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Seattle版 - Amazon真操蛋!!!
我靠,听说Amazon员工上班还要自己掏Parking fee (转载)信用卡dispute经验求教〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉 (转载)
我靠,听说Amazon员工上班还要自己掏Parking fee (转载)有人在 alaska air 退过票吗 (转载)
弱问:从amazon上买东西到底要不要交税呀?Sprint 的CRIL plan 到期后会怎么样
有人想共享Amazon Prime吗?房税局的邻居说房价走稳, 有些pockets还微升了
所有Amazon order都要交税啦?Complain Bing CASH BACK
Re: 使馆教育组的人真TMD操蛋! (转载)请避开David Aronowitz牙医诊所
微软这个操蛋公司Anyone interested in buying an amazing BRAND NEW home theater system?
三哥的鸡巴口音很操蛋 (转载)gifted programs in public schools has been cut
话题: amazon话题: sellers话题: invalid话题: shipping话题: because
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 682
从appeal letter直接copy过来,真TMD的操蛋!
Amazon.com doesn't verify a buyer's address when processing an order.
When I was selling my iPhone 4, I received more than 10 orders with invalid
shipping addresses (either out of USA or PO Box and so on). Then I had to
cancel the orders. Now it is suspending my seller account, just because I
am under performance target (too much canceling rate).
Do this make any sense????
It seems Amazon doesn't care sellers so much, because you only verify billing address to make yourself no problem to charge, but you don't care sellers, because once a package is returned back due to invalid shipping addresses, the sellers have to pay the shipping fees out their pockets, not Amazon's or buyers'!!!
发帖数: 4358
I think all the sellers should united to sue amazon.

because I
billing address to make yourself no problem to charge, but you don't care
sellers, because once a package is returned back due to invalid shipping
addresses, the sellers have to pay the shipping fees out their pockets,
not Amazon's or buyers'!!!

【在 j****3 的大作中提到】
: 从appeal letter直接copy过来,真TMD的操蛋!
: Amazon.com doesn't verify a buyer's address when processing an order.
: When I was selling my iPhone 4, I received more than 10 orders with invalid
: shipping addresses (either out of USA or PO Box and so on). Then I had to
: cancel the orders. Now it is suspending my seller account, just because I
: am under performance target (too much canceling rate).
: Do this make any sense????
: It seems Amazon doesn't care sellers so much, because you only verify billing address to make yourself no problem to charge, but you don't care sellers, because once a package is returned back due to invalid shipping addresses, the sellers have to pay the shipping fees out their pockets, not Amazon's or buyers'!!!

发帖数: 9224
I guess it is not in Amazon's interest to try and help other sellers. Amazon
is a seller itself, so there is not much motivation anyway
发帖数: 72
It is said that Amazon earns more if the same item is sold by a 3rd party
than by itself. The reason is that there is almost no cost associated with
the items sold by the 3rd parties. It's free money to Amazon.
The best is just to talk to Amazon customer service.
发帖数: 4358
i have talked many times, they decline to say anything
and to do anything


【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: It is said that Amazon earns more if the same item is sold by a 3rd party
: than by itself. The reason is that there is almost no cost associated with
: the items sold by the 3rd parties. It's free money to Amazon.
: The best is just to talk to Amazon customer service.

发帖数: 301
short AMZN to death.
1 (共1页)
gifted programs in public schools has been cut所有Amazon order都要交税啦?
Eliminate State Patrol Auto Theft Task Force$3.6 milliRe: 使馆教育组的人真TMD操蛋! (转载)
你没有看错, WP7只支持16 位颜色 (转载)三哥的鸡巴口音很操蛋 (转载)
我靠,听说Amazon员工上班还要自己掏Parking fee (转载)信用卡dispute经验求教〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉 (转载)
我靠,听说Amazon员工上班还要自己掏Parking fee (转载)有人在 alaska air 退过票吗 (转载)
弱问:从amazon上买东西到底要不要交税呀?Sprint 的CRIL plan 到期后会怎么样
有人想共享Amazon Prime吗?房税局的邻居说房价走稳, 有些pockets还微升了
话题: amazon话题: sellers话题: invalid话题: shipping话题: because