 (共1页)
Anybody use Bottle Belt for running?85F跑了4miles,感觉可能会中暑
Can anybody recommend something to carry water请问hammer gel的问题
问一个比较小白的问题--关于水壶跑全马戴 fuel belt?
龙润的时候怎么解决喝水问题包子请教:running waist belt?
LSD 20迈, the day before CIM放弃背心,回归腰带
问一下大家喝水的装备。我每次跑完>5 miles都特困,难道我能量很低?
LSD 24迈谁能给推荐个fuel belt?
话题: nathan话题: waist话题: pack话题: speed话题: flasks