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Statistics版 - 请教一个随机分布的问题
求助:Bayesian入门R 的plot里面怎么打出 theta1,希腊字母+数字?
根据劳工部的PERM统计数字, statistician的收入09年比08年有请教一个在R中处理bayes遇到的问题
[合集] 根据劳工部的PERM统计数字, statistician的收入09年比08年请问在matlab里面如何迅速的看到descriptive statistics.
Help on nomogram可以把算出的quantiles(比如Q1,median,Q3)用dataset保存吗?
a question on sample sizeproc lifereg
请教一统计问题quantile regression
can anyone help me or give me any hint on how to answer intUIUC stat 怎么样?
hypothesis testing 中的α,β, power functionMethod of computing quantiles/distributions of the sum of r.v.'s?
话题: particles话题: t0话题: nc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 209
照期望为0、方差为sigma的正态随机分布变化。 如果想用1000个新的变量(假设B)来
发帖数: 234
what do you mean by representing?
Does 10000 mean dimension or sample?
发帖数: 209
照布朗运动,假设这些布朗运动步幅都是期望为0、方差为sigma的(sigma和dt 成正比
)正态随机变量。在一个小时间段,dt, 每对任意A和Z微粒相碰撞的概率记为P1,当P1
现在想用 1000个新的微粒(假设B)来代表原来的10,000个A微粒,同理,在一个小时
间段,dt, 每对任意B和Z微粒相碰撞的概率记为P2,当P2>0.5时,B消失.
B如何量化才能使得 B和A消失的比例一样? B(loss)/B0 = A(loss)/A0.
[在 dongd333 (“受侮不辩,闻谤不答”) 的大作中提到:]

发帖数: 234
I'm still not very clear on the question.
Suppose A has start point d_a_t0, and Z has start point d_z_t0, where d_z_t0
> d_a_t0. If d_a_{t0+dt} > d_z_{t0+dt}, then you consider this as collision
? If that's the case, the you can look at d_z_{t0+dt}-d_a_{t0+dt}, which
follows N(d_z_t0-d_a_t0, 2*sigma^2). P(A,Z collide)=pnorm(0, d_z_t0-d_a_t0,
2*sigma^2). If I'm correct, your P1 is
1- prod_{i=1}^10000(1 - pnorm(0, |d_zi_t0-d_a_t0|, 2*sigma^2)).
I think you can take one of the following two approaches:
1. subsample 1000 point from A.
2. use 1000 empirical quantiles of A.
you can calculate which approach gives you better accuracy.
发帖数: 209
I am trying to describe the problem more in detail.
In a system (1-dimension for example), there are two types of particles, A
and B, with the number of particles as NA and NB.
A and B particles are independent and randomly distributed in a system.
During any short time interval, Δt, each particle moves a random distance (
Brownian motion), the distance has zero mean and variance of DA* Δt and DB*
if A and B particles are close to each other, they may disappear at the
ratio of 1:1. The probability that a pair of A and B particles to be
annihilated depends on their distance. Assuming the distance between any
pair (one A and one B) particle is s. The probability density function is
written as P=C1/sqrt(2π(D_A+D_B)Δt) exp[-s^2/(2(D_A+D_B)Δt)].Where C1 is
a constant.
If P>0.5, the pair of particles would be annihilated. Otherwise, they would
stay alive.
Now, I would like to using C particles (total NC) to represent the mass of
mA, e.g., NC=NA/m. At the same time, the movement of C particles resembles
the movements of (m) A particles. In other words, C particles move like a
cluster of A particles under Brownian motion.
Similar to A and B pair, when a pair of C and B particles are close, they
would be annihilated at the ratio of 1/m:1 during a short time interval Δt.
If the total annihilated C particles is noted as Cr, A particles is Ar.
The question is: how to quantify the movement of C particles, and how does
the probability function changes to achieve the goal that
Cr/NC = Ar/NA or Cr/NC ≈ Ar/NA at any time step?
Thank you very much,
发帖数: 234
1. do you know the initial position of each particle of A?
2. The probability formula you provided is not probability, but a density.
If you calculate probability, the probability for any given one pair to be
annihilated is always less than 0.5. The probability for an A particle to be
annihilated with any B particle is probably the right probability you want
to consider, in which case you should use the formula I wrote above.
3. I think my suggestion above should be valid, either use a random
subsample of A or empirical quantiles of A (if you know the initial position
of A particles). You should have Cr/NC ≈ Ar/NA.
Some R code for justification:
A <- runif(10000, -1000, 1000)
B <- runif(10000, -1000, 1000)
sigma.a <- 0.1
sigma.b <- 0.1
pAnnihilate <- function(a) {
1-exp(sum(pnorm(0, abs(a-B), sqrt(sigma.a^2+sigma.b^2), lower.tail=FALSE,
p.a <- sapply(A, pAnnihilate)
C <- sample(A, 1000, replace=TRUE)
p.c <- sapply(C, pAnnihilate)
C <- quantile(A, probs=seq(0,1,length.out=1000))
p.c <- sapply(C, pAnnihilate)
发帖数: 209
Thank you very much, I will search random subsample and empirical quantiles.
The locations of all particles are randomly distributed in the system.


【在 g******2 的大作中提到】
: 1. do you know the initial position of each particle of A?
: 2. The probability formula you provided is not probability, but a density.
: If you calculate probability, the probability for any given one pair to be
: annihilated is always less than 0.5. The probability for an A particle to be
: annihilated with any B particle is probably the right probability you want
: to consider, in which case you should use the formula I wrote above.
: 3. I think my suggestion above should be valid, either use a random
: subsample of A or empirical quantiles of A (if you know the initial position
: of A particles). You should have Cr/NC ≈ Ar/NA.
: Some R code for justification:

发帖数: 349
你的问题不是sampling问题,查”quantile", "empiric distribution" 没有用。请参


【在 d******3 的大作中提到】
: Thank you very much, I will search random subsample and empirical quantiles.
: The locations of all particles are randomly distributed in the system.
: be
: want
: position

1 (共1页)
Method of computing quantiles/distributions of the sum of r.v.'s?a question on sample size
求用R做bootstrap的example script请教一统计问题
QQ PLOT是什么意思?can anyone help me or give me any hint on how to answer int
问个智力题。好象是关于统计hypothesis testing 中的α,β, power function
求助:Bayesian入门R 的plot里面怎么打出 theta1,希腊字母+数字?
根据劳工部的PERM统计数字, statistician的收入09年比08年有请教一个在R中处理bayes遇到的问题
[合集] 根据劳工部的PERM统计数字, statistician的收入09年比08年请问在matlab里面如何迅速的看到descriptive statistics.
Help on nomogram可以把算出的quantiles(比如Q1,median,Q3)用dataset保存吗?
话题: particles话题: t0话题: nc