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RuralChina版 - Black magic
黑砖窑童奴的全套视频,必看啊!!现在博士真不值钱,习大王丹杨建利洛桑森格全是博士啊 (转载)
这究竟是怎么一回事 (续完)坚决挺胖黑
日本战后发展的好 原因3
德国揭露CIA是如何控制媒体的 (转载)在日韩国人也够惨的
Extra, Extra: Richest Man in China in Custody (转载)老酱现在弹冠相庆,大有冥煮指日可待之感啊
no, not his business Re: hairi真是大嘴婆啊拉斯莫森每日民调显示罗姆尼领先11个选情不定州
问了一个在美国长大的年轻人这个余胤良居然还顺手牵羊过 (转载)
话题: people话题: black话题: magic话题: debts话题: still
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 100
I will write some black magic. Why? just let people know why we
hate each other, and how to achive it. That is the reason we are
still slaves. And majority people already sense who is the grand master.
And how many people suffer for it.
发帖数: 100
I have two letters missed here, however, I think CIA get them.
The problem is very clear. By misunderstanding other people,
you have to figure out that you already misunderstand yourself
and lots of things. You sinned two much, it is other people are
paying your debts heavily, and you are still thinking about how
to cancel your debts free. Not only you are not very realistic, but
you are the problem now. Don't forget you are still playing game on me.

【在 a***u 的大作中提到】
: I will write some black magic. Why? just let people know why we
: hate each other, and how to achive it. That is the reason we are
: still slaves. And majority people already sense who is the grand master.
: And how many people suffer for it.

发帖数: 100
I have two letters missed here, however, I think CIA get them.
The problem is very clear. By misunderstanding other people,
you have to figure out that you already misunderstand yourself
and lots of things. You sinned two much, it is other people are
paying your debts heavily, and you are still thinking about how
to cancel your debts free. Not only you are not very realistic, but
you are the problem now. Don't forget you are still playing game on me.

【在 a***u 的大作中提到】
: I have two letters missed here, however, I think CIA get them.
: The problem is very clear. By misunderstanding other people,
: you have to figure out that you already misunderstand yourself
: and lots of things. You sinned two much, it is other people are
: paying your debts heavily, and you are still thinking about how
: to cancel your debts free. Not only you are not very realistic, but
: you are the problem now. Don't forget you are still playing game on me.

1 (共1页)
这个余胤良居然还顺手牵羊过 (转载)德国揭露CIA是如何控制媒体的 (转载)
现在博士真不值钱,习大王丹杨建利洛桑森格全是博士啊Extra, Extra: Richest Man in China in Custody (转载)
英语差生被吓尿了no, not his business Re: hairi真是大嘴婆啊
黑砖窑童奴的全套视频,必看啊!!现在博士真不值钱,习大王丹杨建利洛桑森格全是博士啊 (转载)
这究竟是怎么一回事 (续完)坚决挺胖黑
日本战后发展的好 原因3
话题: people话题: black话题: magic话题: debts话题: still